The Lost Bet.

Chapter Five: Day Four and Strawberries.

About Kaoru taking care of an ill Kyouya, blooming love, pairing statistics and strawberries!.

The first thing Kyouya saw when he woke up was Kaoru's face, close to his and a soft smile around full, red lips.

The first thing Kyouya did when he woke up was regretting waking up.

He softly moaned as the light shot painful shocks through his head and shifted a little, making Kaoru look up and lean back, a lukewarm, wet towel in his hands.

"Good-morning," he happily said. "… Even though it's already noon. You still have a high fever. You're burning!"

Kyouya turned and looked at him weakly, the fever spreading a red blush over his cheeks. Kaoru just gave him a friendly smile and Kyouya felt his heart beat even faster. He sighed, turned around again, until those words hit him.

"Noon?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

He slowly got up, feeling weak and tired.

"And school?" he managed to say.

Kaoru helped him sit upward. Kyouya stared at him, his hand groping around the night table to find his glasses.

"Well, you were still sleeping and Fuyumi said you were too sick to go to school, so she said I couldn't wake you up," Kaoru explained, turning around.

When he found his glasses he carefully put them on. He blinked a few times, his head pounding.

He made a mental note to scold Fuyumi for making him stay home.

"But then…" he coughed. "What about you? You could've gone to school."

"While you looked like you were dying?" Kaoru laughed and shook his head. "No way."

Kyouya blinked when Kaoru handed him a cold, wet towel. He took it and pressed it against his head, sighing another time.

"You didn't have to stay," he said, staring at his blankets.

"I was worried!" Kaoru said, placing his hands on his hips. "Besides, I get to skip school now. Nothing better then that!"

Kyouya was silent for a while. He was too tired to talk and his head hurt too much. Kaoru smiled to him, excused himself and walked away. The door closed behind him softly.

Kyouya shivered a little, feeling warm and cold at the same time. His throat hurt and his head was pounding, but he didn't feel as miserable as he used to when he was sick.

Kaoru stayed for him.

Kaoru was worried about him.

Kaoru had skipped school for him.

Kaoru was going to take care of him.

He closed his eyes, as he lay down again. In any case, he should keep his new found crush a secret. Even now, he wasn't even sure if he really liked Kaoru in that way. After all, it could be just because this was all new.

He never really spent so much time with anyone. Maybe it was just an infatuation and it would go away soon.

Kaoru didn't have to know.

He didn't really believe Kaoru would like to know.

He sighed again, his head throbbing too much to think. He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling above him. Glancing towards his night table he noticed his cell phone lay on it.

He had to remember to ask Kaoru to throw that away before Tamaki had a chance of calling him. His head wouldn't be able to survive his dramatic screams at this moment.

The room was silent and only for his heavy breathing there wasn't a single noise.

Was it really possible to fall in love that sudden?

Was it really possible to fall in love that sudden with a boy?

He closed his eyes again.

His father would kill him if he'd ever found out. But then again, no one had to know. He could keep this a secret from the whole world.

Even if he was in love, it was meant to end up as a total disaster.

The door slid open again and Kyouya opened his eyes.

"Do you want to eat something? It's just soup though," a happy voice said to him as it filled his ears, "they said it would help you get better again."

Love was such a funny thing.


"Hm, I'll eat it," Kyouya answered.

This wasn't love, he reprimanded himself, this was merely a 'crush' as they said. He'd be over it soon enough. He wouldn't take the risk of having his heart broken.

Kaoru placed it on his night table and helped him sit upwards, then handed the dinner-tray over. Kyouya placed it on his lap and stared at the soup for a few moments. Kaoru took the chair at his desk and placed himself next to Kyouya's bed.

Kyouya looked up and frowned. The places where Kaoru had touched him still felt strangely warm.

"They said I had to check if you were really going to eat it," he laughed. "Fuyumi said you have a habit of throwing your soup into the sand around that palm tree in your room."

Kyouya chuckled slightly.

"I'm afraid she's right."

"Eh?!" Kaoru laughed. "You really do that? That doesn't sound like you at all…"

Kyouya took the spoon, slowly stirring his soup.

"Or maybe that's just a side of me you're not familiar with yet," he replied, not really thinking about what he was saying.

Kaoru felt his stomach making weird turns again at the sight of the soft look in Kyouya's eyes. He bit his lip, to prevent himself from saying anything stupid.

"I would love to get to know that side of you then," he blurted out despite his efforts.

When Kyouya looked up with, Kaoru quickly averted his eyes to the ground, feeling his cheeks glowing again.

Damn… Why couldn't I just keep my big mouth shut?

"So you could blackmail me with it?" Kyouya replied.

Kaoru looked back up, ready to say something like 'but I'd never do that!', when he the words died in his mouth as a soft smile around Kyouya's lips told him he wasn't really serious.

Kaoru gave him a confident grin back, while saying: "Well, duh! With such a silly thing, you couldn't have expected any less."

"I know it's kind of silly…" Kyouya shrugged, "but I didn't know where to pour it away the first time and now it's kind of like a habit. I don't think my palm tree minds though."

He slowly started eating his soup, wrinkling his nose at its awful taste, but eating it nonetheless. Kaoru watched him eat, as he smiled: "It's not really that silly, actually. It's just funny because it's you."

"It is silly, no matter how you look at it," he said, as he started coughing again.

Kaoru's eyes became concerned. "Are you okay?"

Kyouya simply nodded. He looked up at Kaoru, handing him over the little bowl with soup.

"Can you throw that away for me? It's disgusting."

Kaoru smirked, taking the bowl in his hands. He nodded towards the palm tree, asking: "should I pour it by your palm tree?"

Kyouya simply nodded.

"My palm tree loves soup."

