Yes! I am here with a new story. This time, its Akatsuki love.

The school system is fixed! YAY! Its now: Freshmen, Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors!

Summary: They were the guys who ruled the school. Her? She was just a naïve innocent, scholorship girl to the most elite school in Japan...
Beauteous Love
Chapter 1: Enter Haruno Sakura.

A pink haired, 14 year old girl, who was currently sitting on her dad's car gaping at the new school she will be attending.

Photo Shoot: Name: Haruno Sakura Age:14 Height:5'7 School: Graduated from Sunagakure Middle School. Now entering Konohagakure Private High. (Freshmen) Family Status: Lives with Mom (Sakuno), Dad (Keiki), and dog Lucky. Apperance: pink hair, emerald colored eyes.
"Tous-san..This is the school I will be attending?" The emerald orb girl asked her dad gaping. "I can't believe I am going to be attending Japan's most elite school!!"

Sakura's red haired dad chuckled. "You studied hard for it. You deserve it ne? What dad would ask for more? His daughter going to high school now.."

Konohagakure Private High was a huge, beautiful, castle like, four building compound. Anyone who graduated from this school, got a automatic invites to the most elite colleges like Ivy League, Harvard, Oxford in the States and England.

Sakura's dad stopped the car in the traffic circle that was part of the main enterance to the main building. Sakura cautiously stepped out of the car as her dad started pulling out her luggages from the trunk. "Sweetie, is this all?" her dad asked pointing to the 3 pink luggages.

"Yes.." Sakura answered spacing out. Everyone here was model gorgeous. Wearing expensive outfits, riding limos, had money on the tip of their fingers. Sakura removed her chin length front hair out of the view. Her friends insisted that she gets atleast a decent haircut for this day. Her wavy hair was now a straight glossy, about 4 inches below her shoulders, and had cute bangs covering her forhead.

"Sweetie, I should get going now" her dad said. Sakura turned around and hugged her dad tightly never wanting to let go. "I'll miss you." she said making her grip tighter. "Don't forget to call okay? And tell Kaa-san I'll miss her." He nodded and got into his car driving into the distant.

Sakura inhaled. "It's gonna be a year huh?"

"As I was saying Sakura-chan. Teachers around here are tough, so don't forget to study everything okay? They will have lots of tests and pop quizes too. Sorry if I am sounding too frantic and desperate. Its just that we never get scholorship students anymore." Sakura's house mother Shizune told her.

Sakura nodded. "Its fine...Um..Shizune-san where is my room?

Shizune handed her a card-key. "It's room number 5A," she smiled, "I'll love to show you around, but I am kinda behind on my work." She gestured to the piles of papers stacked on her desk. "Oh! And your belongings are already there along with your uniforms."

"Ok. Oh and it's fine Shizune-san. I'm sure I can manage. I mean its just a small school ne?" she replied.

"Okay..Apperantly its not a small school." Sakura said after taking a look at the dorm. It was 10 floored building. Very, very hotel like. She started walking. "1A...1B...2A...2B...3A...3B...4A...4B...5A!" she slid her card-key into the handle. It clicked opened, reavling a enormous suit room. There were 2 beds. One bed had shades of purple. The other had pink shades. Guessing that was her bed, she quickly closed the door behind her and got in carefully, slowly walking around.

"Oh! You must be my roommate!" a high voice behind her said.

Photo Shoot: Name: Hyuuga Hinata. Age:15. Height: 5'8. School: Konohagakure Private High (Sophomore). Family Status: Mom (Hioto), Dad (Hiashi), older brother Neji. Family owns the Hyuuga Corps. One of the biggest company in Japan. Apperance: dark purple hair, silver eyes.
Sakura turned around meeting her eyes with the silver eyed girl. "My name is Hyuuga Hinata. I'm a junior. I'm guessing you are the scholorship student?"

Sakura was amazed by how everone looked around here. Somehow, she managed to find her voice."That obvious?"

Hinata giggled slightly. "No! It's not that. We already heard rumors that the new scholorship student had pink hair."

Sakura laughed. "Its not a common hair color in Japan." She looked around the huge room. Big windown, big bathrooms, kitches, everything a five star hotel suit room will have. "This room is so beautiful!"

