Credit for idea of those short ficcie goes to Keri teh Ninja(but i wrote it)

This has been hereby disclaimed

The Real Reason…

Sasuke sighed in content as he buried his face in his kitsune's blonde hair, his arms tightened when he felt him try to pull away, "...Where do you think your going, Naruto?" He held him tightly to his chest.

"…Sasuke we have to get up…we have a meeting in thirty minutes." Naruto feebly struggled to get out of his koibito's arms, "Why are you holding on so tight?"

The young Uchiha managed to shrug and look down into the sparkling blue sapphire eyes of his complete opposite, "Maybe because in practically every fan fiction, when ever I let you go you manage to get raped, beat up, captured, robed, sent away on a mission where you get into trouble, have people play nasty tricks on you, get stranded on an island and/or cave, and in one case get turned into a cat…"

Naruto blinked, "…oh…" the slightly smaller boy stared at the raven, "…and how do you know all this?"

"Deidara told me…" was the casual reply.


I'm sorry I couldn't help but put my favy character in there (:

But it's funny because all of those things have happened on different fanfics i have read, its funny how perceptive Uchihas are isn't it?