Title: I Just Called To Say...
Author: Katie Louise Garner.
Fandom: Pirates Of The Caribbean.
Pairing: Jack/Barbossa.
Rating: Arrrrgghh. :) That means an R lolll.
Warnings: A few sexy thoughts. Slash.
Summary: Jack Sparrow comes into Barbossa's cabin to tell him something he's wanted to hear for years.
Disclaimer: All belongs to Disney.
Notes: Okay, i know this isn't my best work tbh. It took me about half an hour while my internet didn't work. Feedback appreciated greatly. :)


I Just Called To Say...

"It's late, come in 'ere!" I whispered, pushing Jack swiftly into my cabin and shutting the door.

He flung himself onto my bed and sat there grinning manically. Dirt clung to his tanned, leathery skin and the moonlight that seeped through the broken squares of glass by my bed lit up his face a shade of violet. Neverless, I couldn't deny how much I wanted to ravish him at that very moment. Still, he sat there grinning like a child not saying a word.

"What then? You didn't just come 'ere to show me yer pearly whites!" My feigned attempt at acting pissed off from being disturbed so late at night didn't seem to phase him. He laughed and stroked his beard. The creases under his eyes danced around, his hat wobbled dangerously on his head.

"Just fancied comin' to see yer is all."

I wasn't at all convinced. Jack Sparrow sat in my cabin at two in the morning with a cheeky smile on his face. He didn't just want to see me, that was certain. Although I was much to busy fixing my eyes on him, assessing every inch of his skin to bother with whatever he was about to reveal.

He stood up and ran a small medallion from my desk through his fingers, pretending to admire it, then throwing it up in the air and catching it with his other hand. I sighed, I really wasn't in the mood for all these games. It really was getting later and later by the second, I was beginning to feel my eyelids lowering. He grinned once again at me and sat back on the bed, propping himself up against the wall this time. Rolling my eyes, I pulled a chair up opposite him. The golden fillings in his teeth caught the light making my flinch. He winked, my eyes couldn't help but fall time and time again on his crotch.

"So, you really want to know?"

I felt my chest begin to flutter. Silly, really. I'm a full grown man and a pirate, very much my junior, is making me feel like a teenage girl. Yet still the butterflies flying into my ribcage just wouldn't go away.

"Yes. I do want to know."

"Really really?"
"You sure?"

"Oh, fer fuck's sake just tell me!"

A smirk played on his lips for the one millionth time that night. He pulled the bandana off his head letting thick, heavy dreads fall around his perfectly shaped face. My chest felt like it was about to explode, I tried hard not to shout out again. The next few seconds of silence felt like an eterinity. The sea splashed up around the ship, the wooden clock on my wall ticked alarmingly loud.

The second I took my eyes off Jack to look at the clock, he was face to face with me; his lips centimetres away from mine, the smell of rum dancing around my nose. He glanced at my lips, his curled with a look of almost disgust, although with my heart beating as fast as it was I could never be sure. When he looked back to my wide eyes he smirked again.

"God damn it, I fuckin' love you..."