Disclaimer: I own nothing of Veronica Mars

A/N: This is AU after Lilly's murder sometime during the beginning of season one Logan and Veronica are together.

Veronica giggled as she pushed Logan away from her and continued to watch the moldiest room at the Camelot.

"Logan, stop it"

"C'mon Veronica, the dude is never going to come out of that room, he obviously has a very hot chick in there" Logan reached across the car and tried to pull Veronica towards him.

Veronica pushed open the door of her little black LeBaron and ran a couple of meters away and continued watching the room that supposedly Ace McIntyre was in, with a hussy, or so his grandmother claims.


An old lady opened the door to Mars investigations.

"I'm looking for Keith Mars, the private detective can you please tell me where to find him?"

"Oh, he's not here at the moment and in fact won't be back for a couple of days, but I can take a message and start on any case you might have." Veronica smiled at the old lady and motioned to the empty chair in front of the desk. The old lady sat down

"My name is Agatha McIntyre, and I think my grandson is in trouble – I need you to figure out what he's doing." Veronica opened a notepad and asked

"What makes you think he's in trouble?" The old woman frowned and continued

"He comes home late, he has a lot of spare money and he's began to see a no good hussy girlfriend."

End of Flashback

So here Veronica was outside the Camelot, trying to avoid her groping boyfriend, and trying to find out what Ace McIntyre was up to.

"AHHHH" Veronica screamed and turned around to see who had grabbed her shoulder "Logan!!" Veronica yelled "Don't do that!!"

"Sorry Veronica, I was just trying to tell you that what's his face is leaving the room now."

Veronica spun back around and saw that the door had opened and Ace and his girlfriend were emerging from the room. She raised her fancy camera and took some pictures. Logan tensed behind her and let out a strangled gasp.

"Oh MY GOD" Logan gasped "OH MY F&# GOD, VERONICA! That's! That's!"

"Logan. I know who it is. But listen. You have to calm down! We don't know what's happening and we have to check-" But he was already gone, racing towards the car that Ace was getting into.

"Hey wait up! WAIT!" Logan was running as fast as he ever ran but the couple were already far ahead of him and Ace had already gotten into the car and his girlfriend was about to get in, she looked back when she heard Logan yelling, her eyes widened and she dived into the car without another look.

Logan kept running until the car was out of sight and he couldn't run anymore, he collapsed on the sidewalk and whispered two words.

"Lilly Kane"

Dun dun dun. SO Flapwazzle and associates have decided to expand our horizons to veronica mars. This story doesn't really have much support so if you like it please review otherwise we will not continue it. Of course if we do continue it, it would be LoVe all the way, no question of a doubt about that. Please review pretty itty please. We wont finish it without the reviews.
