
The small cottage was nestled comfortably in the arms of the forest, at one with the nature surrounding it. Creepers climbed the wall and honeysuckle hung above a beautifully crafted wooden door casting a sweet scent over the entrance. The pale stones that made up the building were craggy and rough but somehow homely.

Around the house was a low stone wall made up of the same material as the house, it added an element of seclusion to the home even though the place was reasonably far away from any settlement anyway, separated by green fields full of wild flowers and livestock. Within the walls chickens pecked at tufts of grass and a dog lay quietly in the shade of an apple tree, his tongue lolling out, panting slightly.

There was a little outbuilding beside the cottage, recently built and mostly made of wood with a few stone supports. Inside the shelter was a workshop equipped with many different tools: axes, saws, nails and chisels. There was a wood chopping bench littered with shavings.

A man was working carefully at this bench, chipping away at a block of wood to make a chair that had to replace one that had broken recently. On the shelf above his head was an array of carved figurines, a mixture of animals and people. There was a bear, a wolf, an owl and an archer with his bow pulled taut. The wood that made the string of his weapon was so thin it looked like it would snap at any moment. These objects were toys but the carpenter was yet to hand them to his own children as they already had too many.

In the warmth of the kitchen in the house was a woman, carefully stirring a steaming pot on the stove. However, this was not a pot of food for the family meal; this was a concoction of plant roots and herbs for her latest medicine that would go to a woman in the village with a dreadful cough. Despite being a housewife, the woman never cooked food if she could help it, it lead to much burning and bad smells.

At the back of the kitchen she could hear a low whining which reminded her of the dog that was struggling through the labour of her first litter. The bitch was two years old with large soulful eyes and floppy ears. The woman knew to leave her to it and let nature take its course but it still hurt her to hear the animal in pain.

Just then there was a loud shrieking cutting through the otherwise peaceful situation. The shrieking was followed by a series of bumps and thumps as several pairs of feet made their way down the stairs.


"Mum!" Two voices screeched in unison and the small kitchen was bombarded by bodies. The children had entered. One was dark haired, the other blonde, each with browner skin than was normal for an English child.

"Mum! Daniel stole my doll!"

"Did not!" the boy protested, brown eyes widened in a picture of innocence.

"Daniel, give your sister back her doll," Djaq sighed, pointing a wooden spoon at her blonde haired son. It was odd, looking at him, to think that she had given birth to him. The blonde hair immediately suggested his English heritage and if it hadn't been for the skin colour and his eyes she would not believe he was hers.

"Yeah, Danny, give it back." Raven-haired and beautiful, the older girl turned on her brother and stuck her small pink tongue out.

"But, Mum, Bella was knocking over my soldiers," Daniel retorted, referring to his toy army that he and his father had made last year.

"Bella, don't knock over the soldiers; Daniel give her back her doll," the Saracen shook her head, exasperated, "And don't disturb Cherry, she's soon to have pups."

"Your doll is in the chicken coop," the small boy revealed, a wicked smile on his face.

"Oh, you pig!" Bella screamed, hitting him and rushing out into the yard.

"Daniel, go ask your father if he wants a drink. Oh, where is Eddy?"

"With, Ilara, they are picking blackberries," Daniel supplied before hurrying off to find Will in his workshop.

Ilara was fourteen years old and nearly a woman. She had grown taller, started her monthlies and developed breasts. Her dark curly hair fell down onto her slender shoulders and her blue eyes were bright with enthusiasm as she watched her little brother prance around the berry bushes in search of succulent fruit.

He was very small, bronze-haired and pale, which was very strange for their family considering the ancestry on their mother's side. Edwin was his full name but everyone called him Eddy. Right now he was swamped in a big, hand-me-down tunic that made him look even scrawnier, trousers and too large boots. Still, he managed to look delicate even with his inelegant footwear. Uncle Allan called him a little pixie.

"Ilara," the five year old looked up from his picking, hands covered with juice, to see his sister had paused to watch him. He wanted her to help. "Come on!"

"Sorry, Eddy, I was distracted," the girl smiled at him and began plucking the blackberries once more.

A man appeared from between the trees near the blackberry thickets. He was tall, broad-shouldered and muscular, with tanned skin and thick brown hair. His eyes were the colour of an overcast sky, grey and stormy.

