Disclaimer: I don't own

Disclaimer: I don't own. Simple. As. That.

Warning: Yaoi. SasuNaru. GaaraNaru. Something involving Gaara and Neji in later chapters. Late updates.

If you don't like, please don't read. Hit the back button and have a good day!

A/N: Extremely long wait. Sorry about that. Hopefully this will make up for it.


CHAPTER 3: Hot Water.

Naruto was pissed off. Want to know the reason why? No you fools it was not because of Sasuke. It was not because Sasuke had buggered off after lunch and hadn't bothered to ask if he needed a ride home.

No that wasn't the reason. Or that's what part of Naruto's mind was telling him. He didn't need Sasuke, the selfish part of his kept repeating. After all he had Gaara.

The reason for his extreme bad mood was clearly because he had had no free periods today, well apart from lunch but that so didn't count. That was necessary, he was still a growing boy damnit!

It wasn't because of the Uchiha and a sickening feeling that he couldn't explain. And no he was not repeating himself.

Anyway Naruto was presently sitting in the 'recreation' class room. Recreation was a newish subject, for this years seniors anyway and Naruto was finding it difficult to complete the days assignment.

The assignment being: Pick 3 subject/activities you would like to do. Write the down, in preferential order. Write your name. Leave the classroom.

Everyone else had left, glad that they were getting a lesson off. Naruto however was making the decision as hopelessly difficult as he could. Gaara had gone home to unpack. The teacher had gone. The Uchiha remained. Bored out of his mind I might add. Not that he showed it- perfect bastard.

"Sasuke I don't know what to choose!" the blonde whined, crossing something out for the fifth time. "There's too much choice! Just tell me what you picked and I'll pick the same."

"No." Sasuke sighed. How many times was he going to ask before he got the point?

"But Suke! It'll be loads easier! Please?" Naruto pleaded, blue eyes looking at him all big and blue and needy. How Sasuke wanted to please Naruto but then again...


"Fine." Naruto pouted. "I'll just choose yoga! HA! Swimming and...cooking." Naruto cried triumphantly, trying desperately to get a reaction out of the other boy.

"Yoga?" Sasuke asked incredulously before really thinking about what that meant. 'Yoga...' he mused, 'Naruto bending over in various positions for a whole class? And he'd be getting credit for it!! Damn- I chose wrong.'

"Yeah! Funny isn't it, I put that one last though. All done!" Naruto said with gusto as he smiled at the piece of paper, misinterpreting Sasuke's somewhat thoughtful look.

"Sasuke I'm done." the blonde called, peering at the Uchiha who still looked spaced out.


"I didn't ask you to wait teme." Naruto said absently as he wrote his name on the top of the paper. "What did you choose?" he asked as the strolled to the teachers desk to deposit his form.

"Swimming, further studies and cooking." Sasuke muttered as he watched Naruto's hips swaying.

"Snap. Kind of. Further studies? What's that? Sounds terribly geeky. You'll be fine." Naruto grinned cheekily as he bent down to pick up his bag.

"Hn. Whatever." Sasuke said dismissively, still watching the blonde out of the corner of his eyes. Naruto merely laughed at his attitude and wrapped an arm around him as they made their was to the carpark.

"Well we're bound to be in at least one rec class together aren't we?" the blonde said questioningly. "The Uchiha couple strikes again!"

Naruto was laughing too hard to notice Sasuke's blush and so he simply carried on. Simply.

Arriving at Sasuke's car, the Uchiha moved to the drivers side but paused when Naruto didn't move.

"You coming or what dobe?" he asked bluntly.

"Well...you see I said I'd help Gaara unpack and I was wondering if you wanted to come and-" Naruto began pleadingly. He may be dumb sometimes but even he was not completely oblivious to the tension between the two boys.

"Naruto. He's your friend not mine. He won't want me there. I'll drive you home. I'll drive you to mine but I'm not going there." Sasuke sighed wearily, pinching the bridge of his nose to stem the oncoming headache.

"But Suke he just moved here. He needs friends. Come on. For me?" Naruto whined.

"No. Not even for you Naruto." Sasuke ignored Naruto who was currently using the eyes. The eyes. God the eyes.

