Summary: Ok so yes Reid has a sister and yes this has been done by other people but I promise that it is a little different from the rest of them. And if you don't like sister fics then please just don't read.

Disclaimer: I don't own the covenant boys or parts from the movie. Only new characters and most of the story line.


Thoughts are in Italics.

It has been about two weeks since Caleb defeated Chase. Pogue has ascended and Reid will in about two weeks. Just when it seems like things are going to go back to normal someone from their past comes to the surface.

Annabell Garwin sat in her new dorm room wondering what was going to happen now. It had been almost 4 years since she has left Ipswich and she definetly didn't leave on good terms with her brother. She however was broken out of her thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Ok so I think this was the last bag." Lindsey Pratt said as she struggled to get it through the door.

"You know it would have been a lot easier if we had just orbed everything here." Annabell said smirking.

"Yes but we are supposed to be normal. And what if someone saw us?" Lindsey said raising an eyebrow.

"Fine whatever but I bet that the boys don't do anyting that they don't have to." She sighed.

"Speakin of these boys when do I get to meet these famous sons of Ipswich. And more importantly when do I get to hook up with that hot brother of yours."

"Linz that is disgusting I don't want to think about you and my brother in that way." Annabell said turning up her noise.

"Fine you don't have to think about it. But I can't gurantee you won't hear it." Lindsey said laughing at the look on her best friends face.

"That is wrong on so many levels Linz."

The two girls spent the rest of the day unpacking there things and putting them away. Lindsey was excited to finally meet the boys while Annabell was wondering how she would be received. She knew that she had really hurt them when she left to go and live with her mother but really she didn't have much of a choose.

"Ok so explain to me again how the whole 'brothers' sister thing works." Linz said sitting on her bed.

"Ok well Reid and I are only 2 months apart as you know. We have the same father but our mothers are different. Now as for the other boys they are the sons of the other members of the covenant. There were five families that founded the town and as the generations went on 4 of them stayed close friends. Now I as a daughter would not have gotten any powers but since my mom is part witch and part white lighter I actually have more power then they do. And unlike them I can use my powers as much as I want with no consequences. When they use it ages them. They get there first taste of power when they turn 13 and then they get the rest of it when they ascend at age 18. The power is addictive so if they use to much its gets hard not to all the time. And everytime they use it ages them until they die." She explained for the millionth time.

"You know no matter how many times I hear you tell it I just can't wrap my head around it." She said shaking her head.

"Why not you're a witch yourself."

"Yeah I know but I don't understand how it could age them."

"I don't think anyone really knows but that is why this spell is so important. It should bind the part of their power that ages them.Its the main reason I came back. I know that someone was using big time a couple of weeks ago."

"What how."

"Just because I didn't get their power doesn't mean that I'm not still connected to them. We can all feel when one of us uses."

"Alright whatever I thought my family was screwed up but yours is way worse then mine. So are you going to tell them the reason that you came back." Linz asked softly.

"No, not right away but I will when I know that they trust me again."

On the other side of town the guys were having yet another argument.

"You can't use like that in publice. I swear Reid sometime I think you want to die." Caleb shouted at him.

"And what if I do Danvers huh. Maybe I don't have anything that I care about." Reid said smirking at him.

"You really are an asshole you know that. Don't you get it if you die when you ascend the Garwin line ends with you."

"Whatever Caleb just get the hell off my back. Its not your life to worry about." Reid said pushing past him.

It was later in the night when the boys showed up at Nicky's. Sarah and Kate were already sitting at their usual table.

Caleb and Pogue went to go play fooseball while Tyler and Reid headed to the pool table.

After a couple of games Caleb went to sit with the girls and Pogue went to get some food. On the way back he decided to stop at the pool table and see how the other guys were doing.

"Blue Thong." He heard Tyler say as he slammed down some money.

"Pink Lace." Pogue said coming up behind him and slamming down his cash.

"White Cotton." Reid said joining in.

Reid was just about to use and blow her skirt up when the girl turned around and he got the shock of his life.

"No fuckin way." Reid said looking at the girl a few feet from him.

"Is that." Tyler said.

"It can't be." Pogue said.

"Annabell." Reid whispered.

Before anyone knew what was going on Sarah and Kate ran up to her and the girl that was standing next to her.

"Hey you guys decided to come." Sarah said giving them each a hug.

"And I see you both know how to dress." Kate said hugging them as well.

"Yeah well I figured that if I was going to meet up with you and some guys I should look nice. Any of them single." Annabell asked with a smirk.

Kate and Sarah laughed as they began to walk to the table. They were a couple of feet away when Annabell froze in her spot. There sitting at the table was Caleb Danvers.

"Annabell you coming." Linz asked.

"Caleb." She whispered.

She didn't know how but he seemed to hear her and immediately looked up. His eyes flashed black and she knew her job was going to be harder then she had thought.

"Come on girly." Kate said coming up to her.

"Umm your friends wouldn't happen to be Caleb, Pogue, Reid, and Tyler would they?" She asked trying not to hyperventilate.

"Umm yeah how did you know." Kate asked confused.

"Reid is my brother." She said looking at Kate with fear in her eyes.

