A/N: I'm back and I swear this was supposed to be a one shot, but my muse refused deciding that this would be longer and with a more complicated plot. Anyway hope you guys like this, I'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out, but hopefully the next chapter will be better.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Hellsing

Bleed for Me

By Cerise Lupin

Chapter 1 Open Wounds


The night was warm and humid enough that even the simple act of shifting on the bed was enough to make a bit of sweat run across her forehead, causing her dark hair to stick against her forehead, neck and shoulders. The sound of crickets outside reached her ears, making the young woman sigh softly. Summer had come early this year and already you could feel the temperature rising, even the nights were warmer now...even hot at times.

A soft sigh and she was turning on her side, her lips parting to allow a soft breath to escape her. Kagome didn't particularly like this warm weather too much. In all honesty give her rain any day. Sighing softly once again, she tried to close to her eyes and hopefully fall asleep, but she also knew that she would not be sleeping any time soon. Not when she knew that he would be coming soon.

She didn't know how this started...this game between them. It often felt like a game of cat and mouse, but she couldn't really say with certainty what it was anymore. Since she came back from the feudal era, he was there, watching, waiting...taunting her...

Craving her.

He had no qualms about expressing his desires for her. His hunger was always visible in those red hues that could make her breath catch in her throat each time he laid them on her. Dangerous...he was very dangerous, like a wild animal, he stalked her, wanting to capture his prey. He really wanted her, he had confessed to her once that he had never met someone like her before and she wasn't surprised. She stopped being a normal girl a long time ago. The shikon no tama beating under her breastbone was enough proof of that.

Her life in the feudal era might be over, but her life as the guardian of the shikon no tama has just begun. A life that wouldn't be ending any time soon. The jewel had made sure of this by granting her immortality. The jewel of four souls made sure that its guardian would forever be able to guard it.

There were times that she despised this lack of mortality, because she knew that she would see her family and many other people that she would come to care for die, but at the same time she understood the importance of her duty. She could not allow a repeat of the battle in feudal era. She just couldn't allow that many lives to be lost again. In the end her duty and her need to protect always came first, it was just the way she was.

Perhaps this was also the reason why she found herself intrigued by him. Just like her, he knew what duty was and just like her, he was adamant of not failing at it. He hadn't failed at it either. He had protected his master, until her death. Similar to her, he was not exactly mortal either. He was different and that made him appealing. Apparently he found her interesting as well, for he was always there watching...touching her.

She turned on her side, pushing the sheets off her body. Even the bed felt warm, except for the sheets that for some reason were rather cool, but it was still too hot to keep them on her body. The moonlight streaming from the open windows illuminated her half-naked form. The spaghetti strap top and pair of silk blue panties didn't exactly cover too much of her heated skin and petite body. She shifted again, lying on her back this time. She was suddenly anxious, wondering how long she would have to wait before he arrived, her devil who tempted her.

There was definitely something mysterious, forbidden, dark, sinful and oh so very seductive about him. She knew that she should resist the temptation and she had been able to so far...but it was getting harder and harder each time, not when his large gloved hands settled on her bare legs or when his lips came dangerously close to hers.

Frustrated couldn't even start to explain how she felt at those moments when he left her craving his touch. Yes, she wanted him...and he knew it, the bastard knew this very well. He had told her once that he could practically taste her desire for him, but even if he wanted nothing more than to take her hard, rough, until she screamed his name, he wouldn't touch her...not until she told him, begged him to make her his.

A growl left her lips.

The bastard knew what he was doing.

He knew how much she wanted him. It was true that she had been afraid of this wild desire. She was a priestess, a holy pure woman...and he was the son of the devil, a nightwalker, a vampire. They were worlds apart...and yet she hungered for him, lusted after him. Why? He was the closest thing that she had to a friend, a confidant, someone that knew who she truly was. With him she didn't have to pretend to be a normal girl.

So yes, she has grown to accept this need for him, but she still wasn't about to beg him. She just couldn't. Her pride wouldn't allow it. That didn't stop the fact that it was hard for her. It was a constant struggle for her to ignore those lingering touches, those heated glances that made warmth pool in her belly and caused her to press her legs together.

He knew that she was slowly tiring her out, slowly chipping away at her control and she was powerless to do anything about it. There was only so much she could resist, so much that she could deny herself, before it became too much to bear.