"Why don't you like him?" Naruto asked, head tilted to the side, confused look in place.

"Because." Sasuke found that the only way to deal with Naruto's occasional thoughtful comments was with as little communication as possible.

"That's not a reason bastard!" Naruto cried annoyed that the Uchiha was still not looking at him.

"It'll do under these circumstances." Sasuke said quietly as he looked off to the side.

"Please Sasuke! Only for a while."

"The answer's still no."

"Meanie." Naruto pouted, making the Uchiha hesitate, for about a millisecond.

"Deal with it." He said shortly.

"Fine." Naruto huffed. Angry and hurt that Sasuke wouldn't do this for him. He was Naruto. Sasuke was supposed to do things for him. Looking down at the floor at his feet Naruto frowned. Was it weird that he thought about Sasuke like this?

"Do you want a lift to school tomorrow dobe?" Sasuke interrupted his thoughts with the gentle question. He didn't want to upset Naruto but he really didn't want to go to Gaara's house. Didn't want to see them together. The redhead had been there one day and it already felt like there was a rift between them.

"Yes please." The blonde sulked.

"Ok. Bye." And Sasuke was gone before Naruto looked up.


Class was about to begin as Naruto walked across the tiled pool side. His presence so commanding that every eye in the vicinity turned to look at him. Even the Uchiha was not spared from this mouth watering sight..

The black swimming trunks he had on were hanging low on his tanned hips letting even the most casual observer get an eyeful of his abdomen.

Sasuke watched transfixed from the cool water as Naruto's hips swayed easily from side to side. The blonde's tanned skin was pulled taut over his hip bones and the smoothness ran under the waistband of the shorts forming a little V that Sasuke desperately wanted to touch, wanted to kiss, wanted to see underneath him writhing and bucking up against his equally flat but pale stomach.

Dragging his eyes heavily up Naruto's body, Sasuke saw droplets of water drip from his blonde hair. Blonde hair that was currently plastered to his head, clinging to scared cheeks. Sasuke mentally thanked whoever thought of forcing the students to shower before they entered the pool.

Feeling his whole body react simply at the sight of Naruto, Sasuke gripped the edge of the pool tightly, watching the water run over said blonde's collar bone and down his chest. Sasuke's gaze paused slightly as his eyes fixated on Naruto's nipples, dirty thoughts running wantonly through his head.

Flicking his gaze back to the trails of water Sasuke watched as the drops ran down the middle of Naruto's stomach and came to a halt when they reached his bellybutton.

Now then if Sasuke Uchiha was not Sasuke Uchiha he would have moaned at the sight, he wouldn't have been able to hold it in. But being an Uchiha spared him that embarrassment at least, however Sasuke's totally-in-control Uchiha side could not compete with his perverted Uchiha side. So poor Sasuke was left feeling terribly frustrated. His mouth dry, his heart rate going wild and a burning desire to bite his lip all mixed with an overwhelming pride that prevented him from showing any of it.

Sasuke's onyx eyes burned into the spot where the tiny water droplets were collecting, slightly disappointed that the water had stopped there, only a few inches from where he wanted it to be.

Finally as if sensing the infamous Uchiha glare (I told you it had it's uses) the crystal clear droplets fell down the final few inches and were absorbed into the band of Naruto's shorts.

Sasuke's glare intensified.

How he wished the waters path was not obstructed. How he wanted to rip off those dammed shorts and watch water run down the smooth skin until it ran over Naruto's hot, hard... Sasuke sighed, alas Naruto was wearing shorts and would probably hate him if he striped the clothes off him in the middle of class just so that he could watch water run down his body. Heck Naruto would probably hate it if Sasuke saw him naked anyway. Regardless of water.

There were only just enough lanes in the pool, meaning that everyone had to share a lane- apart from one person. Currently Naruto was the only one left out of the pool and Sasuke and Gaara were the only two without a partner in their lanes.

'Stupid fucking Sabuka' Sasuke thought savagely as he saw the redhead boy surveying Naruto as well, as the blonde wondered over to their sensei to sign in.

