
A/N – Just so you know I'm a women with a lot of time on my hands and this story has been bugging me constantly so I had to write it, now that I have I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders and can relax.

Disclaimer – I don't own CSI or any of the characters or any profit from this story. The only profit I get is from you my readers.

Summary – Nick and Sara are in a relationship and when they are at a scene they find a three week old little girl hidden in a closet, Sara finds her and falls in love with her, Sara and Nick fight Social Services and one of little Rebecca's living Aunts for full custody trails and tribulations ensue and will Sara and Nick finally be allowed to keep little Rebecca.


Sitting in the break room waiting for one Gil Grissom to arrive, he was late which had become quite the fashion nowadays although it seemed to have gotten worse since Sara and Nick's relationship came to light, especially when the team walked in to find Sara and Nick locked in tongue tennis match, with both winning a few nights ago.

"So how long have you too been dating?" enquired Catherine the Queen of Gossip

"That's for us to know and you to investigate" replied Sara "do you think Griss has got lost?"

"Lost? He's been lost ever since I've known him" Jim remarked grinning when everyone jumped out of their skin

"Damn it Jim, don't do that you could give me a heart attack" Catherine said clutching her chest

"What a pretty young thing like you" Jim said "come off it"

"Jim how much did she pay you to say that?" Greg asked

"Greg do you like living on the edge?" Sara asked

"No why?" Greg replied

"You are so lucky we don't have cliffs in Vegas" Catherine shouted grabbing Greg and putting his head under the tap to drown him "feel the pain"

"Cath that's the cold water" Jim remarked "you will only give the boy a refreshing wake up call"

"Ahh damn it" Catherine groaned "where the hell is Gil?"

"I'm here" Gil said from the doorway giving Catherine an enquiring look "why is Greg wet? Why are you clutching your chest?

"That is the second time someone has scared me today" Catherine remarked "Greg is wet because he deserved it and the do say getting shocked comes in threes"

"Anyway assignments" interrupted Grissom "Catherine, Sara, Nick a DB in Henderson. Warrick, Greg Decomp in Lake Mead"

"Justice" Catherine whispered standing up to stretch her legs

"What are you going to do Griss?" Greg asked

"Paperwork" Grissom replied

"Yes god only knows you have plenty of it" Ecklie said appearing out of nowhere

Suddenly there was a crash and all anyone could see was Catherine's legs in the air and groaning, Sara the only one not laughing or in complete shock helped Catherine off the floor and back into her seat.

"Thanks Sara" Catherine said "your the only one that helped"

"Sorry Cath but seeing you flat on your back is a bit of a t..." Greg attempted to say before Ecklie interrupted

"Don't you all have work to do?" asked Ecklie

"Yes sir" Greg replied saluting Ecklie and walking out if the break room

"Did he just salute Ecklie?" Catherine asked Sara

"Yes, definitely has a death wish" Sara replied also walking out of the break room


Everyone left and went to do their assignments, at Catherine's scene as she was lead CSI Nick was on perimeter; Catherine was processing upstairs and Sara downstairs.

"Hey I have blood and lots of it" Sara said

"I have a birth certificate for a Rebecca Emma Goodall" Catherine shouted "Rebecca is three weeks old and not in the nursery"

"Could the suspect have taken Rebecca?" Nick asked from the front door

"I hope not Nick" Catherine replied "I'm finished upstairs I'm on my way down"

"Sssh I can hear crying" Sara said "Yep I definitely hear crying"

Sara walked over to the closet to find baby Rebecca wrapped in a pink blanket and looking for her pacifier which Sara put back into her mouth to sooth the crying baby.

"Aww there, there Becky baby" Sara said softly to sooth Rebecca "guys I found Becky"

"Becky?" Catherine asked "Sara take Rebecca outside and wait by the car"

Sara carried Rebecca out to Catherine's Denali and waited patiently for Catherine and Nick to come with their evidence and kits to stow in the trunk, Catherine went back inside to get Rebecca's stroller and baby car seat and head to the lab to process Rebecca's clothing where they all agreed for the time being was the better place for Rebecca.


While travelling back to the lab Sara sat in the back holding onto one of Rebecca's tiny hand and kisses it, Rebecca seemed to be happier now she was out the house and couldn't stop looking at Sara. Rebecca's beautiful blue eyes and little blond curls melted away at Sara's heart.

"Hi Becky, I'm Sara" Sara said "don't be frightened I'm going to take care of you"

Catherine looked over her shoulder to find Sara again holding one of Rebecca's hands and using her other to stroke Rebecca's face, Catherine smiled and loved what she had just saw, never in her life would she have believed that Sara Sidle tuff as old boots would show affection to someone so tiny and helpless. Catherine continued to smile all the way to the lab and was even smiling when Ecklie was shouting at her the lab techs were starting to think that Catherine Willows had gone crazy, it was nothing of the sort little did they know they presumption may eventually come true.



Hope you enjoyed the first chapter more to come soon, please review and have a nice day!