-1This is a New Fic that suddenly sprung into mind. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, although I'd like to have a piece of his older brother Sesshoumaru :p


The Beginning of the End.

It is unnatural to see ones breath, as it casts itself out into the starry midnight sky, embracing the chilling atmosphere. Kami had felt the need for the winter to come early. The chilling wind licking upon bare exposed skin, like a frozen fire. Eyelids were heavy, eyelashes graced with dazzling beads of ice sitting lightly, however weighing down the eyelids, forcing the being below to fall into surrendered unconsciousness. Snow had fallen in the hours that were the final battle, there were those who sought his demise, and those who lent their assistance for their own personal reasons. Was it to be free, or simply they had, had enough - none of them would be certain, but their aided efforts brought the insidious Hanyou down.

It was a bone chilling end, one fitting of the evil. He was struck with the InuYasha's Tetsuaiga , his barrier cracking around him, a small tear in the barricade of evil, allowed One miko priestess to notch her arrow of purity, and release it unto him. There were many that fought in this battle, Including a famous group that travelled the Sengoku, The Inu-tachi they were called; consisting of a Taijia, who's heart had been broken, as the one Hanyou had destroyed her entire race, enslaving her younger brother into fighting against her. A Hentai Houshii; who's entire male lineage were cursed with a hole in their hand, threatening to swallow them after their thirty-third year.

InuYasha, a half demon who was manipulated by the evil one into believing his lover, a miko priestess sought his death, the same said priestess was manipulated into killing her lover, tainted the sacred jewel became, Naraku the Evil Hanyou had succeeded where many had failed in the past. Although he did not predict that the priestess would be cremated with the tarnished jewel, only to be reborn five hundred years later. She returned to the Sengoku, fifty years later, and finished what she began, so very long ago.

The miko's soul was split into two, and the original miko returned from the grave seeking revenge, and the soul of her Hanyou lover to return to the pits of hell with her. InuYasha was willing to return, however he did not see the tainted malice in her soul, she was a backstabbing wench, who was bent on destroying all in her wake, for her small piece of revenge. InuYasha was blinded by the undead miko's words and touches, when he turned his weapon not only, against one Naraku in the bid to destroy him, but there was another in the wake, of his windscar. One who would perish instantly, a candle in the in wind that would be forever extinguished, in time, space and the feudal Era she was alien to.

Tell me what you think, any good???

Ite Kimas
