A/N: Well, this is the last. You have all been totally awesome, and to everyone who reviewed: YOU TOTALLY ROCK! MAJOR THANKS!!! Yes, I am perfectly aware that this is really short, but oh well. I think you'll like it anyway. Again, a huge thanks to everyone!

Disclaimer: Still in the end, I don't own anything. Rather sad, isn't it?

December 24, 20—

Well, after our harrowing adventure, it seems like everything is back to normal. After a day of lying on the couch, Raph refused to sit still any longer and resumed his training, even though Donnie specifically told him that he couldn't fight again for the rest of the week. He was sure mad when he found out that he missed everything that happened during the escape. It was almost funny to watch his reaction.

With my arm and the various cuts now all bandaged (which Mikey keeps telling me makes me look like a mummy), I have also started training again despite Don's death-glares telling me that I need to hold still. It never ceases to amuse me to see how alike Raph and I are, but you could never get me to admit it out loud.

I don't think I've ever been more proud of Donnie than lately. Dressing Casey and April as Foot was a stroke of genius on his part. That is something that I would have never thought of. I can't imagine what I'd do without him.

Mikey seems to be doing all right, though he's been acting a bit down. I'm starting to wonder what Karai said to him while I was out if it. I should have been there for him. Come to think of it,if it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened. This means some definite cold-weather training. I can't let that ever happen to my brothers again. I need to come up with some way to make it up to them. Blast that witch…

I'm finding myself feeling actually sorry for Karai. Sometimes I wonder if I would become like she did if my family was taken away from me. Sometimes I wonder…if had Master Splinter been evil, then would I have followed him like Karai followed the Shredder? Such a thought almost scares me.

I couldn't imagine life without my family. Right now, they're all downstairs decorating the lair for Christmas tomorrow. I can just imagine that Mikey and Raph are trying to get April and Casey under the mistletoe again. It will probably be much easier this year since they're finally dating each other. It's about time. I wonder how much longer it will be before they get married…but I digress.

So now, I'm going to end my entry for today, hide this book so that Mikey can't find it, and go join my family doing whatever it is they want to do. After all, it's almost Christmas. But even so, I don't think that there's anyplace that I would rather be than here at home, surrounded by those that I love.

Christmas Eve has found me
Where I love to be
'Cause I am home for Christmas
Beneath the NYC

Well, this is the last, so please review, even if you've only been reading up to this point (because I know you're there). Flames will be used to light the fire in the fireplace.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year! Keep a look out for the sequel (called 'Resolutions') that should be coming out sometime before New Years Day!