Kaoru laughed again, walking towards the palm tree and pouring the remains of the soup in the brown sand.

He never thought Kyouya could be funny. He wouldn't be so ill his mind had stopped functioning, right?

"Say, Kaoru…"

Kaoru turned around again, giving Kyouya a questioning look. "Yes?"

"About my soup-loving palm tree-"

Kaoru nodded as Kyouya continued: "-that's a secret between us, okay?"

"Why?" Kaoru questioned.

He earned a soft smile, as Kyouya said: "Because friends have their own little, silly secrets. Not that's it really important, just…"

Kaoru felt a blush spread over his cheeks. It was the first time Kyouya called him a 'friend' and it made his heart and stomach in weird, funny, warm ways. His heart beat way too fast for his liking, but something so warm rushed through his blood he didn't want to lose that feeling.

Kyouya chuckled and Kaoru looked up, the feeling swelling in his veins as he watched the soft smile on Kyouya's face.

Kyouya felt the slightly-becoming-familiar feeling in his chest return when he heard Kaoru laugh. But for the first time, he didn't question it, he didn't even want to think about 'why' or 'how' or 'when'. He felt it and he was happy that he did.

He was happy to talk to Kaoru like this.

He was happy he could hear him laugh, watch him smile.

He was happy to be this.

He was happy to be in love. And for now, that was all he wanted to feel. This little crush would be over soon enough. So for now, it was okay to be happy.

At least for once in his life, he deserved to be happy.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

Manako had given him that meaningful stare ever since he had closed the door of Kyouya's room and Kaoru was getting nervous because of it. For the short time he had known Manako, he had come to learn one thing: the look she was giving him now was not good.

"So…" she started after a short pause, her voice so innocent Kaoru actually winced.

He kept his eyes locked on the feather duster in his hand and continued working, ignoring her.

"You seemed to have a good time with Kyouya-sama…" she grinned. "I heard him laughing."

"Ah, well…we just…" Kaoru stammered, sighing and giving up trying to ignore her.

"I told you he loves you! It's so obvious! You guys are so adorable together!" Manako rambled on, flashing Kaoru a bright, happy smile.

Kaoru felt a blush colour his cheeks. He looked away, forgetting his work for a moment.

"I honestly don't think that Kyouya-sama loves me… I mean…" Kaoru tried to say, but Manako interrupted him.

"I'm so jealous! Seriously, every girl here would die to have Kyouya-sama talk or laugh with them like he did to you! Oh! I can't believe it! You're such a lucky girl!"

Manako looked at him and sighed: "Kyouya-sama is so hot… Don't you think so too, Kao-chan?"

Kaoru's face coloured red in an instant.

"W-W-W-W-well…" Kaoru started, looking away.

Manako laughed.

"Admit it! Admit! You're in love with Kyouya-sama and you think he's hot!"

He waved his hands in a furious speed, shaking his head so much his cat ears started to move.

"No! No! It's not like that! Honestly! I wouldn't… I couldn't… I mean…"

Boys can't think other boys are hot…

Manako poked him, causing him to jump backwards. He tripped and fell, pulling the girl along with him. She just laughed and he couldn't help but laugh too.

Manako got off him again, still laughing. Her eyes softened when Kaoru stood back off and dusted off his clothes.

"No, but really- I've never seen Kyouya-sama so happy! And I've worked here for some time now… He used to be so sad and silent. He was always alone. But then you came and it was like… like he finally became himself."

Kaoru looked away. A weird feeling rushed through his chest again and he felt really, really happy. He was so elated to know that he was the one who made Kyouya happy- to know happy that someone said he had made his life a little better.

"You know, up until now, his sister has been the only one who he would let take care of him when he was sick. A year or two ago, a maid wanted to take of him, since he had a really, really high fever, but he just flat-out refused her help. No one really knows why he does that, but they had to call Fuyumi-sama to come and make him eat," Manako told him.

"Really?" Kaoru blinked. "I can't really imagine him doing that…"

Or that's just the' I-have-a-palm-tree-who-loves-soup' side...

"But it's just another sign! He allows you to take care of him! There's no clearer sign that he loves you than this one! You can go and ask him yourself!"

Kaoru sighed.

"You really should stop searching for some deeper meaning behind everything," Kaoru told her as he laughed, but the laugh was hollow.


Manako pouted.

"There's no way he'll ever love me back."

"Stop thinking like that! Go for it, girl! Anything is fair in the War of Love! This is the fight of your life! If you give up now, you'll regret it forever! Go and tell him how you feel!" Manako's eyes blazed with an unstoppable fire. "You have to!"

That'd be wrong in so many ways…

Kaoru laughed, because he just couldn't help but think how much she looked like Renge when she acted like that.

"I can't just go and kiss him or something!" Kaoru laughed.

And not be killed.

"Of course you can!"

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

"Here you go, drink a little," Kaoru said, as he handed the cup of steaming tea over to Kyouya.

Kyouya gave him a smile and looked at the wall, the hot cup of tea held in his two hands. It was silent for a while as Kaoru just watched Kyouya think about whatever it was he was thinking about.

The silence broke when Kyouya said: "I just realized something."

Kaoru looked up, humming an 'hmm' to urge him to talk further. Kyouya still stared at the cup in his hands.

"Today was your only chance to see Hikaru for the rest of the week," he stated.

"Ah," Kaoru nodded, "That's true."

Kyouya looked up, a slight puzzled look upon his face, asking: "Then why didn't you go to school?"

"I already said I was worried!" Kaoru answered back.

His eyes averted to the ground, darting to every direction. He shifted a little awkward, not sure if he could tell Kyouya about his 'problems'.

