-The rising sun shone brightly over the peaceful lands of the West. A tall figure stood and watched the sun rise over the lands and he sighed sadly. His clawed fingers brushed his deep red hair from his turquoise eyes as he stared. He didn't even realize that he wasn't the only person on the landing until the woman cleared her throat. He jumped and spun around. "Rin! Why must you always do that?" Shippo gasped out.

The now older Rin giggled childishly. "Because I can!" she simply said. After living with demons, she had picked up how to walk without making any sound, among other things. "Shippo-kun, you must stop thinking of things now past."

Shippo turned away from the girl he had become friends with. "I can't Rin-chan! I just can't." he sighed tiredly. It had become hard to sleep because of the dreams.

"Shippo, how can her spirit ever rest if you won't stop holding her here?" Rin asked. It was the same question that Rin had asked him for years.

Shippo didn't answer. He just stayed silent. Soon, Rin left and Shippo was alone once again with his memories.

Kagome had told him to stay away from the battle but when everything seemed to have stopped Shippo disobeyed and went to the battle field. He got there just in time to see it happen. Sort of. All he had seen was Kagome floating up into the air and then there was a flash of bright light. Then, nothing.


When Shippo had woken, Kagome was missing. He was at a camp with Rin, Jaken, Ah-Un, and old Kaede. "Kaede?" he croaked.

"Shippo, ye are awake. Stay still." Kaede said.

"Kaede! Where's Momma Kagome?!" Shippo worriedly asked.

No one answered because he already knew the answer. And it hurt them so much.

Shippo sighed and pushed the memories back. They had searched but it was for naught. Kagome was never found. It was 20 years later and the hurt was still just as present.

"Shippo." a cool voice said. It wasn't cruel but it was still cold just the same. "Are you coming to eat?"

Shippo sighed and pushed himself away from the wall. He turned to face his mentor. "Hai, Sesshomaru Otou-san." His mind still missed her though. "I now you're alive. And I promise that I will find you!"

In a dark room with no windows and one door, a groan resounded. The woman's breath came in short painful gasps as the only other in the room pulled away and quickly dressed. The man left without a word and left the woman collapsed on the Western Style bed. She didn't know how long her body lay there but soon another presence filled her mind.

A silent figure slipped in with a few candles that she slowly set up. Her body was barely covered by a too short and too tight yukata. Her long black hair covered her demonic markings and the star crest on her forehead. She sat down next to the other girl and tapped a code."Kagome, you have power, why not kill?" she asked.

Kagome sighed and tears came to her eyes from the pain. "I can't and you know it, 'Ruki-chan. I'm sorry." she gasped out. He had been particularly cruel and angry today. Her back was bleeding but a pink glow quickly healed herself.

Haruki nodded and quickly hurried out of the room. It wouldn't be good for the Lord of the house to catch her in there.

Kagome carefully dressed in her equally tight and short yukata and thought back. The blast of light had taken her somewhere but she wasn't sure where for a while. That was when he had found her. Lord Gethin had surprised her by finding her and taking her back to his castle. But nothing had gone right since then.

Kagome closed her eyes and pushed the memories back. Now was not the time to think of those best left forgotten. It was now time to regain her strength and pray that he would not return to her that night.