In the city of Tokyo, Japan, things seemed normal. Day after day went by with no oddities, at least, to the average human that is what it would seem. One human, who use to think this way, was currently curled up in a ball, pain searing through his muscular body.

This boy's name was Kuwabara Kazuma; or to us Westerners, Kazuma Kuwabara. He knew for a while how odd this world was, seeing as he knew of three different worlds. He had experienced things that would make any human wish for death, and lived through it.

'Looks like I'll finally meet my end tonight... Damn it, this hurts!' Kuwabara, as he preferred to be called, thought, and more pain shot down his spine. He had no clue what was happening to him, and was just wishing it would end, or he just die so he didn't have to feel it anymore.

If he was looking in a mirror, he would have seen the changes overcoming him. His human ears were migrating to the top of his head, where they were becoming triangular and pointed, fur starting to sprout quickly. Not much could be seen on his lower body, but if you looked closely, blood could be seen leaking down the side of his leg, and a furry tail twitching slightly with the pain, ever growing longer. His eyes, if they were open, would have shown his pupils becoming mere slits, and his eye color changing to that of a feline yellow. His two teeth had been pushed out, blood also leaking out of his mouth due to that, and razor-sharp fangs were growing in their place. His tongue was becoming bristled, and his nails had fallen out, and in their place claws grew, that could retract into his skin at will.

If you were to look slowly at his skin, you would see that a fine layer of orange fur – matching his tail, hair, and ear – was growing.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, but was merely minutes, the pain subsided, and hesitantly, he uncurled himself from his fetal position. Blinking, he noticed that the room seemed light, even though he knew for a fact that it was dark.

'Did someone turn on the lights?' He thought, and licked his lips, tasting blood. He noticed his fangs, which his tongue had brushed against, and the texture of his tongue had changed. Panicking, and rushing to the bathroom, he practically flung himself in front of the mirror, and gasped. He looked... like a cat.

'Am I a demon... no, sis would have mentioned something over the 17 years I lived with her. And... What is this feeling?' In his heart, he was feeling so many emotions, and he knew most of them weren't his. He felt shame, happiness, and sadness, anger, lust, betrayal, and giddy. He could tell they weren't his though, for what he would have been feeling now was shock, and he felt that too.

'What's wrong with me?' He thought to himself, and quickly packing some belongings in a large backpack used for hiking, fled his house, not knowing that someone was currently watching him from afar.

---line goes here---

In the United States, a man who's name was Charles Xavier was currently tracking the progress of a new mutant, who was currently in Japan. He was moving quickly, and when getting closer to him, felt fear and panic coursing off of him.

'Jean,' He said, telepathically.

'Yes professor?' The woman, known as Jean, responded.

'Get the jet ready, we have a new mutant; be ready to leave at any time.'

'Alright professor, we'll be on stand-by.'

Charles went back to observing the young mutant, and was surprised to find him over the ocean, heading to California.

From there, after a few hours, the mutant landed, and able to quickly scan his mind for a name, found out that he was Kazuma. He couldn't get much else, due to the panic; though he was getting a lot of feelings that didn't seem to be the young boy's. He sent the signal to go, after the mutant had stopped somewhere in the central area of California.

---line goes here---

Kuwabara, knowing he couldn't stay where he could be tracked, snuck aboard a large plane, hiding away in the cargo hold. When they landed, he quickly knocked out the person who came to take the luggage, and made a quick escape, hoping that he wasn't spotted. Luckily, he wasn't. From there, in the pouring rain, he ran as fast and as long as he could, a hat covering his ears and his tail wrapped tightly around his waist.

He knew this flimsy disguise was poor, but it was all he could do at the moment. He couldn't disguise his catlike eyes, or the thin layer of fur, which was currently soaked. Finally collapsing in an alley, he curled up in a ball, and tried to stay warm and dry, though he was failing at both. Emotions swarmed him, making him want to clutch his chest and scream. He didn't want to feel these... He didn't want to feel anything anymore.

---line goes here---

Jean, who was a redheaded woman with telepathic and kinetic abilities, was the first person to spot the young Kazuma. Following the professors orders, she only brought two other people with her, Ororo and Logan.

Ororo was a white-haired dark-skinned woman, who had great control over the weather. Logan was a dark haired Canadian, Who had all his bones lined with an indestructible alloy, and three claws on each hand that retracted into his skin. He also had the ability to heal rapidly.

Logan had been brought with them, since he was the only one among the team that knew enough Japanese to communicate. Ororo had volunteered to come, and Jean had come also since she could track the boy's whereabouts.