"If it bothers you, it's okay to say something about it…" Kyouya offered, relieved it didn't sound as insecure as it did in his mind. "I don't have anything more important to do anyway…"

Why did this have to be so awkward?

"Well… It's nothing, really," Kaoru assured him.


"No, it's just… I don't really think Hikaru would've wanted to see me. You know, I've done something I promised not to do. Maybe he's… I don't know… disappointed or angry or something…" he laughed a little nervous.

"Hm," Kyouya said, placing the cup on his night table, "what exactly did you do?"

Kaoru felt his cheeks flush and he hurriedly looked at the ground, his bangs hiding his eyes. He found his voice soften as he answered with a, "Just something. It's not really important."

It was kinda hard to say: 'I told him I fell in love with you, even when I promised I wouldn't.'

"Well, if it's not really important then Hikaru has no reason to be angry right?" Kyouya thought out loud. "And I don't think he can be really angry at you. I mean, he's the kind of person who lets his emotion takes the best of him, but he really cares about you. I can't really judge since I don't know what you've done… But I think Hikaru will always be there for you, no matter what you do."

Kaoru smiled.

"Yeah," he answered, "Hikaru will."

It was silent again. Kyouya stared at the cup with mint tea, glancing sideward to see Kaoru look at him with a soft smile. He quickly averted his eyes again. He still wasn't quite used to the feeling Kaoru gave him, even though he didn't want to fight it anymore.

Opposite of the silences there had been before, this was becoming quite awkward. Kyouya cleared his throat, almost wincing at how loud that sounded.

"Okay! My turn to ask you something!" Kaoru said all of sudden, breaking the silence that was occupying the room.

Kyouya simply looked up.

"They said that up until now, Fuyumi was the only one who could take of you when you were ill… Why was that?"

Kyouya smirked, placing the cup on his night table again.

"Manako told you that, didn't she?" he asked, causing Kaoru to grin innocently.

"Well," he started, coughing a little, as he closed his eyes, "I guess I just don't like being taken care of."

"That's it?" Kaoru said, slightly disappointed.

Kyouya chuckled a little.

"Basically…yes. I guess that when I'm sick I only want to show that to the people I trust," he shrugged again.

Kaoru heart missed a few beats.

"And up until now that has been Fuyumi and… me?"

Kyouya placed the now empty cup on the night table, looking up at Kaoru.

"That's correct," he affirmed.

Kaoru couldn't stop the big smile that came upon his face after these words. He didn't even try to hide it or make it less obvious. Kyouya just gave him a small smile back.

"My turn again," Kyouya said.

Kaoru laughed.

"Okay! Bring it on! I'm ready for any question."

Kyouya brought a cool hand to his burning forehead, closing his eyes to the throbbing pain. When he opened his eyes again, he gave Kaoru a look, but quickly averted his eyes again.

"That day, on the roof," he started, not quite sure how he was going to formulate what he wanted to ask.


"That day you," he coughed. "That day you kissed me. Why did you do that?"

All that followed was absolute silence.

Kaoru stood up and walked towards the door.

"Kaoru?" Kyouya called out in a raspy voice while looking at his back, wondering if he said something wrong.

Kaoru's hand touched the doorknob.

"I have other work to do. You should sleep," Kaoru said, and he was surprised at how cold he sounded. "Get better soon."

"You didn't answer my question yet," Kyouya tried.

The door closed softly when Kaoru left the room. The silence never sounded so deafening painful.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

As soon as he closed the door, he wanted to turn around, run inside again and scream that he couldn't explain, but he didn't. He couldn't.

His feet moved as automatic and the silly, happy smile on his face was completely gone.

"Hey, did you see that new girl?"

Kaoru glanced sideward, seeing two girls whispering to each other. They weren't really that smart though, because he could hear it where he stood.

"Yeah, she seems to be close to Kyouya-sama, doesn't she?"

A giggle.

"She's so weird! Does she really think she'll ever be good enough for him?"

Kaoru bit his lip. Gossiping girls, they really thought they were the only ones on the world. He pretended he couldn't hear them, but listened carefully to the rest of the conversation.

"As if anyone would ever be good enough!"

"You're completely right. Kyouya-sama's cute and all, but he always looks down upon people."

That's not true.

"He doesn't care about anyone!"

That's not true at all!

"He'll probably just use her because she has such a cute face and then dump her like trash."

Kyouya wouldn't… He wouldn't…

"Maybe we should warn her…"

Shut up.

Kaoru clenched his hand to a fist.

"We should. She shouldn't get her hopes up so high. So pathetic."

Shut! Up!

What was wrong with these girls?

He was shaking so much from anger that he didn't notice Manako, who just walked in.

"I really don't get how anyone could like a person like that! He's so cold and selfish and-"



The two girls looked at the maid with the cat ears is surprise.

One of the girls brought a hand to the place Kaoru had just slapped her. Her eyes widened.

Manako quickly walked up to Kaoru, but he still didn't notice her as he went on: "Who do you think you are?! You don't even know him. Go gossip about someone else. Someone who actually might be those things you say! Kyouya-sen--sama isn't like that all! Girls like you make me-"

The girls stared at him as if he was some kind of alien.

"Come Kaoru," Manako hushed him.

Without a further word she dragged him away, as the two girls started to laugh again. Manako pushed him through the doorway and slammed the door closed. She friendly but forcefully pushed him on a chair. They were in the kitchen, but by this time at the day it was completely abandoned.

She stared him down, but he looked straight back, his hands clenched into fists, he bit his lips and he was practically shaking from anger. Manako's eyes filled with sympathy, yet her voice sounded firm when she asked: "So, what was that about?"

"Do girls have to do that?" Kaoru replied back, ignoring her question. "They just talk behind people their backs and they're completely wrong! Completely! It's so disgusting! Damnit!"

