Forever in our hearts

A/N – I dedicate this story to one Sara Matthews aka Sara Armstrong, we have only known each other for a matter of months but recently I have become Sara's mom. Not that I mind it makes me feel happy when she calls me mommy, anyway I hope you enjoy and this ones for you Princess.


Standing at my kitchen counter early in the morning I can't help but smile when my daughter's Lindsay and Hannah stroll into the kitchen as if they owned it.

"So mom what's for breakfast?" Lindsay asked "and where is Dad?

"Your dad is working on a case with lots of bugs and can't possibly tear himself away" Catherine replied "and for breakfast you know where the fridge is"

"Aww mom please?" Lindsay pleaded batting her eyelids

"Mom can we have pancakes?" Hannah asked "normally dad would do it, but he's still on a case"

"I can make pancakes" Catherine replied "sort of"

"Actually I'll just have cereal" Lindsay remarked opening the cupboard door "you want cereal too Hannah?"

"What's wrong with my pancakes?" Catherine asked hurt at her daughters insult

"What's right with them" Lindsay replied after swallowing some cereal "they come out all runny or stick to the pan"

"I'll try one mom" Hannah said glaring at Lindsay "can't be that bad?"

Hannah went and sat down beside Lindsay who was already on her third bowl of cereal, claiming to be hungry yet again. Catherine shook her head and went to prepare pancakes for Hannah and herself.


20 minutes later and covered head to toe in pancake mix; Catherine sat a plate with two pancakes in front of Hannah and walked towards the bedroom. Hannah looked at the pancakes or mush and then at a smirking Lindsay.

"Do I really eat this?" Hannah asked pointing at her plate "it looks like I don't know what it looks like?"

"I did warn you" Lindsay replied grinning "put them in the trash and grab a breakfast bar"

"Yea good idea" replied Hannah walking to the bin and disposing of the evidence "remind me never to be polite around mom when it comes to pancakes"

"Sure, look lively mom's coming back" Lindsay whispered "and she's on a mission"

"I'm going to kill your father" Catherine shouted "he's only gone and used my best bra as a toiletry holder"

"Oh god mom to much information" Lindsay groaned walking out of the kitchen shaking her head

"Did you enjoy your pancakes Princess?" Catherine turned and asked Hannah

"Oh yes" Hannah replied nodding her head to add to the lie "very nice"

"Ok I'll make you some more tomorrow morning" Catherine replied grinning

"That's ok I'm having breakfast at school tomorrow" Hannah replied with wide eyes "uhh speaking of school best be off"

"See you outside school later" Catherine shouted reminding Hannah of the pickup

Hannah and Lindsay collected their books and bags and started on their walk to school meeting up with their friends.


30 minutes later and very bored Catherine could hear a buzzing noise coming from the fridge being the investigator that she is Catherine went to fetch Grissom's tool kit un plugged the fridge and started to dismantle it.

"This sound get rid of that annoying buzzing" Catherine said to herself "i wonder when Gil will be home?"

True to form 10 minutes later Grissom walked into the house putting his car keys and house keys in the dish and putting his shoes into the closet, he walked through the living room and then dropped his briefcase on the floor.

"Cath what the hell are you doing?" Grissom shouted "why is the fridge well in pieces?"

"Well it was making a horrible buzzing sound" Catherine replied "so I went to investigate"

"I believe that fridge is meant to buzz?" Grissom replied questioning himself "let me get the manual"

Grissom went to where they kept their manuals and walked back towards Catherine who was sat in what was left of the family fridge.

"Yes I was correct, fridge is meant to buzz" Grissom said reading the manual "so now we have a fridge that is in pieces and makes no buzz, why did you do it Cath?"

