POTC: Music Lessons

Cindy opened the door and froze. I guess she wasn't expecting to see the characters from PotC in my room because her jaw dropped and her eyes bugged out. Cara looked over her shoulder and the exact same expression came over her face too. I couldn't help but crack up at the "total shock" look on their faces; it was just too funny. I heard Cara murmuring "O…m…g…"

It was around this time that the pirates seemed to be getting uncomfortable with the two girls gawking at them, so I broke the awkward moment. "So guys, what do you think?" I addressed my companions. My sister didn't respond, most likely because she was in total shock mode, but Cara asked (in a dazed voice), "Is this for real?"

I glanced over at the pirates. "Well, -" I began, but Becket cut me off, indignant.

"Of course we are real, stupid girl!"

Cara strode across the room and bitch-slapped him hard across the face. He yelled, and she immediately cheered up.

"Yep, they're real alright!" A/N: yes, my pirate loving friends are also fierce Beckett-haters :)

I pushed past Cindy, who still had her mouth hanging open, and walked up next to Cara in an attempt to prevent them from further violence. Beckett backed off, I suppose from not wanting to deal with 2 of us at the same time. Norrington must have decided to try and keep the peace because he said, "Would you ladies care to introduce yourselves?" in a tone. I smiled and thanked God for the much needed assistance.

"Yeah. My name's Emily-"

"I'm Cara-"

"And the one over there with her mouth hanging open is my sister Cindy."

The pirates introduced themselves, even though it wasn't really necessary considering we've all watched the movies over a hundred times each. But we didn't interrupt them. With everything else going topsy-turvy, they don't need to be weirded out even more by the fact that we already know their names. After all the intro's were over, Jack ventured the unavoidable question that Cara and I didn't want to answer, let alone know:

"Um, so how do we get home?"

I pondered how best to put it, but Cara beat me to it by stating that since we don't know how they got here, we don't know how to send them back. Elizabeth broke in with "Wait, where are we, exactly?"

Cara and I gave each other 'should we tell them?' looks, then I shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Welcome to the year 2008 everybody." Of course they all flipped out. Who wouldn't? I mean, come on; they're from the early 1700s.


"You mean we're in the future?!"

"That's impossible!"

I corrected Norrington's last statement, "Well, apparently it's not, since here you are." The room went silent as the pirates contemplated this piece of information. Davy Jones posed a question that I had also been thinking (I guess Welsh minds think alike. Yeah, I'm part Welsh. So what?).

"So, what are we going to do now-ah?"

Cara, the quicker thinker of the 2 of us, came up with an answer. "You guys could stay with us until we figure out a way to get you home." They seemed to agree with that.

At this point, Cindy was still standing in the doorway in the same position she was when she opened the door. I took it upon myself to see if she was brain-dead or not. I walked over to her and waved a hand in front of her face. "Helloo? Anybody home? Earth to Cindy…Say something." She let out a squeak. I rolled my eyes. "Intelligent, if you please." She started whispering something so quietly I had to lean in to hear her. It sounded vaguely like, "O…m…g…" I made eye contact with Cara and mouthed the words: fangirl intervention. She must have gotten my meaning because she walked swiftly to Cindy's left side while I stayed on her right, and made ready to restrain her. She soon gained enough brainpower to speak and gave a fangirl squeal.


She lunged at the object of her fangirlism (aka Will Turner) but was denied of any further movement towards him because Cara and I had grabbed her arms and were roughly hauling her out the door. She continued screaming Will's name and "I love you!" and something like, "Ditch Lizzie and come to your true love!"

We dragged her into the room across the hall, which happened to be her bedroom, threw her in, and shut the door. Cara and I raced back to my room and locked ourselves (and the pirates) in. Just in time, too, because not even 3 seconds later we heard a big 'thud!' from the other side of the door and Cindy yelling, "No fair! You pirate hogs! Will!" Cara grinned at me, and she said, "Fangirl: handicapped and locked out," in a military-like tone.

sorry for such a long wait. i've been neglecting my story because i was in Europe for a month and had very limited access to Fanfiction, and before that was the spring musical for my school and exams and Hell itself. so i hope you like it, and, as always, R&R! thanks!