Hi guys! Well here's the 9th chapter!! I would like to thank everyone who talk me into continuing this story! I would like to thank everyone who has read this story all the way through!!!So thank you to all who read the story. Here's everyone who stuck with me and reviewed!!!

missvampirewannabe (and her friend)

I Love Kyo-Kun




Idiotic Stupidty Person

The Only Onigiri


And for those of you I didn't say thank you very much!!! I loved writing this story!!!! I thank every one who loved the story!!! To every one who read the story!!!! I can't thank you guys enough!!! You guys made this possible!!!!!! Again thank you every one!!!! Well here,s the last chapter!!! Hope your not disaponted!!!


I stood in front of the grave. It read:


Yuki Sohma

A veteran of war.

I fleet hot tears roll down my cheeks. I wiped them away. "Good-bye Yuki," I fleet the tears pour out of me. I fleet an arm around my shoulder. Then hot lips on my cheek. I turned to see Tohru. Behind her stood our twins Yuki and Haru.

"Let's go," She whispered into my ears.

"Yeah, let's do that," I said holding back more tears. "Let's do that."

8 years ago

I stood in the trenches. Yuki stood beside me.

"Haru is gone," He said sighing.

"Let's try to forget it," I said to him as I turned away. I fleet a strong arm grab me. I turned to look at him. I knew I was going to cry. My bottom lip quivered. I rubbed my face. The tears still came. Not a word was said between us. Yuki pulled me into an embrace. I didn't pull away. He was my friend. The one thing I wanted from him.

Yuki let go of me, "Don't forget me if I don't make it out of here," He said as he ruffed my hair up like a dad does to his son.

"Nor me," I said as I punched him in the arm playfully. We both laughed. But as they say, 'All good things must come to an end.'

A shot hit the ground near us. Me and Yuki stared at each other. He pushed me. I ran. An explosion happened not far away. People behind us flew back to meet their death. I ran as fast as I could. Not stopping to breathe. Shots and explosions happened ever were. Shots and screams of pain rang in the air. Then the unthinkable happened. I heard a scream. But that of Yuki's. I turned to see what happened.

"Shit!" I said as I ran to Yuki. I fleet tears wail up inside. I pulled Yuki into my arms. I shock him. "Don't die," I repeated into his ear. Tears were streaming down my face. "You can't. You just can't."

Yuki looked at me. "Tell Tohru I love her," He said softly.

"No, no. Don't, don't," I Sobbed.

"Good-bye Kyo. I'll tell Haru you said hi," Then he fell silent. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Good-bye," I said as I laid my head upon his chest. The fight stopped. I fleet a hand on my head.

"Stay strong," Jason said as he walked away. I sobbed harder then ever.

"I'll miss you Yuki," I said as I got up and left.

8 years letter.

There Yuki stood crying. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Haru wont give me my rat back," She pouted. Like she always did she put her bottom lip out. I laughed at her cuteness.

I called Haru over, "Haru," I said smiling. I could barely hold my laughter back. "Give Yuki her rat."

"No," He said as he turned around. I put my head in my hands. They were just like bother and sister.

"Why not Haru," I asked him.

"Because I'm older then her," He replied, nose in the air. I laughed.

"By 2 minutes!" Yuki yelled back. I laughed harder then ever.

"Alright I know how to settle this," I said as I grabbed the toy rat from Haru. "Alright so you both want it right?" They both nodded. "Well, the rat is going to chose who it wants to play with," I threw the rat at Yuki.

"Yay! I knew it liked me best!!" She stuck her tongue out at Haru and ran away.

"That rat doesn't know what it's missing out on!" He yelled at her. I laughed harder then before. I haven't laughed like this since the war. I fleet 2 arms wrap around him. He looked at Tohru. "Yes?" I asked a grin crossing my face. She kissed me.

"No reason," She replied as she kissed me. We both heard "EWWWWWWWW!" We looked to see Haru and Yuki standing there.

I laughed, "Don't you guys have something to play with?"

They looked at one another, "The cat is mine!" Haru yelled as he ran to there room. Me and Tohru laughed. I looked at her, and kissed her.

The End


Well there you go. The final chapter!!! Hope you liked it!!!! Thanks to every one who stuck with me in this wild ride!!! Thanks for the reviews!!!!! R.I.P Casey