The bed dipping under her weight at her side, brought her out of her musings. Her power seemed to instinctively flare around her, only to be met with dark tendrils of power wrapping around it. Pushing it down, trapping it, the fine hairs on her body stood on end, but she wasn't afraid. The first touch of gloved hands against her bare legs, made her open her indigo eyes. Crimson eyes stared back at her, while a flash of sharp fangs caught her attention when he grinned at her.

If it she had been anyone else, she would have most likely been scared of the intimidating vision he made. However instead of being scared, she was content to see him again.

"Count," she whispered, eyes sliding shut briefly when he kneaded her upper legs. His caress alone was enough to make her highly aware of his maleness. Their was definitely strength in those large hands. "Priestess." His voice washed over, deep, masculine, iniquitous. Teeth dug in her lower-lip as she tried not to moan when he spoke. His voice was like velvet, wicked, conjuring so many images in her mind that would make anyone blush.

"You smell delicious little one." He was much closer now. She didn't resist or object when he parted her legs so that he could move closer to her. Indigo eyes slowly fluttered open, the color darker than usual as she laid there caressed by the shadows of the room. Her lips parted slightly when he pressed himself against her silk-covered center.

Tiny prickles of pleasure shot through her spine and she realized absentmindedly that there was definitely something different about him tonight. Meeting his eyes, she was mesmerized by how red his eyes seemed at that moment.

"You're so warm, priestess." He grinned, fangs flashing again. Desire swam in his red hues, the same emotion being reflected in her blue ones. Gathering her courage and wits she stared back at him unflinchingly. "Does it please you Count?"she asked him boldly. The brief surprise in his red eyes made her smile. It was clear that he hadn't been expecting this from her, but his surprise lasted only briefly. A surprised gasp was torn from her lips when he pressed himself against her, body bending toward her, causing his dark hair to fell in his eyes while he neared his face to hers.

"You're threading on dangerous grounds, little one." It was barely a whisper against her lips, but she heard him clear enough, while she drank and tasted his breath on her lips. It tasted like blood, mixed with fire and spice. He could burn her...and she wanted it.

She should back down, heed his warning, but she had enough of these games. She moved rubbing her body against his, just like a cat would, making him grit his teeth. "What's the matter vampire, having problem with your control?" she whispered against his ear, hot breath dancing against her skin. His answer was a simple thrust of his hips, making her gasp and her fingers tighten in the sheets below her.

One of his now bare hands ran along the inside of her thigh coming dangerously close to the one place that was suddenly screaming for attention. She swallowed hard, trying to take a hold of herself. She wasn't about to lose. "I won't beg, vampire." Her voice came out much huskier than she would have liked and she hated herself for it. She gritted her teeth when a hot and wet tongue traced her neck. He wasn't playing fair. "Won't you priestess?" There was this clear challenge in his voice and she couldn't help but growl.

He pulled back so that he could look in her eyes and she was surprised at what she saw. Hunger, desire, they were burning so brightly in this blood red pools, but there was something else there. He was holding himself back. She took a deep breath, steadying her now rapidly beating heart, only to watch him sit back on his haunches. "I grow bored of these games, little one." His voice sounded tired all of the sudden and she felt something tighten in her. "Alucard?" His name escaped her lips in a curious whisper, making him meet her eyes once again. His fingers trailed at the outside of her right leg, tracing imaginary circles. "What do you want, Kagome?" Her name sounded foreign coming from his lips, but at the same time he gave it this European accent that made it sound exotic.

It made her feel special, unique in a way that she could not describe.

What did she want?

She wanted...

"Tell me." He was grasping her hand, pulling her toward him, so that she was sitting on her knees, chest pressed to his as his other hand came to wrap around her waist. "Tell me, who you desire, Kagome." He released her hand, to brush away her dark hair from the left side of her neck and shoulders. Pale skin came into view and like a hungry little puppy, he pushed his lips against that tantalizing skin. Nips, small licks were delivered and she was soon breathing heavily again. "Alucard," she moaned, his name sounding sweet coming from her.

Everywhere he touched her seemed to flare to life, like little embers. All of the sudden though she was lying on her back. For a moment, she feared that he was gone, but she was quickly set at ease when he appeared practically out of nowhere, crawling on top of her, like a large predator stalking its prey. He carefully pushed up her shirt, revealing her stomach. Meeting her eyes briefly, he kissed her tummy, tongue dipping in her belly-button.

