Lois had just raised her arms around Clark's neck, deepening the kiss when the back door flew open with a crash! Both jumped looking at the door. What they saw made the stare speechless at the open portal. Lana Lang stood just inside the door dripping wet. Lois was the first to break the silence. "Lana? You're supposed to be dead!"

Lana was more surprised to see Lois in Clark's arms. She expected to find Clark pinning for her. She expected him to run to her, take her in his arms and say how much he loved and missed her. She did not expect to see another woman in his arms. Especially Lois! Clark watched her eyes travel down to his arms and land on Lois. He tightened his hold on Lois and saw jealousy in Lana's eyes. Some things never change. She didn't want me any more but I'm not supposed to move on and be happy?

"Yeah, no kidding." Lois whispered. Clark looked at Lois bewildered. You heard that? Thought Clark. Lois stared at him with wide eyes. She heard him clear as a bell but saw that his lips didn't move.

Yeah, I heard that. Can you hear me? Lois thought back.

Yeah. This is new. Clark smiled.

Can you hear everyone's thoughts? Cause you didn't list that among your abilities earlier. Her look was accusing.

No, I've never been able to do this before. I heard you in the shower earlier but thought it was a fluke.

That's why you came in asking if I called you. How much of that did you hear? You can't see what I'm thinking can you? She asked shocked.

Well, I saw us in the shower together and…

Lana cleared her throat loudly. She stared at Clark with one perfect eyebrow raised. "Maybe I shouldn't have come back." Her voice caught as tears sprang to her eyes. Lois rolled her eyes, Typical Lana, using tears to get Clark to do what ever she wants.

Lana turned toward the still open door. Clark sighed. He kept one arm around Lois, bringing her with him as he walked toward Lana. "Lana, wait." Lana smiled, but quickly hid it with more fake tears. She knew just how to play Clark. She turned towards him with hope in her eyes. When she saw Lois had come with him that hope died, replaced with anger.

"You can't go back out in that storm." Clark released Lois to walk behind Lana to close the door, locking it this time. "Lana, you're soaked." Lois watched with guarded eyes, fearing her heart would be ripped out at any minute. "Why don't you go upstairs and change? I'm sure something of mom's will fit."

"That's it?" Lana asked, slightly outraged. When he had let go of Lois, Lana thought he was coming to her, not the door. "You don't have any questions for me? You're not going to welcome me back?"

"I've got a ton of questions for you Lana; number one being how you're alive! But they can wait till you've changed." Lana turned toward the stairs, sending Lois a glare that was a combination of hate and smugness. As Lois watched Lana leave, Clark watched Lois. He saw all the emotions play across her face before the mask was back.

"Lois," Clark walked toward her with his arm out, but she turned and walked to the living room. "Clark, I think I'll head home?" Clark followed after her, hoping he had heard her wrong but knowing he didn't. He could hear her thoughts clearly. Stupid Lana, why did you have to come back, and now?

Lois went to the laundry room to retrieve her clothes. Oh that's right; they're still in a heap on the bathroom floor! She turned for the living room. Clark can at least dry my shoes with his heat vision. I'd ask him to dry my clothes too but that would mean having to face Lana upstairs. She's probably sprawled necked across his bed waiting for him. Oh stop it Lane! Just get out of here while you still have the strength to.

Lois looked around for her shoes, not finding them, and avoided Clark. "Lois, you're shoes are still upstairs." She stopped and looked at him puzzled. "They're in the same pile as your clothes. I was hopping you wouldn't need them this soon."

Right, he can hear my thoughts.

"Well, I can just pick them up later." Clark finally had to super speed in front of her to make her stop. He wrapped his arms around her, and just held her. Lois stood there frozen. "Clark, let me go."

"No, Lois. You're going to listen to me. I don't know what happen to Lana, where she's been, or why she came back. I don't really care, but I can't let her go out there in that storm. I couldn't do that to anyone. I don't want her here any more than you do." When he felt Lois relax he loosened his hold on her. He tilted her head back to look into her eyes. "Do you think I don't mean what I said earlier? Lana is my past Lois. You are my present and my future. Only you. I know this is new and we both feel insecure, but if we just keep talking to each other we can work through anything."

Lois wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. "Do you still want to go home?"


"Good. Cause I'd do with you and stay with you all night. And I don't want Lana in my house, let alone, alone in my house." Lois giggled. "Can I ask you to do something for me Lois?"

"Anything, Clark." She looked up at him expectantly.

"Next time you go on a tirade, don't put anyone across sprawled naked across my bed. Okay?" Lois remembered she thought about Lana doing that a few moments ago and laughed. She looked up at him seductively.

If you don't want to think of Lana being sprawled across your bed, you can always think of me. Clark's eyes took on a reddish tint. Lying across your bed, wearing only this flannel shirt…

Clark pulled Lois even closer to him. His mind taking her suggestions and spiraling out of control. He saw her lying there, the shirt unbuttoned showing just enough for teasing. She reached out to him. He lay on top of her, his shirt had been thrown on the floor. Just as he was pushing the shirt out of the way he heard Lois's thoughts.

The real thing is so much better. She captured his lips with her own in a searing kiss. Clark lifted her to him, craving more of her. His hands ran all over her body; their thoughts becoming one.