Manako gave him a soft smile.

"What did they say?"

"They said Kyouya-sama was a selfish cold person, who'd just use me and then dump like trash and –"

He looked up, his eyes almost desperate.

"But he's not like that. He'd never do such an awful thing."

Manako's smile widened.

"You're so cute!" she exclaimed, as she practically hugged him.

Kaoru's anger faded a little. He shouldn't get so stressed about it, really. He sighed, suddenly feeling tired.

"Manako, could you leave me and Kaoru alone for a second?"

Both 'girls' looked up, to find Akito standing in the doorway. Manako bowed and walked away. Kaoru swallowed thickly, getting the feeling his was in big trouble.

"So… Since when is it the habit to hit people out of nowhere?" Akito asked, slightly accusing, walking towards Kaoru.

"It wasn't out of nowhere!" Kaoru protested. "She deserved it."

"I wouldn't say that out so loud," Akito warned the furious boy.

Kaoru looked away.

"I'm sorry," he apologised, even though he was not.

Akito sighed.

"I should fire you, you know."

Kaoru's heart froze. He didn't want to leave now. If he did, then he… didn't have any reason at all to talk to Kyouya anymore and…

He couldn't leave!

"But, since it's you, I'll pretend I didn't heard about this little incident," a charming, warm smile came upon his face.

"Thank you!" Kaoru practically jumped up and bowed. "Thank you so much! I promise I won't do anything like that anymore! I promise! I'll go apologize immediately! Thank you so much!"

Akito smile to him once more and before Kaoru could run away, he grabbed his hand. Kaoru almost fell backwards, on his lap, but found his balance right in time. A blush spread over his face.

"U-Uhm?" the sound left his mouth before he even realised it.

"I'm only doing this because it's you," the hunter repeated.

"Y-Y-Yeah, that's uhm… very kind!" the prey stuttered back.

"So remember you owe me one," he winked and Kaoru felt his stomach make a painful turn.

Somehow, 'owing' anything to an Ohtori just sounded like it was bound to end up bad for the 'indebted'.

"I will," he smiled back, as sweet and innocent as he could.

The grip upon his wrist loosened and he stood up again as fast as he could.

"I'll go apologize then," he excused himself and practically fled out the room.

Akito smiled to himself when the door closed, as he muttered: "she sure loves that little brother of mine."

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

He stood before the door, looking over his shoulder, almost as if to find anyone he could talk to. Anything that would keep him from opening the door again.

It was so hard to walk back in after you walked out like that, he thought as he heaved a sigh.

"If you're not going to enter, I'm going to kick you inside," the familiar voice behind him said.

"Manako! It's not funny! It's just awkward!" Kaoru turned around, a positively hurt look on his face.

Manako laughed again.

"Theeeeeen, take this with you!" she exclaimed as she smashed something in Kaoru's hands.

Kaoru looked down, to find a little box full of strawberries in his hands.

"What?! How's this supposed to help?" he uttered as he stared helplessly at the strawberries.

"Strawberries are full of vitamins you know!" Manako lectured, "Now go and make everything alright."

With a large smile upon her face she grabbed Kaoru's shoulders and turned him around, pushing him towards the door. Kaoru stumbled inside, immediately looking over his shoulders.

"MANAKO!" he shouted, wincing when the door shut close again.

He gulped.

So he was inside again.

Slowly, almost afraid to see Kyouya he looked towards the bed, only to say: "You've got to be kidding me."

Kyouya was sitting in his bed, the notebook on his lap and laptop on his night table. His face was even redder from the fever and his eyes looked like he was going to faint any moment. Still, the pen in his hand was scribbling down lively on the papers.

He looked up.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"You're dying and you're still working?" Kaoru looked at him in awe and disgust. "That's just scary."

"I'm not dying," Kyouya assured the boy, "It's alright. If I don't do it now, I'll have to catch up with all the work."

Shaking the awkward feeling off, Kaoru walked towards the boy, put the strawberries on the desk and put the laptop out of his reach.

"You need to sleep!" he commanded. "You can work when you're better!"

"Kaoru…" Kyouya protested. "Since when do you have the right to command me?"

"I'm only thinking about what's best for you!" Kaoru exclaimed again.

"Do you know how many times Tamaki told me that when he woke me up at 6 AM?" Kyouya replied unconvinced.

"… But Milord is an idiot,"

"And you are not?" Kyouya replied and it was so sarcastic and unconvinced Kaoru started laughing again.

"I'm not!"

"… Right."

Kaoru laughed again.

"That didn't really sound like you're convinced."

"That's most likely because I'm not."

Kyouya returned his attention back to the notebook still in his hands. Kaoru sighed loudly. But since he liked his life, he didn't attempt to snatch the notebook from his hands.

"Fine. After I do this, I'll stop working," Kyouya said after a few more heavy sighs from Kaoru.

"Really?!" Kaoru beamed.

"It's not because of you, it's just that my head hurts," Kyouya replied back.

Kaoru placed the little box on his desk, as he sat down on the chair he had taken earlier. He rested his hands upon his knees, as he leaned forward.

"What are you doing?"

Kyouya didn't even bother to look up. He was too busy controlling his heart rate and the urge to smash to boy onto his bed; he couldn't really find an answer.

"Aww, don't ignore me now," Kaoru pouted, and he looked so cute that Kyouya had to glance away just as quickly as he glanced up.

"I'm managing the Host Club's funds," he answered after a moment of silence.

"Oh, cool," Kaoru answered. "Can I see?"

"It's not interesting."

"Aww, come on! I really want to see!" Kaoru laughed.

