(Note: There are some mistakes as this is slightly rushed type due to holiday by me AnimeEdge and my writing buddy Lane. So I hope you understand *bow*)

The two hours seem to flyby as everyone soon begins to arrive at the meeting point at the front gate. Kakashi begin Kakashi has still yet to arrive with the bridge builder "You think he be here on time for an important mission like this" Naruto moans crossing his arms over his chest. "You idiot he is more that like saying goodbye to Edge-san he's going to see her for a few days" Sakura point out like it is obvious. Melody tilts her wondering what they are talking about *Edge coming down here to say goodbye* she speaks in Sakura head. After all Sakura now knows about this weird ability of Melody's. "Is she then I wonder…" Sakura face drops and she quickly shakes her head "I do not want to know" Sasuke on the other hand act like his normal self but every so offer would look over at Melody.

Finally in the distance three figure approach closer to the gate. Melody smiles slightly and runs towards them jumping into the arms of Edge. Edge catches her with no difficulty what so ever and give her a hug "I' so happy you first real mission Melody and you only been here just over a week" Edge says proudly Melody rubs her head into her neck happy she made Edge proud. She kneels down so Melody can get back down on to the floor and she look over to naruto "And you Naruto I'm so happy for you… I'm going to miss them pranks of yours" Naruto smiles and messes with his headband "Of course you will Edge-san" Edge quickly give him a hugs before walking back to Kakashi "Now be careful and good luck" She places a kiss on his cheek and bows to the bridge builder "Have a safe journey guys and I miss you all"

The village gates open and everyone waves goodbye to Edge as they take their first steps outside the village. "Believe it! Naruto shouts as the gates close "What you so excited about?" Sakura questions, "This is the first time I have been out of the village" Naruto cheers walking next to Sakura. Unknown to them two sets of eyes watch hidden in the trees waiting for the prefect moment to strike. The group stay silent and Melody begins to start running ahead of them but she soon stops as a question pops into her *Why does the Waterfall ninja's protect him?* Kakashi looks up from the book he is reading and look at Melody with caring eyes. As if on the same thinking wave Sakura walks a little quicker to walk next to Kakashi "Hey Kakashi-sensei why don't the Waterfall ninja's protect Mr Tazuna?" Kakashi lets out a little chuckle

"You see… there are hidden villages where ninjas exist, these villages being the equivalent of a country's military power. The countries that have ninjas are represented by the elements: fire, water, lightning, wind, and earth, and are known as the Five Great Ninja Powers. The first is their own village: the country of Fire's hidden village of Konoha ("leaf"), the second being the country of Water's hidden village of Mist, the third being the country of Lightning's hidden village of cloud, the fourth being the country of Wind's hidden village of sand, and the last being the country of Earth's hidden village of rock. Each has a leader known as Kage, yielding the titles: Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, and Tsuchikage. These are the Five Kages who reign over the tens of thousands of ninjas in the world." Kakashi stops to explain

Everyone has some form of a disbelieve look on there face expect for Melody who seems to understand *So It like a community of Ninja help them who need protection and the Kage where form to help this happen* She thinks to herself and begins to walk ahead over everyone as there still stood waiting for Kakashi to say something "You all doubting the Hokage's power aren't you?" A sweatdop forms on everyone head as they begin to walk towards Waterfall Village and protect the Tazuna.

The next couple of however is pretty uneventful as they all keep their guard up. Even Melody's pace seem to have slow down but only to enjoy the view around her. She has never seen such lustful green leaf, bright coloured flowers or even a puddle like this before. Melody stops in her tracks and stare at the puddle, she then looks up at the sky and a look of confusion appears on her face *I don't think it has rain recently* she cautiously thinks to herself. She looks over a Kakashi about to say something to him but he nods his head every so slightly to signals he know something is no quite right. Happy to see Kakashi already planning someone Melody continues walking but this time much closer to the bridge builder.

As the group fully walks pass the puddle two clocked figures emerg from the water. They launch a metal chain attack on the unsuspecting group from a throwing weapon that is connected to there arm. The chain binds Kakashi, immobilizing him completely. The two figures then pull on the chain. Everyone eyes widen at there sensei disappears… he's dead. Melody growls showing her teeth, she know Kakashi is not really dead but acts like he is. "Well that the first one gone" one of the man chuckles and turns to look at Naruto "Now for the second one" They launch the chain again but Melody quickly jumps in front of Naruto so the attack would not hit him. Naruto just stand there behind Melody terrified and he is unable to defend or move himself. Melody is quickly use her tail to stop one of the mens arm but could not stop the other and Naruto is soon stabbed in the hand.

From Naruto side, Sasuke decided to make a move, launching his kunia which catches the chain and disable completely as the two men are stuck to a tree. Sakura positions herself before the old man, attempting to protect him from the next assault. Sasuke then dashes toward the attackers, striking them repeatedly, but he is no matched for the experienced ninjas. Suddenly Kakashi reappears, snags the attackers by the necks, and they fall limp and unconscious.

Melody turns around and licks Naruto wounded hand worry for his health. Kakashi looks over to Sasuke and Sakura "You did a good job you acted out on your ninja instints" He then turns to face Melody and Naruto "Melody you did a good job in trying to protect Naruto and Naruto we need to get that wound" Sasuke smirks and looks over a Naruto who is still standing there slightly shocked "What up Naruto are you a Scaredy Cat?" Sasuke slyly asks Naruto. Anger rises in Naruto body and Melody uses her tail to keep him from trying to hurt Sasuke. "Erm… Naruto I am really worried about that wound these ninja have poison in their claw and we need to get that treated straight away" Melody contunies to lick his injure as everyone wait for it all to soak in.

Kakashi turn to look at the bridge builder Tazunu. He explains to his students that the attackers are actually chuunin ranked ninjas from the Hidden Mist. "So how do you know they were around here?" Sakura asks "Well Its hasn't rained for the past few days and as we all know to day is sunny, therefore the puddle should not have existed" Everyone stays quiet soaking in all this information "So why did you let the children fight?" he asks with a bit of anger in his voice. Melody stops licking Naruto's wound and look over a Kakashi wondering why he let the four of you fight these ninja's. "Well I needed to see the real target was" he pauses for a moment "And the target is you Tazunu it would seem you have not been honest with us. The purpose of this mission is to protect you from robbers, but from ninja's, this mission should be a B or maybe A rank mission"

"This mission is to dangerous we should had back and get Naruto healed before its to late" Sakura say very concerned for Naruto safety. Naruto quickly comes back into reality and take out one of his Kunai "I will not be a burden" He stabs the kunai in to his left hand so the poisoned blood can bleed out. Melody's eyes widen and Kakashi walks closer to Naruto. "I will never again require anyone to help him, that I will not be frightened, nor will I back out of a fight. I vows by the pain in his left hand, that I will protect the old man with my kunai" The blood trikles down his hand and Melody nudges him slightly trying to get him to stop the bleeding. She place her paws on his left hand is an attempt to stop the bleeding herself. "It is nice you took out the blood so spiritedly, but you're going to die from loss of blood if any more comes out."

Naruto begins to panic and is about to pass out. "Could you remove your paws Melody" Kakashi ask calmly. Melody nods her head but does left the panic Naruto side. Kakshi begins to bind Naruto's wound, he observes that it is already starting to heal. Melody looks up at Kakashi slightly surprised by what she just seen but Kakashi signals her to not say anything just like him. Without telling the others, he suspects that it must be by the powers originating from the Nine-tailed Fox sealed within the boy.