A Love For History

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any Tomb Raider character, references or elements, etc… this plot is purely of my imagination.

Chapter 4: Moving In

"I still can't believe that you decided to actually move in with me. After all, you're always complaining about the state of my room" Zip spoke as he laid a pile of Alister's clothes down onto his bed.

The blonde laughed a bit, "Are -you- complaining about me moving in… because I can stay in my room if you want" he said, heading for the door.

A choking kind of noise was heard from Zip and he quickly dashed over to the door and slammed it shut. He finally had Alister in his crib… like the man was going to escape THAT easy.

The smaller male gave the technician a confused look… he never knew Zip could even move that fast.

"Oh no… it's not that, I was just curious because your always telling me about how messy it is" the man explained.

"Umm… can someone open up the blasted door? Or are you two not descent, in which case I'm leaving these items outside the door" came Lara's voice.

Quickly, Zip opened up the door while Alister blushed at the English woman's comment.

The brunette smiled a bit, carrying in more clothes and putting it onto her technician's un-made bad. "I was going to say, you two go at it faster then rabbits" she kidded; the blonde blushing more deeply.

The thought of himself and his lover 'going at it' couldn't help but arouse Zip.

"Anyways, I'll leave you two to put your things away… I'll see you both later so stay in the house" and with that, the Tomb Raider left the room, crossing Zip's workstation and out through the open doors.

What could the man say; he liked to stay close to his work, so, his room was only –naturally- going to be only seconds away from his computers. Plus, with Lara, a few seconds could mean life or death.

The technician watched the women leave… then slinked his way over to the blonde. "So… Alister… ever been in a –big- boy's room before…" the man coaxed, putting his hands on the archeologist's's hips. A small smile was on his face, the bulge that was now forming in his pants was beginning to harden.

"My God, Zip! You know, you really are as horny as a 15 year old boy!" Alister exclaimed, turning around and giving the man a disapproving look.

"Yes, I know… that just means that I'll be able to drive my-"

"Zip! Calm your hormones!"

"And pound you till you scream for-"

"Zip! Down boy! Heel!" the young man laughed as his lover continued to sexually purr his fantasies.

"You know, you don't need to tell me to get down on my knees to make me-"

"Zip… you know what we agreed too…"

The bigger man felt the painful memory come into his head… long story short; He had made a move on Alister and the blonde had not appreciated it. A small bit of a quarrel ensued and Alister clearly stated that he would not let the technician take his virginity unless the man put a ring on his finger. As funny as it turned out to be, Alister was actually of the Christian faith and had taken an oath to not have sex until marriage. As much as being a Christian school boy was appealing to Zip; THAT was a major drawback.

"Aww… okay, I'll just have to stick to my hand than…" the bigger man sighed, resting his head on the blonde's always-silky-soft hair.

"Yes, sorry to say" the younger man replied, breathing in the man's natural musk mixed with the essence of body spray.

"Oh well… one way or another, IT WILL be mine…" the man said with power in his voice, pulling back to stare into Alister's eyes.

The young archeologist's laughed, looking back into his lover's eyes.

"I –promise- that it will be yours…"

Later That Day… Afternoon…

Alister let out a breath of relief and he finished putting the last item of clothing in his very own bureau of which he… well, more to the point; Zip and Lara moved downstairs while he watched and gave directions.


"A little to the left…" shouted the blonde before the wooden piece of furniture crashed into the wall. "I meant your other left Zip!"

Lara let out a grunt as she kept his arms steady, trying not to tip the bureau in anyway, "Can we move along with this?"

The young man looked at the doorway to the computer area, making sure everything was in good alignment.

"Yup, you're clear to go… now; onward and to the left!"

Within another moment they hit a computer and Zip let out a small gasp as he clearly expressed the concern on whatever it was he hit.

"Oops… sorry, -my- fault!" shouted the man, getting in through the door that was once blocked by the furniture. "Its fine, don't worry, keep going!"

"OH, FOR THE LOVE OF BLOODY HELL!" cried Lara, feeling the bureau weighing down more and more…

Before long, it was in place in the bedroom by Alister's side of the bed.

"Al…" spoke the Tomb Raider sweetly after the ordeal was over, "I appreciate your help and concern… BUT WOULD IT –KILL- YOU TO GET BETTER ON YOUR ANGLES AND DIRECTIONS!"

The man blushed, "I never was very good with Math…" he said modestly.

"Ya don't say…" Zip retorted.

End Flashback…

"Well, that's all done now…" he said, chuckling at the memory. Right now it was only him in the room since Zip had left a few minutes ago to check on whatever was damaged as well as boot up his systems and run a full diagnostic on them. After that, they were to meet Lara in the Gym, where she was brushing up on her combat and aerobatics, for a small briefing before she went off on another 'expedition'.

"Alrighty, everything is cleared away… lets go see Ms. Lara" spoke Alister as he came out of the room to see the technician typing away at his many screens. He was obviously in another world.

