Ed's Game

I do NOT own Ed, Edd, n Eddy.

From the mind that brought you The Cartoon Network Movie, The Return of Lord Plank, and many more fan fics, I present Ed's Game!

Starring Ed, Edd, n Eddy in their biggest adventure yet, Ed's Game is a story full of evil, sci-fi, curses, and many more things! So join me as we venture into Ed's Game!!

Chapter 1: Let the Games Begin!

Somewhere in the void of space, a space ship floated. On it, an alien life form walked. He walked into a room with a computer. "Computer! Tell me, what is the nearest planet?" he yelled. He was tall and green-grey. A sort of glow emitted from him actually. He had arms and legs with two knees on each leg or arm.

"Scanning area… Planetary system found… Name not located in data banks… Scanning for life… One habitable planet found… Sapient life detected… Scanning planetary records… The locals call the planet Earth. It is the third planet in its system. Do you wish to have a summary of the planet?" a computer voice said.

"Yes," the alien said.

"Its surface is seventy-five percent water, twenty-five percent land. The atmosphere is seventy-eight percent nitrogen, twenty-one percent oxygen, and one percent of it is other gases. The sapient life on it calls itself "Humans", scientifically "Homo sapiens". The only non-populated location is at the Southern-most pole and some parts of deserts and rain forests," the computer said, analyzing the data. "It has one natural satellite," it added.

"How far advanced are the Humans?" the alien life form asked.

"They are barely entering their Space Age. Would you like to bring us in to a landing?" the computer asked him.

"Yes… Which town is the most likely to not notice an alien ship landing?" the alien asked.

"Analyzing… Peach Creek. Landing there in one Galactic day," the computer said.

"Good… Let the games begin!" the alien yelled, laughing evilly as he looked at a picture of Earth…

One light year away, Peach Creek Jr. High School

"Man this stinks," Eddy said as he walked down the hall. "We have double assignments in everything!" he yelled.

"It's only for our education, Eddy," Edd said.

"Education squat! I hate homework," Eddy muttered. He opened his locker and got his books and forced them into his bag, which almost broke. Edd did the same and his bag almost broke. He stood up, and fell over backwards from the weight.

"Although there is something to be said about reasonable weighting of the work," Edd said, as Eddy helped him up.

"Yeah, yeah, come one, Sockhead," Eddy said, walking through the doors, a struggling to stand up Edd behind him.

They walked down the stairs, and Edd almost fell face first into the ground. He didn't, and struggled to stay upright the rest of the way home while Eddy ranted about how he hated all the work they had for the weekend. They stopped at Edd's where Edd put his bag inside, and continued to Eddy's. "Eddy, can I ask if you know where Ed's been the last five days? I'm concerned," Edd said as Eddy put his bag in his room.

"He's probably been skipping school for monster movies again," Eddy said, sitting on his bed. Suddenly, his room's door opened rapidly, making a loud thunk.

"THEIR HERE!" Ed yelled, running into Eddy's room.

"ED! Where have you been the last five days?" Edd asked.

"Watching the Space Conquistadors marathon, Double D! The aliens are coming! They will enslave us all!!" Ed yelled.

"Ed, that is a fictitious story, make belief," Edd explained. "Aliens aren't actually coming to Earth," he said, putting his arm around Ed's shoulders.

"I SAW THEM, DOUBLE D! THEIR SHIPS ARE LIKE PLATES!" Ed yelled, hiding under Eddy's bed, and pulling the other Eds under it with him.

"ED! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" Eddy yelled, crawling out of under his bed.

"Hiding from the aliens," Ed said, under Eddy's bed. Edd crawled out of under Eddy's bed, and dusted himself off.

"Ed, there are no aliens," Edd said, standing up. Unknown to anyone in the cul-de-sac, a space ship was beginning to land in the Peach Creek woods…

"Come and buy your official "Armageddon 2012" gear here! Buy it here while there's still a world left!" Eddy yelled from behind a booth on the sidewalk.

"Eddy, that's five years from now! Why would we scam it this early?" Edd asked in the tone he used with the sumo-scam.

"Because it'll be the rage in the future, why not scam off it now?" Eddy asked. "Get ahead of the others, it's what we always try to do," Eddy asked.

"Like the time with Fad Freaky?" Edd asked, laughing.

"Exactly! We were years ahead of them!" Eddy yelled. "Then when we took a break they caught up," he remembered.

"What is this junk?" Kevin asked, walking up.

"This junk is merchandise of the end of the world in 2012!" Eddy yelled. "I'd buy the survival gear, it might save your life," Eddy said. "Only a quarter," he added, sticking a jar out.

"I'll buy it when I believe ya! I still remember that last scam, dorks!" Kevin yelled, walking off.

"Dorks?" Ed asked dumbly. He looked at a hat with the Earth exploding on it. "AHH!! IT'S A SIGN!" he yelled, seeing a pattern in it.

"Ed, what are you talking about?" Edd asked quizzically, looking at the hat.

"SEE! It is a sign of the aliens, who will destroy Earth!" Ed yelled, pointing at a group of debris on the hat.

"It does have a strange shape, I'll admit, but I doubt it's a sign, Ed. It's just your imagination probably," Edd said.. He patted Ed on the back. Unknowingly to all of them, right now in their forest a space ship sat, the life form on it plotting on taking them all…

Ten billion light years away, orbiting a dying star

"Milord, we have news on the location of Zar. He is in a newly found solar system in Galaxy PC-11, the only planet with intelligent life is called Earth," an alien said. Much like the alien earlier, he had two joints on each limb, and the only difference was that this one had two joints coming out of it's side, marking it as a female.

"Good… Blockade the system, I don't want him to escape again," the alien emperor said, as it looked out the window of the throne room and into the asteroid field that once was his species' home planet; Yanaba.

"Yes, milord!" the female alien yelled, running out of the thrown room…

How was it so far? Please, I really want to know your opinion, people, so I know how to improve this.

Note: "" means the chapter is over.