Chapter 2

Sho-dono: OMG! We are soooo sorry for not updating in the last few months. We've……… been busy. Well actually that's a lie. We've just been incredibly lazy. Anyway…. Take it away Shiinmaru-dono.

Shiinmaru-dono: It's not a lie for me; I have TWO AP classes and am only able to read ONE hour of fanfiction per weekend. You're just lazy and have no excuse for not updating. Anyway, expect the prologue of this story to be reposted sometime between now and March; my writer's group has given major suggestions and they have led to a plot bunny. On with the fic!

Harry was awoken from a horrid nightmare by an insistent prodding to his forehead… and the feeling of someone sitting on his stomach, "Mmmph." The constant poking paused for a few seconds before renewing with renewed vigor, "Mmmmmmmph!!"

"Sheara! What have Shane and I told you about pestering patients!" a vicious female voice pierced through.

"But it's fuuuuuuuuuuun…" Harry cracked his eyes open to peer at Sheara in irritation.

"Dung-hen, I will make it so you can NEVER again look at yaoi if you don't get off MY patient this second. I will also inform your uncle that you were harming a patient; I'll call him right NOW if you don't GET OFF HIM!" Scylla screamed, the air audibly cracking in the compartment. Sheara whimpered pitifully before slinking off to the other seat. Shortly after, Harry's vision was filled with white hair and a concerned face. "How're you feeling, Angel? Any pain?" she asked while prodding different parts of his body; Harry merely croaked a simple, "None," before falling silent.

Scrunching his nose, Harry asked about what was bothering him, "Why'd you call me 'Angel'?"

The previously unnoticed 'Reqy' giggled, "Look behind you, bird-boy." Harry whipped his head around only to be met with a face full of feathers. He sputtered pathetically for a few seconds before he figured out that his wings had re-spread from their hiding place. A sense of dread fell over him as he realized that these strange girls now knew that he was not entirely human.

"Um… I can explain…" Scylla smiled kindly and, with a whoosh, she spread her own, rather small, pair of wings.

"Don't worry; you're not the only odd one around here." Scylla calmly re-folded her wings and shifted in her seat so that she was able to rest her feet in Sheara's lap.

"W-who are you?" Harry muttered softly in shock.

Reqy glanced over at him and sighed, "The auburn-head is Sheara the Critic, the silver-haired is Scylla the Planner (her name is actually Fiona but we don't call her that), and I'm Requiem 'Reqy' the Dreamer. We've just transferred from America; who be you?" Harry could only stare.

"America? But… then why are you here? In Britain?"

Scylla's eyes harden before she looked away, "I was expelled…for nearly killing a classmate." Harry gapes in shock; Scylla, noticing this, gets up to close Harry's mouth for him. She then maneuvers herself into a position in which she could cuddle the Boy-Who-Lived as she spoke, "He, the classmate, raped my best friend and gave him HIV…the Killer Strain, not the normal one…" She trailed off and buried her face in the midnight locks, "My friend killed himself with a pair of scissors when he found out and I…I-I was the one who found him. I stabbed the bastard who forced my friend to suicide with the same pair of scissors; he's now paralyzed for life." Sheara and Requiem had remained silent during Scylla's explanation, almost as if they were mourning the death of their friend.

Harry finally managed to make his mouth and vocal cords woks, "O-oh… I'm sorry… I-I didn't know…" he looked down at his hands unable to look at the three of them anymore. A firm pat on his head made him look up to see Sheara grinning, sanely.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. Cake?" Harry blinked for a moment before he realized that she was holding a Cauldron Cake out for him to take.

Harry made no move to take the cake and after a few minutes Sheara frowned and forcibly put it in his hand before ordering him to eat it.

"Best to eat it before she makes you, bird-boy; Sheara's not the most gentle of people," Requiem advised without looking up from her smutty romance novel.

"It's true, Angel; Sheara's rather…blunt, for wont of a better word," Scylla added.

"Bird-boy, I keep meaning to ask – or, I did ask and you didn't answer – who be you?" Reqy looked up from her latest copy of Icha Icha Paradise to stare down the Boy-Who-Just-Wouldn't-Die with an eerily Snape-like glare.

"Ummmmmmm…." Harry raised his bangs when words failed him.

"Ah, Bird-boy is the Boy-Who-Lived; doesn't matter, really, you're still our patient." Harry frowned at Scylla's flippant tone, he glanced angrily out the window to see that the sun was low in the sky.

"We should get changed into our uniforms. We'll be at Hogwarts soon." When Harry looked at the three Americans, though, he saw blank faces.

"Wait…" Sheara began slowly, "you mean we were actually supposed to get those uniforms? And wear them? Whoops!" Scylla shook her head slowly.

"The uniforms were ugly and unflattering. I would not have worn it either way and there's no way they can make us. Right, Reqy?" Reqy nodded sagely. Harry just frowned at them.

"You'll get in trouble if you don't wear them…" glares from the three girls told him well enough that they didn't care. "Then can you at least get out so that I can change?"

"Sure, whatever," as one, the three stood and tromped out into the corridor where the met with Ron and Hermione.

Shiinmaru-dono: Yo, sorry we haven't updated! There is such a thing as school and a crazed history teacher who doesn't understand the concept of time. Oh well; we're kind of stuck at what should happen during the feast…so any suggestions are welcome. Any and all flames will be used to roast the marshmallows we are bringing to MegaCon.

Sho-dono: heheheh. Rly sry bout not updating but…. MY B-DAY IS IN 7 DAYS! W00T W00T!!!!!!

Shiinmaru-dono: Are you six or sixteen? Goddess, you are juvenile this close to MegaCon…We'll try to update as soon as possible. Shiinmaru-dono out!