Chapter 7

Written by: Thowell3

Disclamer: I Do not Own any thing in this story. and half of the Credit for this story should go to The Sacred And Profane

Raven woke up the next morning getting dressed in her regular style of jeans and one of her favorite Graphic t-shirts that Ironically had a Raven on it. She ran down the stairs and started to get a lunch together before seeing that her dad had left her Brown bag lunch on the counter as always.

After finishing breakfast she grabbed her school bag , Put on her shoes and went to the bus stop humming a the song Love Today by Mika for some reason she didn't know except that it was a catchy song.

After taking the bus to school she went right to the calf and started her search for the Paranoid twins them selves Rich and Roy.

After a search of 5 minutes she spotted them sitting in the corner of the Calf under the window which was meant for the "popular" students.

Raven Walked over to the table

"So Then Ollie said that he was going to take it out of my allowance for putting a little dent in the car not even all that big" Roy said not noticing Raven

"Your Kidding. Wow." Rich said also not noticing Raven

Raven Cleared her Throat Loudly Which broke them out of there conversation

They both looked at her. "Can we help you" Rich said not really caring

"Maybe she just wants to ask one of us out." Roy said jokingly

"Yeah you wish" Raven said under her breath "I was wondering if you knew Gar Logan?"

Both Boys froze for a second "Never Heard of him." Rich replied

"Gar , Gar , Gar…. Nope never heard of him" Roy said after Rich

"Well some other people would say other wise" Raven said replying to there responses

"Wait a second" Rich Said in a low tone "Who made you think we know some guy Named Gar Logan?"

"A couple of people gave me information." Raven said turning her back to them "But I guess those 'Informants' were wrong I guess ill have to correct them"

Raven started to walk away from them.

"Wait" Said Roy in a Quiet voice. "If you can get us the names of the informants then we'll tell you about Garfield Logan"

Raven Smiled "Ok But you'll have to tell me every thing first I am not going to tell you the informants name till after I get the information and after that I'll get the names from my list and have it to you for tomorrow"

Rich looked at her "No Deal. You give us those names now"

Raven started to walk away again Roy grabbed her arm

"Ok. Ok we will tell you about Garfield Logan now Jeez. Just get us those names for tomorrow"

"Deal" Raven said sitting down at the table with them.

"Now lets hear all about it."

Across Town at the Hospital

Garfield's Dad walked into the Psyche Ward room where he had bin working for the last few days.

"Now where did we leave off yesterday my boy?" He asked the teen that was lying on his bed.

"Well I just got to the point where she dumped me." He stated

"And how did that make you feel son?" Dr. Logan Asked

"Well it made me feel like crap. It felt like she had ripped my heart out and at that point I realized that she was mine regardless of what she said that she was afraid of commitment and that I had to show her the way and I would have if that Goth and his psycho babble."

Dr. Logan looked at him "Well Mr. Rorek.."

"Please" He intrupted "Call me Malhicor"

Ok Sorry about the Latness of ths Chapter. I have had this chapter for the last 6 months ready but competely forgot about it. My bad. I dident relise till I was going threw the files and thinking about wrtting another story. I am glad I checked back on my story before writing my next chapter because I dident even know that I hadent posted this one. till I read threw this and then read threw the last chapter that I posted. So Sorry for the latness of this. I think it was probly because of school at that time then durring the sumer it sat in a flash drive till I got my new laptop and now its finally seeing the light of day. Ill try to update more regulary but since i started college I havent had much time to write. when ever I have free time from class ( Which is alot because I comute with my dad every Day and i have to wate for him to be ready to leave) I will try to write more. I am curently trying to write more for Teen Titans: Of Mice and Men and I am Trying to find a Co-author for the sequil to Teen Titans Love. Because V.K.M. Kimball have bin working to gether for a while and I want some other people to have a chance to work with me no affence to her I am one of her biggest fans and if it wernt for her I wouldent have so many people reading the storys that I write and I would never get a story finished. She is the glue that Holds together Logan Identiy and Parallel Universe. So If you are infact intrested and helping me write a Sequil to Titans Love please contact me. and V.K.M. Kimball if your reading this sorry but you cant applie because you are over qualified and also because we are already working on 2 storys at the same time and also all those other stories your working on which I will help with if you ever ask. So Start talking to me people. Write a reason why I should pick you. Major things are you must have MSN messenger and you must be open to bouncing Ideas and possiblity of Ideas being regected. PS. Check out V.K.M.Kimball she is a really good writter. And you can see our writing together in Parallel Univer and Logan Identity. Till next time See you In cyber space. - Thowell3