Hi people this is my first bleach fan fiction(and only fan fic I've posted.) so if there's anything wrong, or if you guys have any advice for me please send it to me in a review or private message. Thanx for reading it, please enjoy it!

Chapter 1: Sayoko Fujikaze

"Good Morning, Toshrio!" Matsumoto's loud voice sang to the short white haired captain of the 10th division. "What?" he asked. "Happy birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me" She sang. "It's your Birthday?" he asked, scratching his head. "No, but I'm taking the day off anyway!" Matsumoto said as she walked towards the door, he ran in front of her blocking the door. "NO YOU'RE NOT!!!" He yelled at his lieutenant, so loud that all of Seireitei heard him, no scratch that, all of Soul Society heard him.

(Somewhere else)

Me must be mad at her for wanting to join us." Hisagi said. "Hey, Hisagi, pass the Sake." Kira asked.

(Back to 10th division office)

"YOU! ARE! NOT! GOING! TO! LEAVE!" Toshiro yelled making each word of his sentence into individual sentences. "But Taichou! Please Hisagi and Kira are going to be with me to make sure I don't get to drunk!" She pleaded. "NO." He said, then they heard a girls voice from behind the door.

"Hitsugaya- Taichou, this is Sayoko Fujikaze, forth seat of 6th squad." She said.

"Ok." He opened the door and saw a girl with long bleach blonde hair and blue braids, bowing on the ground in front of him. She had her Zanpaktou's Sheath across her back, but her Zanpaktou wasn't in it. "Kuchiki-Taichou would like your presence in his office." She said politely.

"Alright. Oh, Fujikaze, could you make sure Matsumoto-kun doesn't leave my office while I'm gone. You may use any force necessary." Toushiro asked.

"Hai, Hitsugaya-Taichou!" Sayoko said in a polite voice. Toushiro left and Sayoko walked into the office. It was big, but not to big, it had a desk, a couch, a couple of bookshelves, and door. She assumed that the door lead to his bedroom.

" Hi! I'm Matsumoto Rangiku 10th squad's lieutenant. You seem like the kind of person who follows orders, am I right?" Matsumoto asked.

"No, not really." Sayoko answered.

"Then why are you following Toushiro-kun's orders?" Matsumoto asked curiously.

" Because he…" She was cut off by Matsumoto.

" He's a captain?."

" No, 'cause I wanna be on his squad, not 'Mr. Oh look at me I'm Byakuya Kuchiki, oh the Noble Kuchiki's and I want everything perfect' Blah, Blah, Blah." Sayoko mocked in a almost perfect French accent. Matsumoto's face got serious all of a sudden, and bowed down.

"Captain Kuchiki!" Matsumoto said, and Sayoko's face turned bright red, she turned around, and threw her self on the ground. "Please, Please, Please Forgive me Kuchiki-Taichou, Matsumoto put me up to it." Sayoko apologized. Matsumoto started cracking up at Sayoko. Sayoko stood, her face was bright red.

"GRRR! I HATE YOU!!!" Sayoko growled, just as Toushiro walked into the office. He apparently didn't here Sayoko screaming at his lieutenant.

"Sayoko-Chan, you may leave now." He told the blonde shinigami, who just looked up at him(A/N: Technically down, but I think you get the meaning) " Huh? Oh, right, chow! Hitsugaya-Taichou, Matsumoto-fukutaichou" She said, waving her hand as she left the office.

Later that day

"Hey Renji!!" Sayoko yelled.

"Hey Sayoko!" Renji yelled back to his petite comrade. "Oh, Sayoko, could you come with me to Rukongai?" He asked the 4th seat of his squad.

"Yeah, why is something wrong?" She asked concernedly.

"Yeah, someone on our squad told Kuchiki-Taichou that there was a strange reitsu there, so he told me to take you and Hitsugaya-Taichou. You because, of you're keen ability of being able to identify things, and your ability to pick out tiny details, and Hitsugaya-Taichou, because of his intellect." Renji explained to his friend.

"Ok! Just let me get my…" she was cut off by Toushiro.

"Your Zanpaktou?" he asked, Sayoko looked confused.

"Yeah, how did you… Know?" She asked in a confused voice.

"It's not that hard to see your empty sheath." He explained Matter-of-factly.

"Oh, right." She replied, blushing a little, but He didn't notice, she was glad, but Renji on the other hand saw. ' Since when does Sayoko act like this? She's always screaming at people, especially Me and Byakuya-kun. Maybe she… Nah, that's impossible he's not her type… right?' Renji thought

Theres chapter one! Hope you liked it! Please Review! I want constructive criticism, so please keep mean comments to your self! Thank you!