Sasuke watched Naruto stand up, no of coure he hadn't been staring at the blonde's ass, and his rapidly beating heart stopped. Naruto was crouching down in front of the redhead, grinning like a loon. He wasn't going to join Gaara in the pool was he? Sasuke refused to come second to that guy, no matter how many 'special times' the pair had shared.

Sasuke was so lost in his own thoughts, which consisted of killing Gaara no Sabuka very, very slowly, that he didn't notice the tanned body standing above him.

Not for the first time in his life Sasuke thanked the lord he was an Uchiha. Any other person who looked up to see Naruto Uzamaki standing above them, black trunks clinging to his legs, skin damp and glistening, would pass out from blood loss immediately. But being an Uchiha had it's advantages sometimes. He had at least retained consciousness in the face of the human equivalent of his most lustful dreams.

But even Sasuke Uchiha could not prevent his breath catching in the back of his throat, mouth hanging open ever so slightly as the blue eyes stared down at him.

"Can I get in your lane?"

'God yes' inner Sasuke thought pevertedly turning the innocent question into something much dirtier. "Hn."

"Thanks Sasuke." Naruto said, voice low. Sasuke carried on looking up at him and expected the blonde to step around his arms and jump childishly into the water. However the blonde lowered himself to the tiled floor and sat with his legs in between the Uchiha's arms. Sasuke eyes widened comically for a second as he pushed himself away from the wall but seeing Naruto smirking at him he decided to keep up his usual indifferent front.

Hands firmly in place, his eyes met the blue that glinted mischievously as the blonde shifted his weight forward and pushed his stomach towards the Uchiha.

Sasuke, for his part did try to keep his eyes on Naruto's face. Really he did. But he couldn't help the way his eyes flickered to the blonde's stomach as it came aching close to is own. Running his eyes up and down the tanned body a few times Sasuke realised he still hadn't closed his mouth, scowling at the reaction Naruto was causing him he closed his mouth and glared at the shorter boy.

Sliding into the water Naruto gave a smirk as his knees brushed against the other's body, watching as Sasuke tensed at the close, wet contact.

The usually stoic boy's face flushed red as Naruto slipped completely into the water. Still standing in between Sasuke's arms Naruto smiled up at the Uchiha and slowly lowered his gaze to Sasuke's mouth.

Licking his lips unconsciously, Sasuke began to lean away from the blonde boy, not fully understanding his behavior, but before he was beyond arms reach he felt Naruto brush his fingers over his stomach.

Grasping the side of the pool tighter he glared down at Naruto, who continued to smirk. "What's the matter Sasuke?" He asked innocently as his fingers moved to graze the skin of the Uchiha's hip. "You said I could get in your lane."

Hn. Dobe." was all Sasuke could get out as Naruto gently pulled them towards each other.

"Do you want me to go?" he asked childishly, tracing a pattern on the raven's chest with a tanned finger. Sasuke decided not to answer, but focused on the feeling of Naruto's slightly calloused fingers as they brushed over his pale skin. Looking around briefly, he wondered why no one had noticed how close Naruto was to him.

He'd noticed.

Naruto smiled at the distracted boy, "I said," he drawled out "Do you want me to get out? I can go and umm talk to Gaara if you want."

Snapping his full attention back onto Naruto Sasuke glared at the still smiling blonde, "Don't you dare." He growled possessively. The raven didn't know what was going on with Naruto today but quite frankly he didn't care. He wasn't going to loose out to Gaara. Not now. Not ever.

"Oooo Sasuke-teme. I didn't know you cared." Naruto giggled. Making Sasuke want to crush him against the poolside and ravage him senseless.

"Hn. Whatever." Naruto grinned at Sasuke's reply and eyes glinting, he leaned up and brushed his nose against the Uchiha's ear.

"Mmm teme. It doesn't sound like you want me here." Naruto breathed into Sasuke's ear, sending shivers down his pale back.

"N-Naruto what are y-" The Uchiha began only to be interrupted by the blonde who was currently pressing his body up against the other boys, fingers digging into his hips.

"I wish you wanted me." Naruto whispered wantingly, brushing his nose in Sasuke's raven hair. He pulled away and looked up at the older boy with big pleading, bluer than blue eyes.

The pair just stared at each other for a moment, the atmosphere thick, before Naruto brought his mouth dangerously close to Sasuke's.