Pleasure exploded behind her closed eyelids while she arched her back, a soft almost whimpering sound escaping her throat. Hot, wet and teasing that was the only way to describe what his mouth was doing to her stomach. She jumped feeling him deliver a nip, but he quickly soothed over the bite by lavishing attention to it with his tongue.

Stopping in his ministrations, he moved up so that he was looking at her, making her open her eyes once again. "Do you want me to stop, Kagome?" He brushed a strand of dark hair out of her face as he smirked at her. He was giving her a choice, even when he still looked like the same bastard that she knew so well. She didn't have to think though.

He was taken aback when she pressed her lips against his. Her arms came to wrap around his neck. It didn't take long for him to react, for she was quickly hauled against his chest as he sat up on his haunches once again. She parted her lips, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His tongue brushed against hers, teasing, coaxing hers into a passionate duel. Unconsciously, her hands drifted from his neck to tighten on her shoulders, fingers digging in his now naked flesh. She didn't know when he took off his shirt and jacket, but she did not care. All she knew was that she needed this, she needed this touch.



She was burning up.

There was nothing gentle from the way they kissed. It was all tongue, teeth, rushed, passionate, neither of them were patient at the moment. One of her hands ran along his side, raking her nails along his pale alabaster colored flesh, making him hiss as he pulled his lips away from hers. "I didn't know you were so impatient, priestess," he told her chuckling as she felt him tear her shirt in two. The garment fell easily from her body, revealing her naked chest to him. Apparently he was just as impatient as her. She couldn't help but blush when his hungry gaze traveled along her body. He was the first to see her this way and he would probably be the only one if the look in his eyes was any indication.

Her heart seemed to beat faster and her breathe grew shallow, her skin flushing. Sweat ran along her back, the warm weather, making her skin glisten with perspiration. His next words though made her pause. "Warrior, I shall make you my perfect muse," he murmured pulling her against his chest. His warrior, his iron maiden...

Her eyes darkened and she turned her face away when he tried to kiss her. Anger quickly bloomed in her chest.

"Do not confuse me with your deceased master, Count." There was a hint of a warning in her voice. She would not be confused with someone else again. She was her own person. She she knew of Integra Hellsing, his former master. She had been his warrior, his muse. She would not become the next Integra. She was Kagome, simple as that.

However it appeared he didn't seem to like what she said, for she found herself lying on her back the next moment and him pressing her into the mattress. "You do not know what you speak of, human." He hissed at her, fangs bared.


He had been hurt and the wound was still there, bleeding...even when it was slowly healing.

She felt saddened, but at the same time she felt her anger amount.

He had no right to start something as important as this with her, when he wasn't ready to give her his all. It would be Inuyasha all over again and she wouldn't allow this. Fueled by her temper her powers flared to life around her. White, crackling energy shot danced along her body, making the vampire hiss and draw back from her even when his own dark power surged to the surface.

She was furious, but most of all she was felt hurt...betrayed.

"Leave," she told him in a cold voice. She was a fool to have wanted this...wanted him.

She felt him shift and she knew that he was reaching for her, but she wouldn't allow it. Another flare of her power and a shield appeared around her small form.

"Leave Alucard, before I'm forced to hurt you." She was bleeding inside, the pain almost unbearable. It wasn't supposed to hurt, but it did.

"Kagome." She refused to look at him. This was all physical, she was physically attracted to him...it would be easy to forget him...and yet why did it hurt?

"Please leave." She was pleading now.

Silence met her, only for her to realize that he had indeed left. Looking over her shoulder, she was met only with empty darkness.

He was gone...for now.

The thought saddened her.

Not even bothering to pull on a shirt, she allowed her body to fall forward on the bed. She chose not to think. Hands tightened in the sheets as she buried her face in the pillow. She couldn't understand how everything went from being so good, to being so bad in only a few minutes. Still even when she closed her eyes and asked for sleep to take her, she knew that it would only be a temporary reprieve for come tomorrow night, he would be here once again.

She could only hope that by then, she could deny him once again, for she didn't want to get hurt once again.

She just wouldn't be able to bear it.

In the end it seemed though that just like the shikon, she was cursed to be always alone.


A/N: Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism are all welcome and of course reviews are highly appreciated.