Kate just stood there for a moment and then grabed her arm and led her to the table.

"Caleb I would introduce you to our knew friend but it seems you already know her." Kate said figuring that pleasantries weren't going to happen.

"Garwin." Caleb said with a steely glare.

"Danvers." She shot back at him.

Just when Sarah was getting ready to ask what was going on the rest of the boys came up.

"You have a lot of nerve showing your face in here. And how the hell do you know Kate and Sarah." Pogue asked with an icy tone.

"I go to school here now and they are across the hall." Annabell said looking down.

"Wait your back." Tyler asked almost excited but then quickly covered it. "For how long."

"I'm back for good Ty." She said smiling at him softly.

"Bullshit." Reid said.

"Excuse me." Annabell glared at him.

"Ok hold up what the hell is going on here." Sarah asked.

"Ok I know the answer to this one." Linz said. "Annabell is Reid half sister. They have the same father but not the same mother. Her and Caleb were close, she was the only person to ever get him to just let lose. Pogue and Annabell were best friends. And Tyler and her were kind of dating." She said all in one breath.

"Did you even breath." Kate asked raising an eyebrow.

To that Lindsey just laughed.

"Ok now that we have all of that figured out I was hoping that I could talk to Reid." Annabell said looking up at her brother.

Of course I want to talk to her. She's my sister and I haven't seen her in 4 years.

"And why then hell should I give you any of my time. You didn't even take time to tell me that you were leaving." Reid said getting angry as he spoke to her.

"Look Reid I know that I left on bad terms but if you just talk to me I swear I will explain everything." Annabell pleaded with him.

"No. I can't talk to you right now. You can't just walk in here and think that everything is going to be ok. You left us all and I will never be able to forgive you for that." Reid said turning and walking out the back door.

"Wow your brother is even hotter when he's mad." Lindsey said smirking at the door.

The gang all laughed except for Annabell who shot her an 'its not a good time for that look.' "Shut up Linz." She said rolling her eyes as well.

"Hey don't be a bitch to her just because you were a low life trader who left us without a word." Pogue said getting in her face.

"Pogue come on do you honestly think that I would have left if I didn't have to. You guys have no idea what the hell I went through while I was gone." Annabell shot back at him.

"And how the hell could we of. Its not like you ever bothered to pick up the phone and call us. Hell you could have even visited its not like it would have been that hard for you." Caleb said starring at her with fire in his eyes.

"I couldn't leave Caleb and calling you guys would have just made it harder. I know that you all hate me ok I came back knowing that it would be hard I guess I just hoped that you would all at least listen."

"Oh you mean like you listened." Tyler said finally speaking up.

"What the hell are you talking about." Annabell asked him confused.

"I know that you had your cell phone which means that you must have listened to all of the messages that we sent you. I needed you Bell and you didn't even call me back." Tyler said slowly losing his composure.

Annabell had to stop the tears from crawling down her face. "I was in love with you Tyler I really was. But I just wasn't ready for something so serious I mean we were only 13, you were just starting to change and my emotions controlled everything. I had to get away and learn to control my emotions." She said looking him right in the eyes.

"Whatever Bell it doesn't really matter now anyways does it." He said turning and walking out the same door as Reid.

Annabell sat there for a few moments just starring at the door hoping that at least one of them would come back and forgive her however she was broken out of her thoughts once again that day.

"Anna we should prob get heading back its kinda late and we have a lot of stuff that we have to get tomorrow." Lindsey said knowing that her friend didn't want to be there anymore.

"Yeah ok." She said looking at the other people at the table.

"I'm really sorry that you had to be here for all of that. If I had known that they were your friends I wouldn't have come and risked ruining your night." She said hugging Kate and Sarah. "Caleb, Pogue I know that you guys hate me right now and I know that it is going to take a lot of time and energy but I will earn your trust back. I don't care what it takes I love all of you and I won't lose you again." She said with determination in her eyes.

"Ok so what the hell just happened here?" Sarah asked looking from Caleb to Pogue.

"We grew up with her and she left us without a word. No warning just up and left one day. Tyler called her everyday for a month and when she didn't call back he tried to kill himself. Luckily Reid found him and brought him to the hospital. That's why they're so close. Reid took it upon himself to watch Tyler all the time and it also kept his mind off of his sister." Caleb answered.

"Wow who knew you guys had more drama." Kate said under her breath.

"Oh babe this is just the begining. Reid is going to do everything he can to make her hate him. Because that way its easier for him to keep his distance." Pogue said and Sarah shot him a confused look.

"Bell was the only person that Reid every really trusted. They would do everything together and he was just well a totally different person with her. Once she left he changed even more and well he didn't trust anyone." Pogue answered her unasked question.

"I really don't think I like this girl anymore." Sarah said narrowing her eyes.

"Don't shun her. Just because we have issues with her doesn't mean that you two have to. And as mad as I am I know that she must have had a good reason I just wish that she had at least called us and let us know that she was ok." Caleb said looking down.

The four of them stayed there for a little while longer and then left not really in the mood to party anymore.

Every single person that night left wondering what the future was going to hold.

ok so please review and let me know what you think. I already have 18 chapters done but I can always go back and change some things.