"I want you."

Sasuke froze when he heard Naruto breathe these words heavily across his mouth, he felt Naruto's warm breath ghost across his lips and he felt the urgency with which Naruto was now holding onto him. But his body didn't react.

Sasuke opened his mouth to speak but he simply couldn't string the words together. His whole mind was completely focused on how close Naruto's perfect little mouth was to his own.

"Sasuke..." Naruto said, his tone like liquid sex, if a little firmer than before. "I want you so bad." At this a least Sasuke reacted, inhaling sharply he felt goosebumps rise all over his body and realised with a blush that alot of blood was flowing downwards.

Sasuke had yet to break the intense eye contact that the blonde was holding him in, but somewhere in the back of his mind he registered that Naruto was now pressed in between his chest and the side of the pool. Another part of his brain registered, and thought it was strange, that even though they were in a crowded pool no one was stopping any of their actions. It was strange but he found that he wasn't exactly troubled by the news.

To Sasuke the whole thing felt like an out of body experience. He briefly wondered why Naruto was acting so forward so suddenly but he was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate when the object of his desires was pressed up against his body. Flicking his dark eyes from Naruto's bottom lip to his big blue eyes he felt a far from uncommon urge to kiss the blonde boy.

He lifted one hand out of the water where it was still hanging by his side and shaking slightly brushed his thumb over the bottom lip that tormented him so. Sasuke ran the rest of his fingers over Naruto's smooth scarred cheek. The blonde made no complaints and so Sasuke leant forward, closing the small distance that was left between them.

Considering the distance was so small it took Sasuke a hell of a long time to reach Naruto's pouty mouth but when he did the whole torturous summer was worth it. Having to see but not touch for two hot, sweaty months had nearly been more than the Uchiha could handle but now...oh god. Now it was worth it. Totally worth it.

Sasuke actually sighed when he pressed his lips against Naruto's, a simply happy sigh filled with contentment. Stepping forward, Sasuke tilted his head slightly and pressed his mouth harder against Naruto's soft lips, earning a soft gasp from the smaller boy.

Sasuke pulled away, still slightly afraid that Naruto didn't really want this, but before he could step away from the blonde Naruto had clashed their mouth together again.

That was when the world dissolved around Sasuke. When Naruto opened his mouth and shyly brushed his tongue against Sasuke's lips. That was when Sasuke lost his...everything. Including his ability to stand upright. If it wasn't for Naruto's grip on his hips he would have ended up under the water.

Sasuke removed his hands from the side of the pool and wrapped them around Naruto's gorgeous little hips as Naruto ran his hands up his chest. Sasuke continued to let his fingers roam the tanned skin. He had wanted this for so long. So so long.

Sasuke pulled away, a delicious wet noise signalling the separation of their lips.

"Mmmm Sasuke..." Naruto breathed out into Sasuke's mouth, causing a shiver to run up the whole of the Uchiha's body. God Naruto was addictive. Just one kiss and he was hooked.

"Sasuke- I told you I wanted you...What else do I have to do? Why don't you want me?" Naruto half panted half whined into Sasuke's ear. The raven haired boy shuddered again as Naruto licked the shell of his ear slowly. "Please Sasuke..." he whispered before nibbling at the pale boy's earlobe.

Sasuke moaned as his body responded to Naruto's attention. Pushing the blonde further against the wall Sasuke couldn't help but bite his lip as he felt the blonde squirm beneath him, rubbing against the growing problem he was sporting.

"Naruto...Are you sure about this?" Sasuke wondered aloud, completely forgetting the fact that they were in a public pool- during school hours- in front of all their friends- and the teacher...

Naruto merely nodded as he wound his arms around the Uchiha's neck. Sasuke's eyes went wide as Naruto pressed their lips together quickly. But as quickly as the contact was established it was gone. Only to be replaced by one extremely, hot, panting, kissable mouth just a few centimeters away fro his own.

Sasuke visibly gulped before he murmured, "What do you want me to do?"

"God Sasuke at this point I don't care just...touch me." Naruto said lowly his ear.

"T-touch you?" Sasuke Uchiha stammered. Yes stammered.