He crawled on the bed and leaned closer to Kyouya to peek in his notebook. He blinked a few times when he saw a chart, the different lines in different colours. Underneath it were the names of the Host Club members, though there was something off.

"What does 'HikaHaru' mean?" Kaoru asked.

Kyouya sighed. If he wasn't so sick he would've snapped that notebook close and growled at Kaoru for being so close, but instead he just opened his mouth and answered: "They're pairing statistics."

"… Pairings… statistics…?" Kaoru repeated sheepishly, crawling a little closer to his senpai. "And I'm supposed to nod now and understand what you mean?"

"Well, as you know, girls are all into romance. So, they made up couples in their minds. For example, you and your brother, or Hikaru and Haruhi. I'm trying to keep track of these 'fan couples' so I can see what the customers like, and … provide them some situation to fuel their fangirl fantasies," Kyouya explained.

"As… for example… having Haruhi help Hikaru with his math! She said you suggested that she'd help her classmates," Kaoru laughed. "That was all for business, too?"

"Of course it was. Quite frankly, I don't care if Hikaru fails or passes," Kyouya shrugged.

"Aaaww, you're so mean! It's important Hikaru has good grades you know!" the younger boy protested.

"Well, I'm sure that if he fails too much tests, your mother will forbid him to be in the Host Club so he could study instead, so in that case: it's double win," he shrugged.

Kaoru laughed again.

"You're unbelievable! Here, let me see the other pairings!"

Kaoru leaned closer, until he was looking over Kyouya's shoulder.

Kyouya smells so nice…

He shook his head mentally, a faint blush creeping upon his face. He pointed at another couple.

"TamaKyou, that means… You and Milord, right?" Kaoru laughed.

"That's correct," Kyouya confirmed.

"So mommy and daddy aren't just dumb titles? Come to think of it… you automatically assumed it was you…"

Kaoru hoped the disappointment from his new discovery didn't sound through too much.

"That was only position-wise, and it doesn't mean anything. It's not because those girls believe it could happen; it actually happens. Their mind and the real world are completely different universes," Kyouya protested.

"… I see," Kaoru answered, and he prayed to God he didn't sound 'relieved.'

"There are many impossible couples written down there. Like, Mori and Honey. As close as these two are, they'd never be in such a relationship as these girls want," Kyouya explained further.

"True! Besides, our Brotherly Love act is an act too. I could never really love Hikaru in that way."

Kyouya stayed silent, suddenly awfully aware of how close they were.

"I wouldn't want to either!"

"Because it's immoral?" Kyouya frowned.

"No, because… it could end then, right? Just being close as brothers, means it's for ever and ever. It's something that no one can break. Lovers break up eventually," Kaoru said, the look in his eyes softening, "I don't ever want to loose Hikaru, so I'm happy with the way things are now."

"That's…" Kyouya could feel the weird feeling taking control again, "Unexpectedly deep of you."

"It's not! It's common sense! You think about it differently then?"

"What I think about 'love' has no relevance whatsoever," Kyouya said.

Kaoru felt his heart miss a painful beat.

"People like us don't have the luxury to fall in love," he told him, and his voice sounded so cold- even to his own ears, "so my opinion isn't needed. The only reason I will marry is because that'll strengthen my family's position. No 'love' will be involved."

"Aww…" Kaoru groaned as he backed down until he wasn't touching Kyouya anymore, a little taken aback by the bitterness of his voice. "Sometimes, you sound like a beaten puppy."

"A beaten puppy?" Kyouya repeated hollowly as he gave him a death glare, "Did you, Kaoru Hitachiin, just compare me, Kyouya Ohtori, to a beaten puppy?"

"I did," Kaoru laughed.

"Then I shall compare you to a suicidal dog," Kyouya answered.

Kaoru laughed again, his shoulders shocking upward. Kyouya watched the laughing boy, with a faint, almost invisible smile upon his face. A part of him scowled him for being so bitter and not just telling the boy that maybe love didn't seem that impossible since he had come into his life, but the other part patted his head for being his old, cold self.

"You're just so pessimistic sometimes!" Kaoru said, after he had caught his breath.

"I'm not pessimistic, I'm only being realistic," Kyouya look at the notebook in his hands, "It's not my fault the truth is not what we'd like it to be most of the times."

Kaoru looked at him, and he couldn't help it, but immediately the thought he looks so cute like that popped in his mind. Only this time, he couldn't say it out loud as he did at that time with the Sports Festival.

Things had changed since then. It was just all different now.

"I think you could fall in love," he blabbered out.

Kyouya looked up, and Kaoru ran over himself with a tank mentally. He looked away immediately, blushing furiously.

Why didn't he control his mouth for once?! How the hell was he going to explain that?!

You could at least say something, senpai! Don't stay all quiet now!

And almost like he could read his thoughts, Kyouya opened his mouth and answered: "I guess I could. If I find someone who's worth loving, I guess I should."

But he hasn't found anyone yet…

"Yeah! Totally!" Kaoru laughed, jumping up.

He smiled and jumped back onto the bed.

"What other impossible pairings are there?" He laughed, quickly changing the subject.

"Well, there's your brother and Tamaki… Haruhi and Honey… and then there's me and…" It was hard to keep his voice as steady as it was before when he said: "You."

Kaoru blinked a few times, staring at the neatly written down 'KyouKao' on the notebook paper. A nervous, awkward laugh escaped his lips.

"We're quite popular, aren't we?" he laughed, his voice sounded awfully awkward through the silence.

"Actually, the thought of pairing us up has been quite recent. I think it has started a month ago. I have no idea why though. The last week, since Hikaru lost his bet to me, we've become popular though," he explained, as matter-of-factly as he could.

Kaoru's felt something freeze inside at his cold tone. Didn't it mean… something? Like, a little, very little tiny something? Something?