They came closer to Kazuma, and the boy's eyes shot open, and that's when they noticed the slight differences in him and a normal human. Where people had round pupils, he had slit ones, and the coloring of his iris was a greenish-yellow, and when they stepped a little bit closer, he gave off a hiss, clearly showing his fangs, which were still dripping blood slowly out of the gum.

"Go away! I didn't no nothing! Just leave me alone, and I'll leave, just don't hurt me!" Kazuma shouted rapidly in Japanese, curling up more and watching the three people warily.

"Kid, we no harm, want to help. Come, we help." Logan said, trying his hardest to remember the language he never bothered to practice. He didn't deal a lot with the Japanese, so his language usage was being put to the test.

"You... promise?" Kazuma asked, and Logan nodded, saying "Yes, promise."

---line goes here---

Kuwabara was curled up in a ball on a plane that didn't look like any he had seen before, but wasn't all that surprised about seeing it. He had seen one of his allies and friends sprout wings from a plant and his other friend come back from the dead. Twice.

He was currently trapped in a dream, which was slowly becoming a nightmare.

Kuwabara caught up with his friends, who were heading to Genkai's temple, and greeted them. They started to greet him, when they caught sight of him.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Yusuke asked, and Kuwabara looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Kuwabara reached up and felt his face, seeing if he had anything on it, since they were staring at him strangely, even Hiei. That was when he realized that his face was covered in a fine layer of orange fur.

"No! No! What's wrong with me?!"

"I always knew something was wrong with you. Now I'm positive you're a freak," Hiei spat, and disappeared, along with an agreement from Yusuke, who vanished shortly after.

"Kurama, what's wrong with me?!"

"Don't talk to me; I don't talk to things like you." Kurama said, backing up and looking at him as though he were something rather unpleasant.

"What am I?! What am I?!"

"I don't know, but I do know that you are a freak."

"Please... don't hate me. Don't hate me..."

---line goes here---

Logan was keeping an eye on the boy, who looked like he was having a nightmare. He was muttering something in his sleep, that sounded, to him, 'please no hate me, no hate me'.

The plane arrived at the school, and the basketball court opened up to let the plane land. Kazuma took this time to wake up, and Logan could smell the fear coming off of him.

"Logan, take Kazuma to see Hank, get him checked out," Jean said, "I'm going to go see the professor and find a place for Kazuma to stay."

Logan nodded, and grabbing the kid's arm, motioned for him to stand, and he did. He then lead him off of the plane, and to Hank's office, where he called for the doctor.

"Hello Logan, is this the boy?"

"Yes, but he doesn't speak English. Do you need me to stay?"

"Most likely. Just tell him to sit on the table, and that I'm giving him a check-up."

"Kid, sit," Logan said while pointing at the metal table, "Hank-san doctor. Examine you."

"O-okay..." Kazuma stuttered, and seated himself on the rather cold stainless steel table, waiting for Hank to start the check-up.

---line goes here---

"Hello professor," Jean said, entering his office along with Ororo.

"Hello Jean, how is Kazuma?"

"Extremely scared. That was the only emotion I picked up strongly off of him. There were so many in there though..."

"Yes, I am lead to believe that he may be an Empath, and that's why he is like that. It is probably causing even more fear, especially if he doesn't know what is going on.

"Where should he stay?"

"For now, let him have his own room. The second floor has an open room in the East Wing, where most of the boy's are staying. Room 10, I believe."

"Alright professor, I will go get it ready for him."

"Thank you."

---line goes here---

Kuwabara was starting to calm down, now that there weren't as many people around him. Most of the emotions he was feeling now were mostly that of tiredness, since it was 3 in the morning here.

The exam had gone smoothly, they didn't seem upset, frightened, or shocked to see his ears and tail, which made him feel a bit better. Hank-san, as the man had called him, had startled Kuwabara at first, since he was furry and blue. But the aftershock went away, and the man then told him to follow.

So he did. And the man lead him up a couple flight of stairs, so they were on the second story, and down a couple of halls where they stopped in front of a door that had a silver '10' on the white wood.

He was then told that this was where he would be staying. The man left, so Kuwabara walked into the room, and saw the clean blue sheets, pillows, maple-stained dresser and desk, and a door to a small closet.

He didn't have anything to change into, so he curled up on the bed, since he felt rather hot, and drifted to sleep, hoping that his dream wouldn't happen.

---line goes here---

Okay, this is chapter 1 of my story. I hope everyone enjoyed this, for it has been a long time since I worked on this. I think a year and a half.


Read on!
