Chapter 8

"I'm going to puke." Kiera said soberly, dressed in a beautiful white wedding dress. Temari and Kanea ran to her side and said encouraging words to her, rubbing her back. Today was the big day and so far Kiera had passed out twice, almost set herself on fire making tea, and nearly broke her neck slipping on the soap in the shower. Kanea and Temari had ordered her to sit down and not move until the wedding started for fear of further accidents.

"I'm going to vomit." Gaara said with a pale face. Kankuro and Youta rushed to his side and made him sit down. He was dressed in traditional Suna robes of black and red. This morning Gaara had fell down his stairs, but thankfully was saved a broken neck from his sand. He also nearly choked to death on his breakfast and hit his head on a mantle when he sneezed too hard, almost knocking him out. Kankuro and Youta made him stay put after all that until the ceremony started.

Three hundred Suna and Konoha people were sitting or standing by a large wooden platform where the ceremony was going to be held. Gaara and Kiera took turns looking nervously out to the crowd on opposite ends of the crowd. It was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding after all.

The music started and Gaara's face paled to a new level as he slowly stepped forward to take his place at the front of the proceeding. Kankuro and Youta stood next to him and had to keep reminding to breathe.

Kanea started walking down the isle, eyes locked on an uncomfortable Kankuro. She looked stunning in a long scarlet dress that accented her curves. She had her long blue hair pinned up in an intricate style, and had a touch of make-up on her flawless face. She took her place and gave Kankuro a wink.

Temari was next; she was wearing the same red dress as Kanea but had her hair in their usual buns. She passed her husband, holding their son and gave him a smirk, she knew he thought she looked good by the grin on his face. She took her place next to Kanea.

The entire crowd stood as Kiera started walking down the isle. She focused on Gaara and kept walking, not thinking about the ton of people looking at her. She had fought hundreds of battle hardened killers, but she had never been as scared as she was now. The walk to the alter was a blur, but Gaara's look of awe made it possible to stop in front of him, and let him raise her veil.

"Dearly beloved…" They kept breathing.

"Kiera of Cloud do you take…" She managed to say "I do".

"Gaara of the Sand do you take…" He managed to say "I do".

"You may kiss the bride." She felt his lips gently caress her own, she was soon lost in the moment, and the cheering of the crowd was the only thing that brought them back. They smiled, it was over.

"Gaara-sama! Mist and Sound are attacking!" A guard shinobi screamed from one of the towers. Gaara turned to his wife, who turned to him. With a big sigh, Kiera lifted up her massive dress and headed to the gates with her husband at her side.

"Let me take care of them dear? They are crashing my wedding after all." She said with a deadly calm and a small smirk. Gaara returned a smirk and let his wife walk ahead towards a wall of invading shinobi. The skies turned black and lightning filled the sky.

Three years later…

"Oh Kankuro! Its my 18th birthday, and you promised that you would give me my first birthday kiss!" Kanea turned the corner to find that Kankuro had escaped again. She sighed and then smiled evilly. She opened the closed door quickly to find a cowering Kankuro. She smiled and closed the door behind her.

"No, Kanea, no… wait… help!" screams came from the closet as Gaara and Kiera walked by, cocking their heads to the side. Kiera laughed and gave her husband a knowing look.

"She found him." She giggled and Gaara shook his head and headed to the other room. Kiera followed him, picking up a red haired, blue eyed baby boy toddler on the way.

"Aunt Kanea finally cornered Uncle Kankuro. What do you think Sora?" The baby giggled as she tickled his tummy.

Kiera was finally happy, loved, and best of all free.

"What a stranger he is who is surprised by anything which happens in life."- Marcus Aurelius.

A/N: Finished! This was much more light and fluffy then my original idea, but I don't get all dark and depressed, and I like happy endings so there. Thank you for reading! I will be writing another story VERY soon, so please stay tuned!