"I was bored and not thinking straight" Catherine replied "you try staying at home all day and having to talk to the neighbour hood cat"

"Cath I am getting worried about you" Grissom remarked "first you dismantle the fridge and now you are talking to animals that can't reply"

"Your point is?" Catherine asked "look I have too many hours in the day to be sitting around doing nothing, I am a CSI through and through and this is driving me nuts"

"It's for your own good" Grissom replied pulling Catherine into a hug "just think in five months time you will have a screaming baby demanded your every need"

"Yea I suppose" Catherine replied reluctantly "by the way why have you used my best bra as a toiletry holder?"

"I asked Hannah to move that yesterday" Grissom said groaning "never trust a fourteen year old"

"More to the point never trust an over grown ape of a husband to leave your underwear alone" Catherine remarked "do not blame Hannah for anything, you here me?"

"Yes perfectly" Grissom replied shocked at his wife's outburst "are we going to fix this mess?"

"You are, I'm kind of tired" Catherine replied yawning "I didn't know that dismantling a fridge could be so much hard work?"

Catherine walked out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom leaving Grissom with a pile of fridge parts and a never growing migraine. Grissom poured himself a coffee and sat down in the middle of the floor trying to think of how to put the fridge back together.


At exactly two in the afternoon Catherine woke up, she was not going to be late in picking up Hannah and Lindsay not finding her husband beside her she walked out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen to find Grissom flat out of the floor holding onto a pipe from the fridge. Catherine giggled and slowly made her way to her car. Fifteen minutes later and bang on time Catherine pulled up and waited for her girls to get in the car.

"Hi mom" Lindsay said hugging her mom "what's for dinner?"

"Do you never stop eating?" Hannah asked "look at you, your as thin as a post"

"Yea well I do a lot of exercise" Lindsay replied "so what are we having for dinner?"

"Well how about we go shopping?" Catherine asked "while your father attempts to fix the fridge"

"You didn't dismantle it again did you?" Hannah asked "how many times mom?"

"I've lost count" Catherine replied "blame your father he got me this way"

"No you both did it" Lindsay remarked looking through her mom's purse finding a chocolate bar "can I have this?"

"Hey stop going through my purse" Catherine shouted although smiling "yea you can have it, anyone would think I don't feed you"

Catherine giggled and drove home, hopefully Grissom was awake and nearly finished with the fridge if not it was a take away night, yet again. Arriving home Hannah and Lindsay walked into the house to find their dad muttering and groaning and his arms and legs flying everywhere.

"Damn it Cath why do you do these things?" Grissom asked

"She's bored dad" Lindsay replied giggling when she heard her dad hit his head "hey you ok?"

"Never better" Grissom replied standing up rubbing his head "good day at school?"

"Yea it was ok" Hannah replied shyly "can I go to my room?"

"Yes of course you can" Grissom replied very concerned "Hannah Princess what is wrong?"

"Nothing honest dad" Hannah replied trying to hold back her tears "I'm ok see you at dinner, whenever that maybe"

Hannah walked out of the room and upstairs Catherine noticed Hannah's form running up the last few steps and her bedroom door slam, Catherine walked up the stairs and knocked on Hannah's door.

"Hannah can I come in?" Catherine asked

"No go away" Hannah shouted "just leave me alone"

"Hannah you know I can't do that" Catherine answered trying the door "please let me in"

"Why should I?" Hannah shouted clearly crying "you don't love me, you love Lindsay and the new baby what I am nothing, always have been"

"Hannah Marie Jackson, don't you ever say that again" Catherine said raising her voice "please open the door"

"No" Hannah shouted "just go away and be with your family, not our family your family"

Catherine stood at the door for a few more minutes until she turned around and went to the stairs; before she went down she turned and looked at Hannah's door.

"Hannah when you want to come downstairs and be with your family, please do" Catherine said "but for now I'll grant you your wish but realise we all care about you and love you whether your blood relation or not"

Hannah could hear her mother's footsteps and sobs from the stairs and went and sat on her bed and broke down in tears, she had upset the person she cared most deeply about and went towards her desk and started to write a letter and make her mom a card anything to make the hurt she had caused to go away.



There you go chapter one complete and as I said in the A/N this is dedicated to Sara love you Princess!!!!!