A/N:Hey guys... long time right? yeah yeah I know. I've had this written for ages it seems but I only just found it...I have some ideas written down for this story so don't give up on me. I'm just getting back into everything because I'm on holidays. Hey, if you're still reading let me know! I'll continue this either way. Sorry about the wait, I'll make sure to have more up soon. I promise.

Love you all

Abs x0x

Gibbs came down the stairs from MTAC, he heard Tony talking. As he came round to see who he was talking to, he saw only Tony.

"I'm not your personal alarm clock Tony." Kate said.

"Then why did you wake me up?"

"You were going to be late."

"I'm always late."

"I know, and now I know why, it's because you sleep like a brick and you can't hear your alarm, which, by the way, was blasting my ears off."

"I didn't know you could feel pain." Gibbs thought this comment was extremely odd.

"DiNozzo, who the hell are you talking to?" Tony, thinking quickly, ht the speaker button on his phone twice.

"Sorry Boss, girlfriend." Tony said it with confidence and he saw the very small smile Kate threw at him, but he soon regretted it.

"Talk to you girlfriend in your own time."

"Won't happen again Boss." Gibbs slapped him on the back of the head while Kate sat in her old desk and laughed. It was just like back when she was alive, except Gibbs could see her then. Tony sighed silently as Ziva walked in and went to sit at what was now her desk. Ziva sat down just as Tony was about to protest. She sat directly on top of Kate. Kat disappeared and Tony sat a little confused.

"You forget I'm not real again Tony?" He nodded ever so slightly.

"Tony, down to Abby, See what she's got for us." Tony nodded and briskly walked to the elevator.

"Tony, Kate!" Abby greeted as they walked into the room.

"Gibbs sent me to see what you got for us."

"I only got the stuff like 3 hours ago. Kate, can you make the machines go any faster?"

"Abs, I'm an angel, not a witch."

'That may be debatable.' Tony thought.

"I may be you guardian angel but I will hurt you Tony." Abby stood there confused as to what was going on.

"What happened?" She asked Kate.

"He called me a witch."

"Actually I just implied it."

"You should run Tony." Abby advised.

"Running won't help. I'll get you when you least expect it."

"Very horror-film Katie." Tony said. Kate just glared at him and disappeared. "So what do I tell the boss man Abs?"

"Tell him give me another 2 hours, go see if Duck has anything then hopefully Gibbs won't completely murder you and there will be some left over for Kate."

"Gee thanks Abs." Tony said turning to the door and rolling his eyes.

"Your welcome." Abby said cheerfully as she went back to work.

The case they were working was a double homicide. A woman and her daughter were murdered in there beds, no sign of the husband, a Navy lieutenant stationed at Quantico. He was, of course, the main suspect.

"Hey Duck, got anything for me?"

"Not much Anthony, these women were brutally murdered. COD was blunt force trauma to the head, maybe a hammer or the back of an axe. I sent some pictures up to Abby for weapons analysis. That's really all I can tell you, everything else you know."

"Thanks Duck."

"Abs won't have anything for another 2 hours, Ducky said COD was blunt force trauma." Tony reported in.

"Well unless you guys have any leads," Gibbs paused and looked around but came up empty, " I suppose you can go to lunch but be back in an hour." Tony quickly stood up and left.

He went down the street to the coffee shop. He ordered coffee and a sandwich and went to a secluded place in the park, a place he could talk properly with Kate.