"Mmm yeah... Come on Suke. Please I just want you to touch me." As if to confirm his request Naruto rolled his hips into Sasuke's groin, earning a moan from the older boy.

This couldn't be happening Sasuke thought to himself as he rocked his hips back into Naruto's. But when the blonde groaned and gripped his shoulders harshly Sasuke was forced to think that this wasn't just some perverted dream. It was real. God. It was real. Really really real.

Encouraged and absolutely overjoyed Sasuke pushed forward again and lowered his head to kiss Naruto's tanned neck. Something he had longed to do every time he was near the blonde.

"Mmm Sasuke," Naruto gasped, turning said boy on even more.


"Sasuke please. I-I need you to..."

"Patience dobe" Sasuke scolded lightly, as his hands groped Naruto's lithe form under the water, pale fingers tracing the back of Naruto's thighs suggestively.

"Just do it bastard." Naruto said impatiently.

Sasuke felt eager and keen and every other emotion that was remotely connected to the two and so didn't not hesitate to lift Naruto's legs up around his waist. Smirking at the much better position Sasuke ground his hips firmly into Naruto's, smirking further at the strangled cry he managed to pry from Naruto's throat.

"God Sasuke..." Naruto breathed out, head still buried somewhere in Sasuke's warm neck.

Wanting to increase the amount of noise he got out of the blonde Sauske snaked his hand down in between their hot wet chests and traced the line of those dammed black swimming trunks.

"Ahhh Sasuke!"

Sasuke's head was spinning. He had Naruto under him, nearly. Panting out his name, kissing him, holding him but most importantly wanting him. The fact that Naruto had started this making it all that much more pleasurable.

"Fuck Naruto...Do you have any idea how long I've wanted this?" Sasuke whispered before crashing his mouth against Naruto's, tasting and relishing the warmness that was uniquely Naruto.

"Suke I'm so close, just a little bit longer and I'm going to- mmfph!"

Sasuke cut off the blonde before he could gasp anything else out and continued to kiss the life out of his little best friend, whilst grinding their hips together with unrestrained lust.

He didn't hold back. Didn't need to. If anyone was ever going to be good enough for the mighty Sasuke Uchiha it was always only ever going to be Naruto Uzamaki.

Sasuke felt Naruto's mouth on his, felt Naruto's legs wrapped around his waist, felt Naruto's hands digging into his shoulders, felt his heartbeat, his erection, his ragged breathing and it made the feeling of his oncoming orgasm that much more intense.

He could barely stand the pressure. The burning fire in his stomach. It all felt too good, he couldn't hold on any longer, his body shaking with the effort to keep going.

He was going to scream, he was going to see Naruto in ecstasy, he was going to...wake up.


That's not right.

Sasuke blinked up at his ceiling to see the fan spin lazily.


He was in the pool. With Naruto. Making out. God yes.

But now...he wasn't.

God no. Why must the world be so cruel. He was just about to…uurgh. The least the world owed him was a dream orgasm. But noooooo. Of course not. That would be too much to ask for.

But did that mean that he hadn't been in the pool with Naruto? Kissing Naruto. Making Naruto squirm. Was that all a dream too?

Glancing over at the alarm clock to see that it was only five thirty in the morning, Sasuke concluded that no he hadn't been in the pool kissing Naruto. Bugger.

Shifting his leg slightly, Sasuke let out a moan. Great. He was hard. Because of Naruto and a dream Naruto at that. Moving again in an experimental way Sasuke found himself moaning again as the bed covers weighed down on his erect member.

Fingers twitching Sasuke began to recall what he could from the dream. The way Naruto's legs had wrapped around his waist, the taste of his hot little mouth, the feel of his thighs as they stained against him...

Sasuke pushed the bed covers off his body quickly, thoughts of Naruto sending his hand south before he had a chance to stand properly.

Half stumbling to the shower Sasuke cursed his luck and prayed that today wasn't going to be as umm hard as it was already proving.


So what do you think? Worth a review perhaps? Hmmmm? Please! Hopefully I'll update before the month is out. Reviews might make me do it faster. Haha not that I'm begging or anything!

Thanks for reading. Guess what? I'm going to Japan at the end of May WOO HOO!! xxx