He stood and watched awhile, one shoulder resting languidly against the trunk of a tree. His eyes followed the movement of the two other people present, the dancelike movements of the small boy and the gentle, calming motions of the girl. Hearing a quarrel break out over when they should return home he stepped forward.

Ilara looked up and flushed. A deep incriminating rose coloured blush that flooded her cheeks and heated the back of her neck. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and her heart clenched with excitement and anticipation. Across the clearing from her, looking so nonchalant and cool was Kerrian Black. He may only be a few months her senior but he looked so much older and more mature.

A crooked smile spread across his lips and Ilara cursed herself for gaping, clamping her mouth tight shut. Her hormones were so annoying, it truly was ridiculous, they were best friends, almost as close and brother and sister, why was she still so infatuated with him?

"Good afternoon, Ilara, Edwin," Kerrian nodded at the small boy who spared only a quick glance in his direction before stuffing a handful of engorged black fruit in his small mouth.

"S'Eddy," he did have time to murmur however.

"Hello, Kerrian, how are you?" Ilara said, fighting to maintain the pretence of being completely at ease whilst the rest of her body fought wildly.

"Fine, thanks, and you?" he grinned again, his eyes crinkling.

"Good," Ilara answered before turning to her little brother, "Hey, Eddy, why don't you take this basket of blackberries back to Mummy and then clean yourself up? You're a mess."

"Am not," Eddy retorted swiping at his juice stained lips. Ilara shot him a look and he quelled. "Fine, I'll go." The child hurried off with his basket in tow.

Once he had left, the couple by the blackberry bushes dropped their pretence. Edwin may only be five but they couldn't really say much in front of him for fear of it reaching their parents' ears.

"So, seen any good looking guys lately?" Kerrian smirked, flopping on the ground beside her feet.

"No, none. I don't know what it is but all the boys I know seem to be incredibly ugly," Ilara said in a serious voice.

"Same with me."

"What, the boys?"

"Hah! No!" Kerrian laughed as Ilara dropped down next to him.

"Anything happening with that girl in Nettlestone? What is her name? Jocelyn?" the girl queried, trying to appear uninterested.

"You know nothing is happening with her, ninny. There is only one girl for me and it's been the same one for the last thirteen years."

"Yeah, but you only properly decided that three months ago."

"It's always been you, Ilara."

Sometimes Ilara couldn't believe she was with such a handsome, kind, funny man. It was like a dream. Half the girls in the village swooned after Kerrian Black and yet he'd chosen her. She supposed she did have the advantage of being his best friend but still.

Ever since they were little they'd spent hours together playing games and talking, she couldn't remember a time when she'd been without him. She didn't want to ever think of a time when she would be without him; she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. It scared her to think like that, it would probably scare him too, so she wouldn't tell him.

"Um…Ilara, I sort of wanted to ask you something."

"Go on then," Ilara shrugged, her mind elsewhere.

"Well," Kerrian began, slightly perturbed by her careless attitude, "I was wondering if, well, after all this time, you know, whether…um….would you marry me?"

It took a moment for the words to register in the teenage girl's head and then slowly it dawned on her. Ilara's jaw fell slack. She sat motionless, eyes wide, mouth agape. Kerrian shifted uneasily, not used to feeling so nervous in the presence of a girl – he was usually so at home. But Ilara was different, she always had been.

"Are you ok?" the boy asked, worriedly.

"Are you serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Kerrian frowned.

"Because….because….I don't know, it just seems like the kind of joke you would pull on me for a laugh."

"I'm not joking, so what's your answer?"

"Um….why not," Ilara giggled, unsure.

"You make it sound like I'm asking whether you want second helpings for supper. I'm deadly serious; you do know that, don't you?" The boy turned his intense gaze on Ilara, his eyes practically burning her with their passion.

"Yes," Ilara whispered, her throat suddenly feeling very dry.

"What's that a yes to?"

"It's a 'Yes, I will marry you, Kerrian Black'."

The dog writhed and moaned on the mat, her fur drenched in sweat and body clenched in agony. Djaq looked on anxiously, trying to ignore Cherry's pain but desperate to help all the same. The bitch had already managed to deliver two healthy puppies and was fighting with the third. The medic worried if the puppy was breech and wondered whether she should check but suddenly there was a slippery rush and the youngster was out. Djaq smiled and returned to her work.

