Title: The Promise of a Faraway Day

Rating: M

Pairings: Kurogane/Fai, Doumeki/Watanuki, Syaoran/Sakura, Touya/Yukito

Warning/Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Tsubasa. If I did there would be alot more Kuro/Fai moments. Mpreg (don't like, don't read)

Author: Youkohieifan (LJ), Tsubasafan Thanks Mirika-san for betaing (spelling?) hugs

Title subject to change, anyone have any ideas for title name?

As the dust settled and the familiar feeling of Yuuko's magic faded for the last time Kurogane and Fai looked around them.

"It seems we've landed in a town square." The blonde said as people stared at them from behind stands and buildings.

"Yeah, but I don't really recognize this place, do you?" Kurogane mentioned, feeling the intensity of the glares.

"I feel like I've been here in this country before, but I don't remember this particular place at all, maybe we should ask someone to see exactly where we are." Without hesitation, Kurogane walked towards the nearest person, Yuki clutching his shoulder.

The shinobi saw a mass of dark hair shivering behind a cart, reaching down he pulled the guy up. Kurogane eyes widened slightly at the teen's clothes.

"You, tell us what this country is called." When he didn't receive an answer he shook the teen. "Can't you understand me kid, or what?"

"Y-yes sir...t-this country is Nihon." The teen was immediately dropped as the shock from his words set in. Fai had walked up to him grasping his lover's arm.

"Kuro-min, what is it, is something wrong?" Fai asked, a cute yet worried look of curiosity on his face. Kurogane turned to face him, his eyes slightly narrower.

"It seems that we're in Nihon, but I don't understand how."

"Yuuko-san did say that the price for us to come here was paid for...We need to find Tomoyo-chan; she'll haver answers."

Fai had done the talking next. It seemed that they had landed near the outskirts of the capital city in one of the many districts. It wasn't long before they were able to see the tops of Shirisaki castle.

"Mommy, hungry." Ryu murmured, having just woken up from her nap. She yawned and stretched her chubby arms in the air.

"Kuro-fum, Ryu-chan's getting hungry and I'm sure Yuki-chan is too, we've not eaten since we left Yuuko's." Kurogane was about to protest, about to say that it would only be a little longer until they reached the palace, but one look at his family and the protest that had threatened to spill died away.

"We passed a place a few shops back, we'll go there."

Entering the small restaurant garnered them odd stares. Fai was still dressed in his many coats, not to mention his pale hair and bright eyes, and the twins were still dressed in modern clothes that they had from one of the past worlds.

The shinobi glared menacingly at the other patrons as they sat down. The waitress who came trembled slightly and after some reassurances from the blonde was off to get their orders.

"Kuro-puu, what do you think Tomoyo will say, she must know that we're here already."

"Who knows, she'll probably be glad she gets to make more clothes for you three and I'm sure she knows we've arrived, I can just picture her laughing her ass off at making us have to find her." He adjusted Yuki beside him, making sure his son wasn't going to tip over.

"That's another thing I was wondering about, shouldn't you have recognized that we landed in the capital?"

"I've never been this far out into the city, we usually just go out in to the forests or stay at the palace fgrounds to train and I never really went to many festivals."

"So Kuro-tan was lost?" Before the ninja could yell, their food had arrived, Fai was thankful it wasn't any of that raw fish they had had before.

The sun was setting by the time they reached the gates, only to have their path blocked by two gaurds.

"What's your buisness here?" Kurogane glared at the guards.

"I'm Kurogane, Tsukiyomi's guard." The two men looked at eachother and then back to the group in front of them. The shorter guard's eyes widened to the size of saucers as the name clicked in his head.

"K-kurogane-sama, I...I didn't know it was you, we were told you were on a mission." The ninja recognized the floundering man, he had been one of the new recruits before Tomoyo had sent him away.

"I'm back now, so let us pass kid." Kurogane ordered, taking a step forward.

"Wait, who are they? Their definitely not any of the castle's shinobi." It was the taller guard and by the look his friend had given him he had practically asked Kurogane to kill him. The shorter still remembered the fear the senior ninja had invoked in him.

"The blonde's my wife and the kids are ours, now let us through, we've got important buisness." The shorter pushed his friend out of the way allowing the fuming ninja and his family through.

"S-sorry for the inconvenience, Kurogane-sama, all of you can go on."

"Hyuu, it looks like Kuro-woof is still top dog around the palace!"

The look Kurogane sent froze the two men in their places, too afraid to move an inch for fear of suffering from the man's wrath. Fai simply smiled at his lover, too happy that he had been referred to as the other man's wife.

"How many times do I have to tell you idiot, STOP calling me those damn names!"

"Kurogane, it took you long enough to get here, I hope you didn't have any trouble at the gates."

Tomoyo giggled as she sat at her throwing, the bright purple kimono she wore lay sprawled around her tiny frame. Her ninja felt a nerve burst in his temple, his fists clenched and his voice ready to yell.

"You probably told those guards to stall us!"

"Kurogane, don't yell at Tomoyo-hime!" Souma shouted at her friend yet again for his lack of manners.

"Tomoyo, Kuro-rin's too shy to say it, but we're happy to be back here, though I don't understand you would have had to pay a great price in order for all of us especially Kuro-wankoro, to come back."

"I didn't pay the price for your return...though I was willing ot pay it."

"Then who did?" Kurogane asked, ignoring the nicknames the mage had just called him.

"Amaterasu did, she said that you deserved to be happy and forbid me to pay the price." Kurogane looked at her skeptically.

"What did she give?"

"I gave the Witch my harp." The empress had walked though the doorway to make her way to her younger sister. Souma bowed deeply in front of the empress.

