A/N: It all belongs to Joss, etc.

Badger sat behind his desk, sharpening one of his knives. Before him stood the girl from Mal's ship. River. That's her name. He thinks that's her name, anyways. Can't be too sure, since she never told him so herself. But he's seen enough and heard enough that he was able to figure it out for himself.

Girl looks much better in person than on her reward poster.

Slowly he stood and walked around his desk, tipping his hat up as he went. Leaning casually against the table, he looked at her, sizing her up. He was still holding the knife.

"Where's your cap'n, li'l girl?" he asked. River smirked at him, peering at him from under the shadow of her hair.

"Don't know I'm here," she replied, mimicking his Dyton Colony accent. She slowly started walking toward him until she was almost pressed up against him. She could feel his breath quicken as she placed her hands on his chest. Reaching up, she removed his bowler hat and placed it on the desk behind them.

He still had the knife in his hand.

"Cap'n don't control me, do he?" she said to him in a quiet voice. Badger's voice caught in his throat as he looked down at the lovely girl standing before him. He placed the knife on the desk behind him, beside his bowler hat, and cupped her face.

"No, I 'spect no one can," he replied. River smiled lightly and leaned her face up. Badger was mesmerized. Slowly, he leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips against hers. River sighed, and it was the sigh that undid him. He deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around the beautiful angel. River ran her fingers through his hair. Then as suddenly as it began, River pulled back.

"Cap'ns coming for your meeting, luv," she said. "I best not be here when he arrives. Might cause all sorts of unpleasantness."

"Have to agree with you there, sweets," he replied, staring down at her swollen lips. "You come visit me next time you're able, yeah?" River nodded, then swept away, leaving as quickly as she arrived.

River walked back to the ship and lightly touched her fingers to her lips, remembering the feeling of his kiss. Her plan was to ensure Badger would never turn her into the Feds, no matter how good the money was. Her plan had worked, although it had some unexpected side effects. She smiled widely. Who was she to complain about his newfound loyalty?