Two hours later the last puppy was out and the newborns were finding their way to their mother's milk, suckling ferociously as they locked onto her teats. Seven little bodies wiggled and squirmed in delight as their bellies filled with warm milk. Three had already been named, chosen by the three youngest members of the Scarlett family. They were Oaky, Ivo and Willow.

By this time Will had joined his wife in the kitchen and the two of them were tucking into supper with Daniel, Bella and Edwin. It was a thick stew with rabbit, vegetables and some potatoes, cooked courtesy of Bella. They were still waiting for Ilara to return. Suddenly their was a commotion at the door and a tall, gangly boy sprawled into the room, practically tripping over the dog who'd also entered beneath his feet as he barreled through. Behind him followed another boy, tall but stocky.

"Mum," the first boy began, "Oh, you're eating. Sorry, didn't realize. Anyway…oh, Cherry's had her pups, wow, they look good. Well, what I was going to say is….where is Ilara? I bet she's with Kerrian isn't she? Always is. Sorry, I'll get back to what I was going to say, oh….I've forgotten." The torrent of words spewed from his mouth like an overflowing river and he barely paused for a breath. "Oh, yeah, can I go with Thomas to visit his cousin in London?"

"London? I'm not sure," Djaq said immediately. She didn't like the idea of her second eldest child travelling all the way to the capital, he was only twelve. Besides, his twin wouldn't be too happy to be left behind. Bella hated Finn doing things she couldn't.

Thomas was Thomas of Locksley, son of Robin of Locksley, Earl of Huntingdon and Man of the Hood, Protector of the Peasants. He was the same age as Finn and they had been best friends since birth. His mother was Marian.

Robin had managed to hold off the evil Sheriff long enough for Richard to come back from the Holy Lands and rid Nottingham of him. Robin and his friends had then been free to return to their previous lives. Robin had taken back his land and offered some to his fellow outlaws who had declined, preferring to continue as simple peasants.

Will and Djaq had married not long after considering Djaq was pregnant again and they didn't want another child born out of wedlock. Then they had obtained a house and had lived there happily ever since.

"Aw, Mum," the boy moaned, slumping into a vacant chair and leaving his friend standing in the doorway.

"But London's a dangerous place, isn't it Will?"

"Mmm….yes," Will replied though he wasn't paying attention, he was too busy looking out of the window at the couple that had just appeared on the path. It was his daughter and Kerrian Black, their hands held loosely together. Ilara had a huge grin on her face and her eyes sparkled with unbridled joy.

"Will…listen properly," Djaq sighed, exasperated, "Finn wants…Will?!"

"Something has happened," the carpenter murmured, sitting up in his seat, his eyes narrowed.

The door opened and the pair entered, only to freeze when they saw the audience they had received. Ilara looked positively petrified. Kerrian was less shocked but still apprehensive, he guessed now would just as good as any other to break the news. He noticed Will Scarlett's hard stare and knew he had to tell.

"We're getting married," Kerrian blurted out earning himself a fierce glare from his fiancée.

"What?" Djaq squeaked, cursing her high pitched voice. Why did she have to sound so girly?

"You are?" Will seemed more in control, master of concealing his feelings.

"Yep, as soon as possible."

"And how long did you decide this?"

"Um…well just recently really," Ilara stated bashfully.

"But I've been planning it for years, sir, I love your daughter and I promise to take care of her. I don't think I could live without her and I want to tie her to me for the rest of my life so no other man can lay claim to her. I couldn't stand to see her with anyone other than me."

"Well then, I guess I can't ask for more. You have my blessing." Will smiled, it was odd to see his little girl so grown up. He could still remember her as a tiny little baby girl looking up into his face with huge piercing eyes. She still possessed those intense eyes but she'd grown into them and they looked even more beautiful if that was possible. Kerrian was a lucky man to have her, Will was certain.

"Thank you!" Ilara beamed and through her arms round Will's neck, "I love you, Dad!"

Soppy ending. Sorry! Ah well, that's the end. Its been nice writing. I loved writing the Will/Dad stuff. As you can tell by my style I'm so biased towards him. Love him so much! Review one last time! Please!