Chapter Sixteen

Lauren entered the common room soaked. Angelina laughed and cast a drying spell on her. "Where have you been?" she asked.

"Just…walking in the rain", she replied. She had become very close to Angelina but knew she couldn't trust anyone with what had just happened.

"Lauren!" Sebastian called out to her from across the room.

She walked over to him feeling uneasy. "Sebastian…"

"I know you weren't feeling up to it today…but…maybe tomorrow we could—"

"Sebastian, we have to talk", Lauren said.

They went to a quiet corner in the common room and sat down. "Let me guess, it's you and not me", he said, jokingly.

Lauren laughed, knowing that he knew what was about to happen. "After breaking up with Randolph, I guess I just needed a bit more time…to clear my mind, before I entered another relationship…the last thing I want to do is lead you on. You're a great guy, but I just need some time to myself for a while".

Sebastian sighed, "I understand…when you're done finding yourself, I'll be waiting for you—I'd drop any girl I'm with in the future for you, just letting you know that for future reference", he said, getting up.

"Thanks", Lauren said, before he turned around and walked to his room. Oliver came over straight away.

"Before you accuse me of anything…I heard the whole thing", Oliver said.

Lauren laughed and hugged her brother, "I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!"

"So…was that the real reason for breaking up with him?" Oliver asked, slightly suspicious, but tried very hard not to show it.

"Sure it is", Lauren said calmly, looking straight into his eyes. She hated lying to Oliver but she knew he would never understand.