The fact that apparently it didn't, made him feel a bit sad.

"I see! Well, they probably think that now, when I'm all alone with you, I'd fall in love with you," and he hoped it sounded as a joke.

(But you never would.)

"Fangirls have a quite dramatic mind. They probably think we'd be doing all kinds of indecent things," Kyouya said.

"Yeah!" another awkward laugh escaped him lips. "They're just crazy girls!"

At every word his stomach turned in an even more painful knot.

"They are," he nodded in agreement. "The thought of you and me together is simply impossible. It could never happen."

(Because you would never love me, no matter how much I love you.)

In his whole life Kaoru had never done anything more painful then putting up a fake smile and saying: "Completely impossible."

Because there's no way I could ever be good enough for you…

Kyouya coughed a few times again, his throat and throbbing head still killing him. It was almost as if that sound had woken Kaoru out of his sad daze, as he jumped up.

"That's right! Manako said strawberries were good for ill people so I brought you some!"

"I see," Kyouya said, shutting the notebook closed and putting it on his night table.

Kaoru turned around and took a deep intake of breath. He grabbed the little box with the strawberries and sat down next to Kyouya. He took a strawberry, gave him a sweet smile and leaned forward.

It was a second later he realised how… close they were and how wrong the position was.

Kyouya seemed to notice it too, as he smiled a wry smile, his eyes directed intensely at the strawberry in his hand.

The scent of Kaoru mixed with strawberries made his mind go blank as he leaned closer. Something in the back of his mind scolded him, commanding him to control himself, to stop being such a fool, but he just couldn't help it.

Kaoru looked to cute, blushing like that.

He leaned even closer, their lips only inches away. Kaoru's blush became darker and his eyes darted away.

The door slammed open with a loud bang.

As if waken from a daze, Kyouya pulled back, snatching the strawberry out of Kaoru's hands and eating it, looking at the door, when a familiar shouting filled the room.


And with that, the girl turned around again and dashed away, leaving a horrified Kyouya and a speechless Kaoru behind her.

"What the heck…Why the hell is Renge here?!" Kaoru cried out in complete surprise after the shock had settled down.

Kyouya gave him a pained look, sighing, before answering in a tone that would make the toughest soldier cry for his mommy: "I don't know, but I do know she's not going to see her yaoi collection ever again."

Kaoru gulped.

"I shall go take a look," he said quickly, before he stood up and ran away.

(Screw you Renge… I almost kissed him…)

Kyouya sighed, before he fell back on his pillow, cursing under his breath.

This promised to be a painful day.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

"I swear, Hikaru! Kaoru was on his bed and they were this close!" the otaku girl indicated the space by holding her hands a mere inch from each other.

"You must've seen that wrong! There's no way okaasan would allow that! No way! No way!" Tamaki protested.

"Shut up, you fake king! I saw what I saw! If I hadn't interrupted, they would've made out! I swear!" Renge mowed with her arms. "IT WAS SO CUTE!"


The small senior jumped up and down.

"Hika-chan! Hika-chan! Is it true? Does Kao-chan like Kyou-chan?!" his eyes were filled anticipation.

All eyes were immediately fixed upon the older twin. Hikaru gave them a large, awkward grin, looking at Haruhi for some support.

"Guys, guys…" she tried, "Maybe there's a good explanation for Kaoru being on Kyouya's bed. If Kyouya's as sick as we think he is, then Kaoru was probably just taking care of him… There's nothing serious about it."


"… Strawberries have a lot of vitamins; it's good to eat it when you're feeling weak," Haruhi replied, covering her ears for the screaming that might come.

"Strawberries are yummy yummy!" the small senior said as he smiled widely.

"Ah," his cousin affirmed.

"Right, Renge! Haruhi's commoner knowledge saved us again! There's nothing to worry about!" Tamaki breathed relieved.

"It's not commoner knowledge, senpai, it's common knowledge," Haruhi sighed.

"WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ALL HERE?!" Kaoru's shocked voice sounded through the hall, making them all turn around.

"Omigod… That outfit…" Hikaru cracked up, until he was crying from laughter. "TOO MUCH! It's too much!"

"Don't laugh with me! It's your fault! I swear! All of you, why are you here!"

"We wanted to see if Kyou-chan was alright!" Honey beamed. "Kao-chan looks so cute!"

"Ah," Mori affirmed.

"The cat ears suit you, Kao-chan! You're super cute!" Honey continued.

"Okay, fine, so now we all laughed with my outfit which I am wearing because of Hikaru," Kaoru gritted his teeth and Hikaru became awfully silent, "I shall tell you all that Kyouya-sama is perfectly fine."


"He didn't, Milord," Kaoru assured him. "I've been taking care of him and he just has the flu… It's nothing dramatic."

"That's good to hear, Kaoru! Good job on taking care of him!" Tamaki replied.

Kaoru sighed.

"And Renge, I'd like to repeat again that Kyouya-sama and I weren't doing anything weird. I was just giving him a strawberry," Kaoru said, looking at Hikaru with a look that implied 'that it was really the truth.'

"So you say, so you say," she retorted knowingly.

"Strawberries are so nice!" the small senior beamed again. "Especially on cakes! Don't you think so too, Takashi?"

Mori nodded in silent agreement.

"Ah… Speaking about cakes… I made a cake for Kyouya, but he hasn't eaten it yet… I guess I could give you guys a piece then! Now you're all here anyway, I guess it's okay if you stay for a while…" Kaoru thought out loud.


"Woah! Kao-chan made cake for Kyou-chan!"

"… You made cake yourself?" Haruhi asked. "What kind of cake?"

