Chapter 1 Author's Note

Chapter 1 Author's Note

Hello, it's srnvndrwdsn! I came up with this idea in a dream, of course, and decided to give it a shot. It's 10/Rose reunion! Makes me happy since "Their Bringin' Rose Tyler Back! (Yeah!)" Sorry, it's a joke my friends and I came up with, Instead of "I'm Bringin' Sexy Back! (Yeah!)" Well, okay, here's the first 3 chapters combined, just like I promised! Hope you like it!

First, I want to give a HUGE THANKYOU to Yunagirlamy for leaving me my first FanFiction review EVER!! It was great to hear at least ONE person say that the first chapter wasn't complete crap and that I should never post again!

Secondly, I did change Rose's name in the "fairy-tales" for a reason. That WILL come up in later chapters, it wasn't an error, I did it on purpose. BTW, I DO know that "unflashback" is not a real word, and I use it as a little joke to lighten the mood.

You know you love me,


Once Upon A Dream

Chapter One


Rose sat bolt upright on the couch from where she had been dozing.


She leapt up and ran for the stairs, taking them two at a time. She ran into her 7 year- old daughter's room, panicked and panting.

"Aurora! What's wrong!? Rose exclaimed sinking onto the edge of the bed.

"Can you tell me another bedtime story?"

Rose, still put of breath, looked sternly at her daughter. "I already told you a bedtime story, when I put you to bed the first time."

"I know, but I wokeded up and now I need another one so I can go back to sleep." Aurora said, looking up at her mother with big, innocent eyes.

"You woke up, not wokeded, Aurora, and I don't know if I should tell you another story after the way you scared me, screaming like that." Rose teased.

"MOMMY! Please? I really, really, really, want one! I'm sorry I scared-ed you."

Rose smiled. "It's okay. Now, I suppose I could tell you one more story."

Aurora's face lit up.

"Now, what shall it be? Cinderella? Snow White? Little Red Rid-"

"No, mommy. I want to hear about The Doctor."

Rose sighed. "Are you sure you want to hear one of those story's again? I must have told you almost all of those story's by now."

"I know, but I still like to here them."

Rose reached over a strolled her daughter's cheek. "I worry that their going to give you nightmares."

"Mommy, they don't. I love to hear about The Doctor's trips with Lily. It sounds like so much fun."

Rose smiled sadly and snuggled down next to her beautiful little girl. "Okay. Now, where were we?"

A half-hour later Aurora was asleep and Rose slid her arm out from under her daughter. She sat on the edge of her bed, looking into her beautiful little girl's face. Aurora looked just like her father. She had dark brown hair, and her father's eyes. Sometimes Rose couldn't look into Aurora's eyes without her own welling up with tears.

Chapter Two

8 years later.

The phone rang, and Rose snapped out of her day dream to answer it.

"Hello? Tyler Residence."

"Hi, Ms. Rose! Is Aurora there?"

Rose smiled. "Hi, Jessica. Yes, Aurora's here. I'll get her for you." Rose started up the stairs, to Aurora's room. "So, how's your mother doing Jessica? I haven't talked to her in a while."

"Oh, she's doing well, Ms. Rose. She should be coming back to work soon. Tomorrow or the next day I think." Jessica answered.

"Oh, that's good. I miss seeing her around the office." Rose knocked on the bedroom door. "Aurora? Jessica's on the phone for you."

Aurora opened the door and took the phone. "Thanks mom. What time is dinner at Grams house tonight?"

Rose looked at her watch. "In about an hour. Talk to Jessica for a little bit, and then we'll go."

"Okay, mom." Aurora closed the door and went to sit on her bed.

Rose smiled and headed back down to the kitchen. She sat back down at the table, and picked up the invitation she had left lying there. Looking at the invite, it said:


Cordially Invites

Rose Tyler

To the

Masquerade Ball

To be held on October 29

At 8:00

In the Hilton Hotel Ballroom

Rose looked at the invitation, debating what she should do with it.

She began to day dream again. She thought back to the day that she was ripped away, literally, from her the crazy, exotic life she had come to know and love.


How badly her heart ached as she pressed herself against the portal wall. When she had finally got to bed that night, all she could do was lay there and think of how perfect everything had been a few weeks ago. Her hand drifted to her stomach and her heart began to break all over again.