"Is it?" Hinata smiled. "If you think this is amazing, you should check out the studen council's suit room. It's HUGE!"

Sakura's head turned backed to Hinata. "Are you serious? Bigger then this?"

Hinata nodded and swayed herself to the bed, sitting on her bed facing Sakura's bed. "They don't call it elite school for nothing Saku-chan" she pointed to the other pink bed. Laying on the bed, was her uniforms, cards, and schedules. "Why don't you get organized? Then we could talk and I'll give you a tour around the school."

Sakura walked up to her bed, her heads still turning around to observe the room. She picked up a credit card looking things off her bed. "Um..What are these?"

Hinata walked up behind her and swung her arm around Sakura's petite shoulders. "That one is your student ID card." She picked up the one with Sakura's picture. "It gives you access to classrooms after the school ends. Like, if you forgot something. This one is the schedule card. I'm guessing you know what that means? That one is the student points card. You can earn points just by coming to class everyday for the smester. Earning good grades too. You can use them for parties, limo ride to another city or something.

Sakura slowly nodded her little pink head. "I guess elite schools have nice technology systems too..."

Hinata laughed. "So what are you gonna take for sports? I already take soccer."

Sakura sat down on her bed, the cards still in her hands. "I like figure skating, and I read they have it here too. I signed up for that." She sighed. "The school has so much sports and seminars."

Hinata shrugged. "We rival the spot 'The most elite school is Japan' with Kirigakure Private High. We only got these sports to impress them. The seminars will probably get harder and harder. Anyways, I kinda organized your outfits already. I should have asked but, you were taking long with Shizune-san and I kinda got bored.."

Sakura shook her head. "It's fine and thank you. Sorry for causing you the trouble."

"Oh! No! It was fun actually. Change into your uniform and I'll give you a tour."

"Wha- Why uniform? I thought we had no classes until tomorrow."

"True, but we have meetings, which causes us to wear our uniforms. Now, get changed Saku-chan."

Hinata and Sakura walked along the school gardens in their uniforms. Black/Navy and White plaid skirt, black jacket, for freshmen: red tie with a cross pin, for juniors: green tie with a star pin, and a white school shirt.

"So, as I was saying, it you are late for classes for first few weeks, it's fine, but after that-"

"Ohmygod!! They are here!" a high pitched voice squealed cutting off Hinata's tour guide speech.

Hinata rolled her eyes. "Well Saku-chan, they are here. We should go greet the kings of our fabulous school."

"Huh? Wait! Hina-chan!" Sakura complained as Hinata pulled her to the main builing where the big crowd was.

When the 2 girls arrived outside of the main building, there was a he crowd of girls from freshmen to senior. On the traffic circle, there was three black limos, a lot of bodyguard blocking the girls from crushing whoever was coming out from the limos.

Hinata pulled Sakura for a better view of the 'Kings' of her new school. The first limo to the farthest left opened and came out a red haired man.

Photo Shoot: Name: Sabuku no Sasori. Age:17. Height: 6'5. School: Konohagakure Private High (Senior). Family Status: Mom, Dad, younger brothers: Gaara and Kankuro. Younger sister Temari. Family owns the Sabuku Inc. 3rd ranked company in the world. Apperance: Red hair, dark emerald eyes.
The second limo opened, the one on the farthest right, and came out a blond haired man.
Photo Shoot: Name: Yamagichi Deidara. Age: 17. Height: 6'5. School: Konohagakure Private High (Senior). Family Status: Mom, Dad. Family owns Yamagichi Inc. the 2nd ranked company in the world. Apperance: long blond hair usually in a ponytail, icy blue eyes.
The limo in the middle opened, and stepped out a raven haired man.
Photo Shoot: Name: Uchiha Itachi. Age:17. Height: 6'6. School: Konohagakure Private High (Senior). Family Status: Mom (Mikoto), Dad (Fagaku), younger brother Sasuke. Family owns the Uchiha Corp. 1st ranked company in the world. Apperace: Long raven hair usually in a ponytail. Dark onyx eyes.
"Yup. So they are the 'Kings' of this school. One, the have the looks of a drop dead gorgeous models. Two, the family fortunes. Lastly, they are the student council of the school. Itachi-sama being the president of the student body." Hinata explained. She looked at Sakura and stared at her, causing Sakura to stare back.