"Just cake… Normal cake…" Kaoru replied. "Now, shoo! All of you, get out of this hall! Tamaki, you know where they can wait for their cake. I'll just go tell Kyouya-sama you'll be staying a little longer."


"Follow me, my humble Host members!"


"… Fine."


"Hey, Kaoru, I shall go with you," Hikaru said.

Kaoru looked back over his shoulder, his eyes darting to the ground.

"Oh… Okay then. You don't have to," he said, feeling a bit awkward.

Since when did he have to feel weird around his own twin? Hikaru had been awfully quiet all the time, and hadn't reacted even the slightest on Renge's screaming about them making out.

He just shrugged and followed his cross-dressing twin.

"Hikaru… I swear we weren't making out," Kaoru said after the silence lasted too long for his liking.

"I know," Hikaru replied softly, walking beside him.

Their footsteps resounded on the ground. Kaoru sighed, looking up and staring back down.

What to say? What to do?

Apologize, laugh it off, tell him that no matter what he wouldn't stop being in love with Kyouya, keeping silent?

Hikaru didn't seem to want to hear any of them. He didn't seem the want to hear anything whatsoever. He just walked next to him, in silence. Kaoru stopped when they stood before Kyouya's door.

Hikaru stopped too, looking at his twin.

"Are you mad at me?" Kaoru asked.

Maybe Hikaru felt betrayed.

"Nope, not at all," Hikaru smiled back. "I knew it was going to happen anyway."

Kaoru gave him a happy smile, feeling a burden fall of his shoulders.

"It's just… a bit weird… But hey, I'll get used to the thought of you making out with Kyouya," Hikaru's face fell, "someday…"

"Hikaru!" Kaoru laughed, pushing him playfully. "That's embarrassing!"

"But seriously! No matter what you do with guys in bed, I'll love you forever!"

"Hikaruuuuu!" Kaoru blushed, laughing and pushing him again.

Hikaru gave him a big smile. The laughter died and Hikaru looked at him seriously. Kaoru looked back, blinking.

Hikaru's lip started to tremble.

"Hi-Hikaru?! What's wrong?! If you're not fine with it you should tell me! Really!" Kaoru panicked.

He didn't want his twin to cry, just because of a crush that'd never be answered.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE GROWING UP SO FAST, KAORU!" Hikaru shouted dramatically, hugging his twin tight.

"Can't… breathe…"

"Not so long ago, you were still a little baby and I could look after you! And I could hold you and sing until you slept! But now you're grown up and," he sniffed heartbreakingly.

"There's no way you could hold me, you're just as old as I am!" Kaoru protested, but he returned the hug anyway.

"I guess we're both growing up then," Hikaru said softly, caressing his twin's red hair.

"Yeah… Had to happen sometime," Kaoru laughed, as he let go of his twin.

"It's a bit weird, but we'll get used to it!" Hikaru assured him.

"Yeah, we will!" Kaoru laughed back.

His heart seemed to beat less painfully now he knew that, even if his love might never be answered, he'd always have his twin, no matter what.

"You really love him, don't you?" Hikaru said, a soft smile on his face.

"I do," Kaoru answered, a happy smile taking its rightful place.

And Hikaru swore he had never ever seen his twin smile so happy.

Kaoru gave him another smile and turned around, pushing the door open.

"Senpai?" he asked, carefully stepping inside.

Kyouya pushed himself up.

"Kaoru…" he replied, as sign that he had seen him.

Then, he noticed his twin standing in the doorway and with a polite nod and a "And Hikaru," he signed that also his presence was noted.

"Hey, senpai," Hikaru greeted back. "Nice outfit you made Kaoru wear."

Kyouya simply gave him a smile back.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you the other members are going to stay here for a while," Kaoru said as he sat down on the edge of Kyouya's bed.

Kyouya nodded weakly, his cheeks still blushing from the fever.

Kaoru looked from Hikaru to Kyouya, giving the latter a smile.

"Just sleep until I'm back, okay? They won't stay long and you need your rest," he told Kyouya as he carefully brushed a strand of black hair out his face.

"Hm," Kyouya hummed in agreement.

"Okay, I shall give them their cake then," Kaoru smiled as he got up.

Kyouya watched him leave, his eyes softened with every step the youngest Hitachiin took.

"You're coming too, Hikaru?"

"Nah, there's something I need to ask Kyouya."

Kaoru shrugged and left, leaving Hikaru alone in the doorway, observing the sick senpai for a few moments.

Kyouya finally broke the silence, as he asked: "What is it that you wanted to say, Hikaru?"

"Uhm, well," Hikaru said. "I just… wanted to say…"


"It's kinda weird to say it you, you know!" Hikaru threw his arms in the air.

Kyouya just stared at him blankly.

"Thankyou," he spit out.

He breathed a breath of relief.

"There, I said it!" Hikaru said as if he had done something heroic.

"Thank you?" Kyouya repeated. "I fail to recall the reason for being thanked."

"For taking care of Kaoru," Hikaru explained. He stayed silent for a while. "And for making him smile."

Kyouya fell down in his pillow again, feeling too weak to sit upward.

"I see," he simply answered. "You're welcome. It was my pleasure."

"Yeah, I know. You're head over heels for him, senpai!" Hikaru laughed.

Kyouya's eyes widened a little, as he gave the ceiling above him a terrified look. However, he was sure Hikaru wouldn't see it. He waited until he was sure his voice would sound unaffected and uninterested as he replied: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Hey, it's my twin we're talking about. I can tell when someone is drooling all over him," Hikaru laughed. "And you should've seen your face when you looked at him!"

Kyouya didn't reply, but just looked at the ceiling, closing his eyes once more.

"Don't worry, though, there's no way he noticed!" Hikaru assured.

"You can't notice what's not there," Kyouya stayed silent for a while.

