"Motivation such an aggravation, accusations don't know how to take them, inspirations getting harder to fake it, " I sang into my hairbrush, my hips moving to the beat enjoying the music when 'someone' ruined my moment!

"Lynx if you don't get your ass in here right now I--"

"Whatever, I'll be there in like five seconds Nick! Sheesh, can't a girl even get dressed!" I shouted back at Nick, then painstakingly put my clothes on and went into the small living room in the middle of our apartment. "What is it?"

"Well, we sorta have school in like FIVE MINUTES!" Nick shouted at me, I fake pouted and he sighed in annoyance.

Sniffle sniffle "I-I'm sorry that I held you up…" Turning away I gave him a glance with the pouty-face still on then grinned when I saw his face in an expression of pure pity.

"OK, OK, I'm sorry. But could you please hurry up? We're already late for homeroom."

"Fine, just let me get my bag." With that I ran into my room and returned with a hot pink bag that had 'Hands Off' written in black print in the middle.

It took ten minutes to reach our school, it was still homeroom when we got there so we split ways. I sighed as I walked down the empty halls, I hated empty halls, I hated being by myself. Being by myself meant I had to think, thinking meant reminiscing, and reminiscing meant pain.

"Yuck, life sucks."

"Oh, so you're going emo now Lynx?" A voice sounded behind me.

"Haha, so funny Alexis." Alexis Mobely, one of my two best friends and the prettiest girl I know.

She was pretty amazing, smart as well, and was part of like every club possible, and had at least half the guys at the school in love with her. I admired her as my friend, and at times I was jealous, but I loved her like a sister. She was always there for her friends and has honestly never let any of us down.

"Too bad, black would totally suit you, and you're already depressing." I rolled my eyes playfully at her when she poked me. "Don't roll your eyes at me young lady!"

"Shut up Alexis, and I know it does, every colour suits moi!" Striking a pose I blew a kiss at our make-believe audience.

We burst out laughing, finally regaining ourself in time for the bell to ring and a herd of students coming towards us.

"C'mon, let's get to first period, but in ten minutes I'll meet you out here again?" She asked, as we ran towards our next classes before the other kids had a chance to run us over.

"OK," We nodded our heads and we went to our classes.

'Oh great! Next is science… I hate science… Gyah! I wish that it would just die and be buried in some grave a thousand miles from here, anywhere but THIS school!' I thought to myself, as you can guess, I really don't like science. I mean really don't like it, almost to the point where I tried to commit suicide during a lecture on "light" in seventh grade, okay, actually I just poked myself with a pencil until I bled… hehe, but I still prefer to call it "suicide" it's way more dramatic (yeah, I know, drama queen).

Once I reached the classroom I took a deep breath and entered.

"Hey Lynx!" Nick's voice came from the back of the classroom.

"Hey Nick! What's up?" I replied, walking over to join him.

"Not much, but there's good news, and it has something to do with science… Can ya guess?" He smirked as my eyes widened hopefully.

"The science teacher has dropped dead and so the school decided to ban science of any kind from this school, and they filed a restraining order against lectures?"

"Don't be so hopeful, you know that dreams don't come true. Actually, today science has been cancelled because they're having a sex ed. lecture instead."

I started giggling, I loved sex ed. lectures, mostly cuz Nick got all embarrassed and I loooooooved teasing him! But also because if you didn't like to talk about sex and such you could get out easy and if you skipped the whole period they wouldn't care. But the best part today was no science, though technically sex ed. is science!

"Oh, but Lynx, please don't make fun of me. It's really annoying." He muttered to me, blushing.

"Haha, Nick, no way you're too much fun! And hey, you're my B.F.F.L. it's my job!" He glared at me but didn't make any more stupid remarks.

Finally the bell rung and they called attendance, then the sex ed. guy started lecturing us on the importance of condoms. 'Now the fun starts.' I thought evilly.

"Nick! I knew we should have used a condom! But nooooo! You said they didn't matter! Gyah! You idiot, what if I get pregnant?!" I shouted at him, just loud enough for all the kids around us to hear.

They stared wide eyed, and the guys were about to congratulate Nick when Nick started blushing furiously and stuttered, "We di-didn't. St-stop it!" Then everyone just burst into laughter, knowing that I was making fun of him and it hadn't really happened, and as if on cue the lecturer noticed we were all talking and laughing and shouts up at us,

"Hey! What're you kids laughing about? This is a very important topic!" We all sobered up, but small bouts of snickers still came from around us where I was busy teasing Nick, and talking about some very private issues in a "whisper".

I looked up at the clock, ten minutes past, better get going!

"Uh, sir, I have some 'girl problems' to attend to. May I be excused?" I asked putting on my innocent face.

"Of course." And with that I ran out of the room to meet Alexis.

"Hey! It's about time! C'mon, we better hurry, we only have like two hours till lunch break and I've got a date with Terry at 1:30."

"Fine, fine, so where are we goin' gal?" I asked her.

"Dunno, I want to go to the clubhouse. We haven't been there in so long… Not since, you know…" Her voice faded.

"Alexis, let's not talk about that until we get there, it'll be easier, I'm sure." She nodded, but nonetheless I saw her eyes sparkling, it broke my heart to see her like that. "Oh Alexis," I said that pulled her into a firm embrace.

I held her at arms length and looked into her blue eyes, and I smiled at her. Just a smile, but she immediately started to laugh. I soon joined her, and finally her tears seemed to be gone, so we kept on our way, linking arms together.

"We're here Lynx." Alexis stated, her voice barely more than a whisper.