"Um..Is there something on my face? Your keep staring at me..." she muttered.

Hinata shook her head. "It's nothing. It's just...every girl in this school wants to get their hands on one of them. You howeve,seem...unaffected."

Sakura shrugged. "I guess...I don't know...Tell me about their personalities. That's what really matters right?"

"Well, Sasori-sama is what we call the romantic, mellow one. Deidara-sama is the hyper, outgoing one. Itachi-sama, the true prodigy, is the bad-ass. The favorite choice by girls."

Sakura looked at the student council once again. She looked at her beeping watch. "Oh crap! I got the go help Tsunade-sama right now! Catch you later Hina-chan!"

"I don't even know wht I volunteered to help with this." Sakura mumbled as she carried 5 thick psychology books to the library. "Bullying the scholorship girl huh? Why do they even-" The events that happened next happened in a slow motion. She bumped into a hard surface, causing her to stumble back, making the books fall, along with Sakura herself.

"Ow..." Sakura rubbed her ankle where the ache was.

"Shoot! I am really sorry, un!" a strong, muscular voice said. "Let me help you,un"

Sakura looked up. Long blond in ponytail...Where have I seen that before? "It's..It's okay.." She spoke while picking up the books back into her arms.

He grabbed 3 for himself. "It's fine. Besides, how are you gonna carry these thick books all by yourself,un?

Sakura stood up facing him. He was way taller then her, it caused her to look up alittle. "Thank right?

He grinned."Yup! You are the scholorship student I am guessing,un?"

"Yes. I've been told my hair color is famous around here." she replied walking slowly to the library with him.

He chuckled. "Is this for the library,un?" he asked looking at the books. "Or are you actually reading all this,un?"

Sakura laughed. "For the library." she replied simply while walking in the library.

"I forgot to ask, but what's your name, un?"

Sakura looked at him. "Sorry. That was rude of me senpai. It's Sakura. Haruno Sakura."

Deidara dropped the books on the desks. "Sakura ne? It suits you, un."

Sakura blushed slightly at the comment. "Thank you. For helping me and the comment."

Deidara grinned in return. "Your not like the other girls. The other girls meaning who always clings and drool on you, un"

Sakura moved her hair behind her ears. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No! It was a compliment." he laughed. "It's just unique. When I heard that there was going to be a scholorship student, I was thing more like a fangirl, un"

A beep was heard from Sakura's wrist. "Oh! I better get going. School meeting thing. You'll be there right senpai?"

Deidara blinked. "Meeting,un? Oh! Meeting! Damn right I'll be there! Student council always have to be there or else..."

Sakura giggled. "I guess I'll see you then! Ja ne senpai!" With that she jogged out of the library.

Deidara leaned into the chair crossing his arms. "Sakura in the freshmen branch.un..." He chuckled "The name really suits you.."

When Sakura returned to her room, Hinata was already there with another girl.
Photo Shoot: Name: Wamagichi Tenten. Age:15. Height: 5'9. School: Konohagakure Private High (Sophomore). Family Status: Mom, Dad. Family owns the weapon company provided for the country. Ranked top weapon company in Japan. Appreance: brown hair, chestnut eyes.
"Yo! I guess the rumors are really true about your hair then..." the brown hair drawled.

Sakura giggled again. "It's nice to meet you too"

Tenten blinked and Hinata laughed. "This is what I like about her. Sakura, Tenten is a really great friend of mine. Not to mention she has a crush on my older brother."

Tenten's head snapped back at her, her face growing all red. "Hinata! For the millionth time, I don't!" she turned back to Sakura. "I really, really don't."

Sakura laughed along swaying to them. She put her index finger on her lips. "Your secret is safe with me Tenten-chan."

Tenten flushed. "Sakura!" Her blushing face, soon turned into a sly smirk. "I saw you with the King Deidara-sama ealier being all coupley." she singsonged.

Hinata's eyes turned wide, as Tenten laughed. "Really? I thought you weren't interested in them Saku-chan" Hinata commented.

