Fight for Me

Chapter 6:

"You'll be staying in my room. We have guestrooms but they arent as nice or comfortable as our rooms."

"Thanks. You wouldnt happen to have a nightgowns would you?"

"Actually, Jakotsu dropped on off a few minutes ago." He picked the nightgown up off the bed and showed it to Kagome. They both blushed when they saw it. It was a tight -fitted black nightgown that stopped mid-thigh and showed everything off. In Kagomes thime they would have had this in the Lingerie section of Kamoru's. He truned around as Kagome put the nightgown on. When he turned back around, he was breathless. The bustline was low and pushed her breasts up. If she bent over you could see everything under the nightgown. This pleased him very much. "Uhmm, you're gonna have to sleep in my bed. I dont have any other ones to spare."


"Dont worry, I wont try anything."

"I know."

"You do now?"

"Yeah. I know you wouldnt touch me if I didnt allow you to."

"So you allow me to touch you?"


"Can I touch you now?"

"If you really want to. I dont mind," she said shyly. He smiled, touching her shoulders before he pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on her head. "Bankotsu?" she asked confused. He let go of her, looking into her eyes before sitting on the bed, covering his face with his hands.

"Im sorry Kagome."

"Bankotsu, what are yhu talking about? What have you done?"

"For dragging you here and getting you into this."

"You didnt drag me here. If I remember correctly, I walked here on my own."

"But I got you into this."

"Got me into what? What are you talking about?"

"I got you into something you cant get out of."

"What, Bankotsu, what did you get me into?"

"I'm in toruble. With you here, you're in danger too."

"So you're apolgizing for putting me in harms way. You're just like evryone else," she spat. He looked at her, confused. "Everyone always apologizes for putting me in harms way. I can take care of myslef, I dont need you apologizing. Im in dnager everyday, today's no different. I'll be alright."

He smiled, he liked her new attitude, her courage. She layed down on the bed, wrapping the cover over her body. He layed down next to her, their bodies facing opposite walls.

"Goodnight Bankotsu."

"Goodnight Kagome." Just as Bankotsu was falling asleep, a kncok came at the door. He growled out of annoyance, getting up to open the door, "who is it?" It was Renkotsu. Bankotsu opened the door halfway, putting his body in teh doorway. "What is it?"

"We need to discuss something."

Bankotsu quickly and quietly put on a shirt and walked out of the room, closing the door as silently as he could. "What is it that you want Renkotsu? I was on my wya to sleep. Whatever it is cnat wait 'till the morning?"

"I would have waited but then that girl may be up and this is private."

"Well what is it?" he spat.

"When you retire I wanna retire as well. But I dont know what I wanna do with my new oportunities."

"That's it!" he yelled as quietly as he possibly could. He wa spissed now.

"Im in love, Bankotsu." He calmed down when he heard this.

"Oh yeah? With who?"

"Her name's Siumi. She lives in teh village not too long from here. Im courting her as we speak."

"Well, does she love you?"

"I dont know. I've been too afraid of her answer to ask her."

"Well if you're courting her then she's gotta feel something for you. Ask her."

"But what if she doesnt love me back? What do I do then?"

"You do whatever comes to mind first. You'll know what to do. Now can I go back to sleep?"

"One more thing," he urged.


"What if she says yes? I will marry her, but I have no place to house her and our children. Where can I find a house?"

"I dont know. I got this house form robbing some monks. Do you whatvere you gotta do to provide for your new fiance' and future family. Is that all?" he asked tiredly.

Renkotsu nodded, "thank you Bankotsu. Your advice was of much help to me. Goodnight."

Bankotsu nodded and shut the door. Taking off the shirt and getting back in the bed, he closed his eyes before he was once again disturbed.

"Renkotsu's in love, huh?" He turned his side to see Kagome looking him in the eye. "Well?"

"Yeah. he needed advice on what to do next."

"What did you two conlude?"

"He's gonna tell her he loves her. If she doesnt love him then he's out of luck. If she does then he needs a new house for her and their future family."

-Ahww-"Thats so romantic."

-Annoyed- "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can I go to sleep now?"

"Of course. Goodnight."

He closed his eyes and went to sleep, Kagome drifting asleep next to him.