"Why would you do that?!" Kurogane yelled. Fai pulled on his sleeve to get the man's attention.

"A harp, was it enchanted or have strong powers?"

"No, it was one of the treasures of the royal family, passed down for countless ages, I played it at special ceremonies and gatherings."

"In other words it was priceless!" The ninja was angry at how careless his empress had been. He had always thought she was a little more reasonable than Tomoyo.

"It was well worth giving up to bring you back; you're family, and your lover and children are our family as well...would you not do the same for your own loved ones?" Amaterasu stared at the ninja before her, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Now would you like a room together or would the two of you like seperate rooms?" Tomoyo laughed seeing that Kurogane was blushing.

"Together." He mumbled, looking away from the princess.

"But, Kuro-min, the soon to be bride isn't suppose to have sex with the fiancee until the wedding night!" Kurogane cringed as he heard Fai talk about the dreaded 'M' word in front of the princess.

"Wedding?" Dark eyes glinted in calculation as the girl turned to her friends.

"Uh, I kinda asked the mage to uhm, m-marry me."

"When was this dear Kurogane?" The ninja gulped at her words, he knew he was screwed either way now.

"Before the last time we were here." He yelped as he was grabbed by the ear, Fai was holding the twins hands as they stood watching Tomoyo grab Kurogane by the ear as she smiled sweetly. It sent a chill up the blonde's spine.

"Well then, I'll just take it as you just forgetting to mention to me that you'd be getting married and that I would have the opprotunity to make your clothes."

"I think I'll share a room with Kuro-tan; I'll get lonely if I'm not cuddled up to my puppy." Fai smiled sheepishly his lover was released, shoving the man forward while he laughed nervously at the princess.

"That's fine Fai-san, but we must talk about your wedding later, there's so much to do."

They had finally gotten Yuki and Ryu settled into their room. Fai plopped down onto Kurogane's old bed, lying on his stomach his legs crossed in the air as he looked around the room. Kurogane stood watching the blonde smiling up at the ceiling, doing nothing in particular.

"Kuro-min's room is bland, there's nothing in it but a bed and a dresser. You need some more furniture." The ninja chuckled and made his way to lay down beside his lover, even though Fai had begun to roll around on the large futon.

"Do whatever you want, it's our room now." Kurogane smiled at him. Fai rolled on top of Kurogane.

"I can think of a few things I'd like to do now, Kuro-san." The shinobi smiled wryly at him before he pushed the mage off him and walked towards the door, going outside. He came back a few seconds later closing the door and returning to Fai's side.

"Had to check if Tomoyo was outside hiding. She's just as bad as the Witch."

"Daddy's embarassed. Does he not want to play with Mommy?" Kurogane pinned Fai to the futon kissing him. He broke the kiss, leaving a blushing mage.

"I wouldn't say play exactly, but I can think of a few things I want to do to you."

Kurogane swooped down for another kiss. His hands tugging at Kurogane's clothes, Fai could feel the ninja's bare skin. They seperated as Fai pulled the ninja's arms free of the clothing.

The mage's own shirt was next to go followed by the rest of their clothes. Kurogane moaned as his clothes were slowly pulled off him.

Fai pulled the ninja's bare chest back down on top of him, reveling in the sensation of bare skin against bare skin. Fai's wet kisses were placed behind his ear, and along the tan neck. There was no ignoring the prominent heat that pressed against Fai's thigh.

Kurogane felt teeth on his ear and neck as Fai coated him with love bites that everyone would be sure to see tomorrow.Teeth and lips scraping and burning their way quickly over shivering, milky skin as the ninja kissed his lover.

Kurogane stopped his movements, moving his fingers to Fai's mouth. After being throughly coated the ninja traced his way down Fai's body, as their harsh pants and desperate moans filled the air.

A rough hand brought a slim leg, over the ninja's shoulder while fingers probed and prodded Fai's body. Blue eye's looked up into red, as Kurogane entered the willing body. Fai dug his nails into the bed and he tried to relax. Another searing kiss, along with the mage's gently rocking hips, and the ninja began moving.

A few thrusts and they found their rythme. One thin hand moving to hold onto a broad shoulder as the other hand clenched tightly on the sheet's.

"Oooh...Daddy..." Nails dug into his shoulder, he could feel a few drops of blood escape.

Kurogane picked up his pace, his hips jerking almost violently into the flushed body beneath him. He moved his hand in between their bodies, grasping tightly to Fai's straining member, pumping the heated flesh in time with his near frantic thrusts. Their voices echoed against the walls of the near bare room.

"Kuro...Kuro...Kuro..." Fai chanted his love's name as his climax was ready to hit, but it was when Kurogane hit that spot inside him that his body shuddered and he released on the other's hand and their stomachs. Kurogane choked on air as he felt Fai clench around him, thrusting a few more times he came inside Fai.

Both panted frantically as their lungs burned in the afterglow. Fai was collected into strong arms as Kurogane pulled out from the body beside him. They kissed breathlessly, sharing kisses that were no longer enflamed with lust and need.

Fai looked at Kurogane, a smirk playing out on his lips as the other's eyes bore into blue orbs.

"Kuro-tan, I didn't think we would break in our new bed so soon."

"The castle has dozens upon dozens of beds, I think I can make it up to you if it bothers you that much." Kurogane growled.

"It doesn't bother me, but I think we'll have to look into these beds, you don't think Tomoyo-chan would mind do you?"

"Don't talk about her when where talking about sex again, ever." Fai laughed as he snuggled into Kurogane's arms, the ninja pulling a blanket over them, blocking out the cold air from the night from their heated bodies.