Sakura blushed, trying to hide this, she jumped on her bed with a pillow in her arms. "He was just helping me with the books I was carrying.."

"AWWWW" Tenten and Hinata singsonged together, clasping hands.

"You guys!" Sakura fake whined.

The door bursted open, and came in a girl with a strawberry blond hair. "The meeting will start soon." She looked at Sakura. "Scholorship girl ne? Welcome to our school. The name is Akira."


Akira nodded and turned back to Tenten and Hinata. "Sophomores and Juniors will be starting first this year. Then freshmens and seniors. Tenten and Hinata. You should go there before its too late." Akira carelessy closed the door behind her and left.

Tenten rolled her eyes. "Akira is a big bitch. She's the head of the girl's dorm. She probably wanted to do it to get attention from the kings."

Hinata scoffed at Tenten and turned back to Sakura with a pout. "We won't be together in the meetings Saku-chan." Tenten pulled Hinata. "Tell us what happened after okay?"

Sakura sighed after they left. She went to the bathroom and quickly washed and face and tied her hair into a ponytail. "Atleast, people seem nice here so far.."

Sakura made her way to the auditorium in the D hallway. Even the hallways were grand. Had exquisite painting on the walls that grabbed peoples attentions. As she was walking along, she sawa big stampede of girls surrounding the student council.

"They are all just bug wannabe bitches. Don't try to fit in with them." a voice behind her said.

Photo Shoot: Name: Sabuku no Temari. Age: 15. Height" 5'9. School: Konohagakure Private High (Sophomore). Family Status: Mom, Dad, older brothers: Sasori, Gaara, and Kankuro.Family owns Sabuku Inc. Apperance: blond hair in some kind of pigtails. Sappahire eyes.
"Scholorship girl Sakura. Am I correct?" Temari asked in her deadpanned voice.


"Temari. Head of the Sophomore branch. It's nice to meet you."

Sakura blinked. Wait. Sabuku no...? "Um..If you don't mind me asking..are you..Sasori-sama's imotou?"

Temari, who's face was still emotionless, said, "Yes. Now come on let go before were late," and walked past her.

"Oh.Um...uh...W-wait Temari-san!" Sakura ran up to catch up with her. "You said you were imotou of Sasori-sama..Where are the other 2?"

"They go to Kirigakure Private High. Along with Itachi's younger brother. I am suppose to be leading you to the meeting place." She finished as she stopped walking. "Your meeting will take place in here. Well then, Ja."

Sakura watched Temari disappear into the hallways. "Well...She seems...friendly.."

"Are you going in?"

"She turned to her side to see a brown haired man smiling before her. "You must be Haruno Sakura-san. I'm Ryuu. Just Ryuu. Head of the freshmen branch."

"Oh! Um..I'm Sakura. I already know that...Sorry for blocking your way." Sakura moved out of his way letting him in,

"No. It's nothing. I'll see you again sometimes." he flashied a smile and went in.

Sakura inhaled. "Okay.Here goes nothing." and she pushed the doors opened. Inside was the most beautiful room she had ever seen. IT was like a fantasy ball-room but only alive. She quickly took a seat on the freshmen side.

Sasori came up on the stage, slightly smiling, which caused girls everywhere to squeal and Sakura to slightly roll her eyes.

"First of all," Sasori started as he turned to the freshmen side, "freshmens, welcome to Konohagakure Private High. It's nice having you already. Seniors, enjoy your last year here while you can. I, myself will be in charge of the Senior Branch this year."

Itachi and Deidara came into the view. "To make long things short." Itachi announced in his dark voice, "freshmens will pick a name out of the hat with one senior's name on them. They will be your Academy Mentor. This year, I am included in the hat also." He looked at one tall senior with 4 hats with papers in them. "Akito, please." He nodded and passed the hats to the freshmens.

When the hat came to Sakura, she quickly picked out a paper not caring who it will be. Her eyes widened at the two word on her paper.

Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 1. Fin

So this is the beginning of the story. Don't forget to R&R! Since people were requesting longer chapters on the story You said you will remember..., I am trying to make all my stories longer. Like this one is 8 pages. I am working on both this story and the other one I am currently working on. So hold on


-Kairi no Yuki