She thought of the tiny life inside her, and how it was created. She smiled at that memory. It had been several weeks ago, and had been an accident. The Doctor and Rose had unexpectedly kissed and one thing quickly led to another. When she woke the next morning, her head on The Doctor's chest, she panicked, thinking that this was somehow going to ruin their relationship. The Doctor smiled down at her, and kissed the tip of her nose. They talked about what had happened and then The Doctor said the closest thing to "I Love You." Rose would ever hear. He had his arms around her and when she asked if this was going to change the way he looked at her, he had said "You'll be in my heart, always." Rose has smiled and snuggled against his chest. They got up and continued with life as normal as it could be on the TARDIS.


"Mom? Are you okay?" Aurora stepped into the kitchen and placed her hand on Rose's shoulder.

Rose shook herself and wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes. "Yes, Sweetheart, I'm fine. Are you ready to go to Grams?"

Aurora looked uncertain, but she knew better than to ask again. "Yeah, I'm ready. What's Grams fixing for us tonight?"

Rose got up from her chair and walked over to where her purse sat on the counter. "I'm not sure. Grab you jacket and let's go."

Aurora did as she was told, and they left for Jackie and Pete's house.

Chapter 3

"Come here, sweetheart, and help your grandfather with some of this paper work. I'll let you help me identify the specimens I have to look through for work." Pete said as he got up from the table and pushed open his study's door.

Aurora looked excitedly at Rose. "Mom? Can I go?"

Rose smiled. "Sure. But, Dad, I don't want her touching anything. Just look, Aurora. I don't want to have to explain to Jack how his niece hurt herself playing with unidentified alien objects. You hear me?"

"Mommmm, you worry too much. I know what not to touch; I know what I'm doing." Aurora said.

Rose shot a look at her father. "It's not you I'm worried about, Aurora. Remember the "Sonic Screwdriver Incident"? I still hear Jack and Gwen joking about that one."

Pete blushed and exclaimed "ONCE! That happened ONCE!! Can't a person make a mistake?!"

Jackie came back into the dinning room, and added "Pete, there's a difference between a mistake and burning most of your eyebrow off because you don't know when to stop play with things. Aurora, go help your grandpa, Pete, be careful. Rose, come help me with these dishes, I need to talk to you."

Aurora giggled at the memory of her grandfather missing part of his eyebrow, and followed him into his study. Rose got up from the table, picked up some of the dishes from the table, and went to the kitchen with Jackie.

"What did you need to speak to me about, Mother?" Rose asked, running water into the sink and began to wash the dishes.

"I was wondering if you have received your invitation to the ball next week. I assume you have?"

Rose sighed. "Why? What difference does it make?"

"I'll take that as a yes then. Well?"

"'Well' what? I have to go, you know that."

Jackie set the pots down in the water and turned to look at Rose. "Really? You never used go to any Torchwood events unless your father and I were hosting them."

Rose sighed. "I have to go, because how would it look if Jack's girlfriend didn't go? Besides Aurora has been hounding me ever since Gwen accidentally let it slip. She wants to go so badly. She just wants to be at "A Torchwood Event". She doesn't even know it's a Masquerade Ball.

Rose heard a shriek from the doorway. "A Masquerade Ball?! Aurora exclaimed.

Rose turned to look at her mother. "NO. Not one word, Mother."

Jackie ignored her. "Aurora, sweetheart, Torchwood is having a Masquerade Ball for Halloween. How would you like to come with your Grandfather and I?"

Aurora's face lit up. "Oh! Mom, could I? PLEASE!? It would be SO much fun."

Jackie stood in front of Aurora and started to play with her long brown hair. "You would have such good time. We would curl your hair and get you a dress, and you would just be the prettiest girl there."

"NO! Mother, stop it. She's not going."

Aurora and Jackie both turned to stare at Rose.

"MOMMMMM!! PLEASE?! I want to go so badly!"

"Rose, you should let her go. She's a big girl now, almost sixteen. I'll watch her while we're there so you can spend the evening with Jack."

""Watch me"? I'm not a little girl, Grams, I don't need to be "watched"! Please, Mom?!"