"I guess I'm interrupting." Lana stood at the bottom of the stairs. Her voice broke Lois and Clark out of there impassioned kiss.

Clark glanced at Lana, and then looked back at Lois. Let's get this over with. He set her on her feet and started to remove his arms from around her.

Yeah, but you might not want to release me just yet.

Why not?

Well, Clark Jr. is standing at attention. If you step away from me it might be embarrassing for you. Clark blushed.

"I am interrupting. I'll leave." Lana used the hurt little girl voice. The one that usually made Clark do anything she asked.

"No, Lana, please don't leave yet. Sit down." Lana took her eyes off Lois and Clark and walked toward the living room. She stood by the fire and waited for them to join her. Clark released Lois and walked behind her till he got to the couch, where he promptly placed a couch pillow in his lap. Lois giggled at his discomfort.

Shut up Lois. Or are you going to tell me you are not in a similar situation. Lois looked at him oddly.

Well, Clark, if you think I'm in the same state as you, then you need to go back to biology.

You know what I mean. He brushed her hair away from her shoulder. Are you really going to tell me those images didn't make you soaking wet and hot for me? Lois's mouth dropped open.

Wow, Smallville, I didn't know you could think like that. You're not as innocent as I thought.

"Ok you guys are really acting weird." Lana brought their attention back to her. She had fully expected Clark to come hug her when he reached the living room. The fact that he just sat on the couch by Lois really pissed her off. She took the only other seat available, the chair across from them. They seem to have forgotten she was even there…again. "You look like you are having a conversation but you are not even speaking." Clark and Lois just smiled, mostly at each other. He took Lois's hand and turned to Lana.

"What happened Lana? How are you alive?"

"It's a long story Clark. Um, don't you think you should take Lois home and we can talk about it in the morning?"

Why you little…

"Lois is home, Lana. She's staying here." Lois gripped Clark's hand tighter.

I like the sound of that.

Good. I hope you stay here forever.

"She's staying here?" Lana asked. "You mean you two are living together?"

"Well, no but…Lana, why are you wearing Lois's shirt?"

"What? It was hanging in your closet, I thought it was mine."

Clark, if you had one of my shirts, why did you give me your shirt to wear? Lois looked at Clark and smiled. Oh, does someone have a naughty sex dream about me in his flannel shirt? Clark squeezed Lois's hand and smiled.

I thought that was clear given our conversation earlier. But if you don't want to wear my shirt you can take it off and sit there without it. I won't mind. He winked at her.

"No, Lana," he looked back at her. "I don't have any of your stuff any more. I sent everything back to you."

"Oh," Lana sounded hurt. She retreated into her "hurt little girl" facade. "I'll go change."

"No Lana," Lois finally spoke to her. "It's ok, I don't mind." Lana finally looked at Lois, really looked at her. She had been so fixated on Clark when she walked in that she barely glanced at Lois. She now realized that Lois was wearing Clark's clothes.

"Lois, if you have clothes here, why are you wearing Clark's?" Lana asked, in a very jealous girlfriend tone.

Lois had no intention of answering that question. She still thinks of you as hers, Clark. Silence descended upon them. I hate uncomfortable silence, thought Lois. "So Lana, you were about to tell us what happened."

Lana finally realized Lois wasn't going to answer her question. "Well, as I said, it's a long story. I'll try to give you the short version." She told them about the fake pregnancy, the super soldiers, her faking her death, stealing money from Lex, and moving to China. By the time she was done, tears were streaming down her face.

"Lana that's terrible." Clark said sitting forward. "What do you plan to do now?"

"I thought I could stay here for a while. I need to re-establish my identity. I don't want anyone to know that I'm back yet."

"That you're back?" Lois questioned. "Lana, everyone thinks your dead. Don't you think your relatives would like to know your alive?"

"No offense Lois, but I don't need a family lecture from you." Lana snapped.

"Lana, she is only trying to help." Clark defended.

Lana took a deep breath. "You're right, Clark. Lois, I'm sorry I snapped. I've had a long day. Would you get me a cup of coffee?"

"Sure." Be careful Clark. She really wants you all to her self.

I know, Lois. I have no intention of being her lap dog anymore.

"Clark, you didn't say so earlier. Is it ok if I stay here? I know you said Lois was, but she has her own place to go to. I don't have anywhere to go." She looked at him with her heart in her eyes.

How did I ever fall for that? She seems so false.

I'm just glad you can see that for your self, Smallville.

"Lana, I don't mind if you stay here for a day or two." Lois came back to the living room and handed Lana her coffee. She sat back on the couch by Clark. "It's getting late. I think we are going to turn in." Clark took Lois's hand and stood up. "Lana, help your self to anything. You can sleep in my mom's room."

"Oh, well I'll head up now, so you can get some sleep on the couch." She sat her coffee down and stood up.

"Don't feel you have to go to bed if you don't want to. I'm sleeping in my room with Lois. I won't need the couch."

Lana's mouth dropped open. "Oh"

"Goodnight, Lana."

"Goodnight, Clark." Clark took Lois's hand and led her upstairs. Lana stood dumbfounded. She finally realized she had lost Clark for good. She walked to the door with the intentions of leaving. The storm outside was worse than ever. With a sigh she turned out the lights and headed up to Martha's room. At least she would be able to get a good night sleep tonight. Tomorrow she would leave Smallville and this time, she would never return.