Harry was quietly staring down his golden egg, as Ron's little sister plopped down on the couch next to him.

"Harry, I need help with my DADA. We're doing werewolves, and I need some info." Said young, 13 year old Ginny Weasley. Having dealt with a werewolf personally last year, Harry could've helped, but seeing as he was too swamped with figuring out his egg, he just couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Ginny, but I can't help. I've got to find out this egg for the tournament. Go ask Hermione, she'll know for sure." Said Harry, concentrating on his golden egg.

"Well, alright then." Said Ginny, standing up, and rushing out of the Common Room, to the library. Harry was focused on the egg, but as Ginny skipped out of the room, he noticed a red spot on the couch.

He looked closely at the stain. It was still wet, and it smelled horrible. He put two and two together.

"My God, Ginny! She's got her first… DOT!!" said Harry, putting his egg down, and hurrying to the library, to tell Ginny.

As he reached the library, he found Hermione and Ginny in a corner, reading out of a book. He approached their table awkwardly.

"Umm, Ginny," said Harry, bending down uncomfortably to whisper, "Can I speak to you for a quick second?" Ginny, confused, followed Harry behind a stack of books.

"Ginny, umm, did you notice anything, uhh, different about your… uhh, undergarments today?" asked Harry sheepishly.

"Harry, I don't know what your talking about, and my essay is do in an hour, so I got to go." Said Ginny, returning to the library.

Harry sighed, and walked in after her. He leaned towards Hermione.

"Umm, Hermione, can I speak to you in the hallway?"

"Oh, yeah Harry, just one second," said Hermione, returning to Ginny, "A werewolf is classified as a 'being' and not a beast, because it once was a man, and-"

"Hermione! Now!" whisper-shouted Harry.

"Alright! Alright!" said Hermione, following Harry behind a row of books.

"Umm, Ginny, uhh… Ginny has her first… dot." Said Harry, blushing furiously.

"Her first… dot? You mean, her first Period?" asked Hermione, giggling a little.

"Yes! Exactly, so if you could tell her, or something, then…" said Harry, relieved.

"Well, Harry… I'm kind of busy, so if you could-"

"WHAT?!?" whisper-screamed Harry.

"Harry, you'll be fine, just tell her the basics!" said Hermione, rushing out of the library.

"But, Hermione!" said Harry.

"You'll be fine! Just the basics!" said Hermione, running down the halls of books. Harry slapped his forehead. He took a deep breath, and walked out to Ginny.

"Hey, Ginny. Why don't we talk?" said Harry, sitting across from her.

"Well, Harry, I'm kind of busy, but I guess I have time." Said Ginny, packing her bag.

"Well, how old are, 13?"

"Yeah, I am. Thanks for noticing."

"Well, I'm just saying, that, when a girl gets to a certain age, then… her body… starts changing."

Ginny's face turned red. She looked down, and played with her bracelets.

"And, well, to get to the point, when a girl starts to grow, her body will change, and then, one day, the said girl's body will start to menstr- mentsrua-…" he took a deep breath, " thegirlwillmenstrateandbleedandthenshe'llbeabletohavebabiesandstuff." Said Harry, "andyou'vestartedtomenstruate,andnowyou'rebleeding. So… there you go, I'll just go now." Said a red faced Harry.

"I guess I forgot to wash up from potions today, huh?" giggled Ginny. Harry's obvious confusion shown in his face.

"We got… messy in potions, and it got all over me. It was red. I'm not menstruating." Laughed Ginny, even though she was crimson with embarrassment.

"Oh… well then, I'll just… go." Said Harry. And with that, he rushed out of the library, to figure out that damned egg, and forget this whole entire incident.