Rose sighed. "No, not this time." Aurora's face started to crumple. "BUT- If you don't bother me about this, I will consider bringing you to the Christmas Ball in December."

Aurora pouted, but she knew that the Christmas Ball was always one of the nicest events Torchwood had every year. But at Christmas no one would be wearing masks and everyone would know who she was. She would be "Pete and Jackie Tyler's Granddaughter" and everyone would be forced to be overly polite to the boss's granddaughter.

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it." Aurora said. "Is it time to go yet? I have homework to finish."

"I can finish up the dishes Rose, you take Aurora home now."

Rose and Aurora said their good-bye's and left.

The Next Day

Rose walked out of her office at Torchwood and was shocked to see Aurora walking towards her.

"Aurora, what are you doing here? I thought you were going over to Gram's house to help her with her sewing?"

Before Aurora could say anything, Jack came walking out of his office and it occurred to Rose that Aurora had just come from the same direction.

"Rose, what this I hear about you not letting Aurora come to the ball this year.

Rose looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Jack smiled and slid an arm around Aurora's shoulders. "Aurora told me that you won't let her come. I can't believe that you don't want to show off what a beautiful young lady she's turning out to be. I think it would be great to have the whole Tyler family at an event."

Rose was trying hard not to give Aurora a death glare. "Oh, Jack are you sure? There are going to be a lot of very important people there for you to talk to. Do you really want to be worrying about Aurora the whole time?"

Jack laughed. "Why would I worry? Aurora knows how to behave. I've seen her at your father's events. Acts like a little princess."

"Or so you think." Mumbled Rose under her breath.


"Oh, never mind."

"So, it's settled then? Aurora will come to the ball with us." Jack asked cheerfully.

"Yes, I guess so." Rose said reluctantly.

Aurora sensed the argument that was coming with her mother so she quickly added. "Mom, you were right, I was going to help Grams with her sewing after school, so I should get going."

Rose looked at her watch. "Aurora, you're going to have to wait. I can't take you over there right now."

Aurora groaned. "MOM! I'm almost 16; I can walk to Gram's. It's only a few blocks."

Rose looked horrified. "No! Your not walking to your Grams's all by yourself."

Jack sighed. "Rose, she's not made of porcelain, she won't break. Let her go."

Aurora looked hopeful about this. Jack could almost always convince Rose to let Aurora do things.

Rose looked uncertainly at Aurora and then back at Jack. "Oh, all right, but you won't walk you'll take the buss. Here's fair." Rose reached into her pocket and pulled out some coins.

Aurora squealed and took the money. "Thanks Mom!"

Rose smiled. "Come on, I'll walk you to the doors."

"Oh, don't worry, I'll walk her. I have to go downstairs anyway." Jack said.

"All right. Aurora, go straight to Grams's. I'll be there for dinner. And remember Don't talk-"

"'To strangers,' I know Mom! You don't have to tell me, I know. Good-bye. I love you."

"Love you too."

Jack and Aurora turned and walked down the hall to the elevator and got inside.

"Thank you, Uncle Jack, for getting Mom to let me come to the ball." Aurora said once the car started to move.

"You're welcome, but I can't win every battle for you. You have to learn to compromise sometimes, Aurora."

"I know, but I've been going to my Grandfather's Torchwood events since I was a baby. I know how to behave. She just treats me like such a child sometimes. I'm going to be 16 in two weeks."

"You're her daughter. No parent wants to see their little girl grow up, Aurora. And that includes uncles too." Jack said looking down into her brown eyes.

"I know, Uncle Jack. But you don't smother me the way she does."

"She loves you, princess. That will never change. But, with a little time, the smothering might."

"I know." They had reached the ground floor and had walked to the main doors. Aurora turned around and hugged Jack. "Bye. Thanks again."

"You're welcome. I'll see you this Saturday at the ball."

"Or maybe you won't. Maybe I'll be so grown up you won't recognize me." Aurora teased.

"I would recognize you attitude anywhere, "Princess Aurora"!"

Aurora laughed and waved to Jack as she walked to the bus and got on.

OMG! This is the LONGEST F-ing chapter I have written for anything...EVER! SO happy it's done! Now I get to start the REALLY fun part- the BALL! YAY!!

More soon,

You know you love me,