"Hard drive green… monitors are fine…. usual programs are almost done updating… G.P.S. is online… audio and visual feed ready… systems diagnostic is complete, everything is good to go…" he mumbled as he went, sliding from one computer to the next.

The man laughed a bit as he finally realized that his lover was calling his name. He always enjoyed getting awakened from his own state of technical nirvana by his boyfriend. "Okay, lets go!" he said, quickly throwing down his headset and taking Alister by the hand.

From there… it was only a matter of navigating through the extensive house and they were soon at the Gym.

Moments Before…

I got a short attention span,
Can't sit around; couch potato land,
I wanna do all kinds of stuff;
Talking about it's not enough…

I wanna go the extreme,
I wanna stretch my limousine,
I wanna go way off road,
Go where I'm not suppose to go…

Life is music…
Play it louder…

Lara took in a breath as the chorus of 'If You're Gonna…' by Natasha Bedingfield started, flipping from one bar to the next in the 'extreme' boot-camp Gym that she herself had designed. Over the past little while, the British woman had come to like the musician… she made good music. With another breath, she moved to the next bar and then stopped as she came to the wall directly over the door.

Quickly, she took a hand down and grabbed her grappler… aiming, than slinging the magnetic device at the piece of loose metal on the wall below her to the left.

As soon as she felt the gadget latch on, she let go and went into a swing; flying down to the area below…

With air passing through her and adrenaline pulsing like a roaring fire through her veins, she went into a tumble and let the device's magnetic field cease as it repelled back to her side.

Within seconds, she was back on his feet… the entrance to the Gym was now behind her and there were four targets in front of her.

The sound of hot, jet-propelled metal filled the air and the white and red enemies where quickly and accurately dismissed.

Two smoking-hot clips of ammunition fell to the floor and were quickly replaced with fresh, new ones.

"My God Lara, you absolutely terrify me sometimes!" declared Alister as the Tomb Raider swirled around, holstering the weapons.

"Well, that's the point my dear Alister…" the brunette chuckled.

Zip just smiled at the two, he himself had a bit of 'weapons training' after he was hired by Lara, just in case. If it was one thing he knew, it was that people with guns were – a lot- less threatening when you had one yourself.

"Anyways, enough chit-chat… time for a small over-view before I leave tomorrow for South America…"

"South America? I take it you're going to explain your leaving" Alister said, trying to figure out the woman's purpose for going to the location.

"Well, Zip has recently come up with a very nice bit of information regarding the Maya Palenque Ruins in Mexico that I simply can't pass up."

The man gave the two a nod, "Apparently… there have been a few strange 'happenings' going on there."

"Such as?" asked the blonde, intrigued as he always was with ancient history.

"To be honest, the best I could get from reports was that recently there have been many 'savagely-torn' and 'mutilated' bodies of animals showing up there. I cross-referenced a few photos of the scenes with a large database regarding the Mayans and found something strangely similar in a special ritual that has been depicted in such ruins as Tikal and Copán. Now, here is the kicker… it's used for when they were trying to get the attention of the Gods. Up until now, there have only been five sheep and four boars slaughtered… but in the ritual, it goes by weeks and it starts with the blood of a certain number of animals and goes up until they reach the ultimate sacrifice. A person, but more importantly, someone who is 'pure' to the royal bloodline!" the man explained.

"Yes, and to complete this ritual… you need a special artifact I've been looking forward to obtaining for quite sometime." Said Lara, a glint in her eye.

"Wait… you mean… the Apocalypico?"

"Yes… the Apocalypico… 'The vase of the life blood' as some others call it. I haven't be able to dig up much on it, but I know it's somehow is linked to the Gods and it was very symbolic in the culture… except for some reason, it hasn't been recognized in quite sometime."

"But, how did you find out about this, Lara?" Alister asked.

"Lets just say I have a friend who found a certain piece of artwork in a certain temple and doesn't want it to leak out until I've searched into it."

"And why is that?" Zip countered.

"Well… frankly, it's because this vase if probably one of the most powerful artifacts to ever be re-discovered by man. They know that I'm used to… exploring… this type of thing and want me to help them." The women said, not wanting to give anymore information at this matter then needed.

"Okay… I'll go give everything a quick tune up, when does your flight leave?" asked Zip, going over to the British women and taking her home-made gadgets.

"Tomorrow, 5:30 am… Winston already knows and I've packed. I need you both on duty by 10:00am, okay?" she said sternly. Lara never messed when it came to missions, it just wasn't her.

"Yup, of course" Alister said, nodding humbly.

"Good… so no hanky-panky tonight, got it?"

The blonde's mouth clearly dropped to the floor… Zip just laughed.

"Alright, I'll try to keep him off me" the technician laughing, leaving the room.

"Excuse me! Hey! You're the one who is always trying to get me into the umm… bed… room…" the male archeologist shouted after him going red and Lara following them both as they went.

'Who needs T.V. when these two are around?' she thought happily. 'Just think about the money I'm saving'.