Hikaru did the same.

"Is there something else you want to tell me?" Kyouya asked after some time.

"You've got my approval," Hikaru declared.

Kyouya looked up again. He almost wanted to ask 'why', but Hikaru interrupted him: "To be honest, I never really liked you. But I don't think you're a bad person. Someone who can make Kaoru smile like that, can't be bad, right? If my twin fell in love you, he probably had a hell of a good reason to do so. And you know what? One day, I'm gonna find out what that reason is and until then you have my approval."

"… Thank you," Kyouya said, with a mix of honesty and sarcasm.

"And besides, I'm going to be pretty busy with life and such soon too, so for all the moments that might come I can't take care of Kaoru, I'm entrusting that task to you."

A small smile came upon his lips.

"Don't screw up, senpai, because I swear you'll regret that," Hikaru said, before he turned around.

(I won't.)

"Hikaru, you're not making any sense," Kyouya told him.

"Good luck, senpai," Hikaru smiled.

When Hikaru closed the door behind him, Kyouya closed his eyes, a smile playing on his lips and to anything and everything that would care to listen in his empty room, he swore he would ignore the next time Hikaru would break a cup.

Just once.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

"Kao-chaaaaan! This cake is really, really good!" Honey beamed after he ate the whole slice in one go.

"Thank you," Kaoru said, sitting down in the couch.

He looked over his shoulder, as the see if Hikaru had returned yet. Renge made a face, but said: "This cake is pretty good. I wonder if Hikaru has such cooking skills too…"

"Hm? Well, I didn't do it alone," Kaoru laughed. "Manako helped me a lot! Actually… she did all the work…"

"Who's Manako?" Haruhi asked, as she gave him a smile as to sign the cake was indeed good.

"She's a maid here. She's been taking care of me, since I didn't know where everything was and how to do stuff and such. Wait! I'll get her! I'm sure she'd love to meet you all!"

"That's great, Kaoru! Introduce your new friend to us!" Tamaki supported him.

"Yup! I'll be right back!"

With that Kaoru chased off. He wandered through the now familiar walls.

"Kaorrruuuu!" called a familiar voice.

"Hikaru? What took you so long?"

"Ah, nothing. Just assuring myself of something," Hikaru grinned back.

"… I don't get it," Kaoru laughed.


The twins turned around, facing the stunned looking maid. Her large, green eyes stared at Hikaru, then to Kaoru and then back to Hikaru.

Then, she grabbed Kaoru's arms walking a bit further. Whispering, she asked: "Who in the world is that hottie?!"

Kaoru couldn't suppress that grin.

"My brother," he answered.

"Oh," Manako said, blushing furiously.

She looked at Hikaru, who was still blinking and trying to comprehend what just happened and gave him a shy smile.

"He. Is. Hot!" she whispered. "You have to arrange a date for me with him!"

Kaoru laughed again.

"I'll try!"

"Uhm… Kaoru? Are you and…"

"Manako! The name is Manako," in a flash she stood before Hikaru, looking shyly.

Kaoru had to suppress his laughter as he walked back.

"Ah, Manako," Hikaru extended his hand to her. "Nice to meet you!"

"N-Nice to meet you too!" She giggled back.

"Manako, my other friends want to meet you," Kaoru said, "you wanna come with me?"

"Ah, sure!" She cheered. "Yay! I get to meet Kao-chan's friends!"

With that, she dashed of, grabbing both Hikaru's and Kaoru's wrists, as Kaoru hastily tried to explain where they were.

When they stood before the door, Manako stopped abruptly. Hikaru gave Kaoru a look that silently said: she's scary…

Kaoru cracked a grin.

Manako turned around.

"… Do you think I look good enough to go in?" she asked him nervously.

"Of course you do! They're just my friends, not the royal family…" Kaoru said.

Hikaru rolled his eyes.

"Let's go in!" he exclaimed, as he pushed open the door.

"Hikaru! There you are! Geez! Don't sneak off on your own," a high squeaky voice warned him immediately.

"Ah, sorry Renge-chan…" Hikaru laughed, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry!" she threw her hands in the air.

Manako peaked over Kaoru's shoulder to the Host Members. Her eyes widened.

"Why are they all so frigging hot!" she whispered agitated in Kaoru's ear.

"… I don't know," Kaoru said… apologizing?

"Kaoru, is that lovely girl behind you Manako?" Tamaki jumped into the conversation.

He took her hand and pulled her closer, her cheeks colouring a deep red.

"Why hide yourself? You should expose your beauty to the whole world! With such beautiful eyes, it'd be a shame if I could not look into them," Tamaki started his usual dramatic flair.

"That's Tamaki Suoh," Kaoru said, "if he's annoying, just slap him in his face."

"Wha-! Kaoru! That's so mean! I'm not annoying!" Tamaki wailed dramatically as crocodile-tears appeared on his eyes.

"Like hell you aren't," Kaoru and Hikaru said in unison.

Which send Tamaki to his own personal corner of woe he claimed in the Ohtori Estate.

Manako blinked a few times, before she looked up again at a soft, calm voice.

"Nice to meet you, Manako," Haruhi smiled to her. "My name is Haruhi Fujioka."

Her eyes widened again. Why were all Kaoru's friends so cute?!

"Nice to meet you too, Fujioka-san," she smiled.

"Manako! Can I call you Nako-chan! Nako-chan sounds so cuuuute!" the blonde senior cheered.

Manako looked at him, a spontaneous squeal leaving her lips.

"Of course you can! Nice to meet you!" she smiled.

"I'm Mitsukuni, but you can call me Honey! And this is Takashi, but everyone calls him Mori," he smiled at her.

"Okay," she smiled.

She sat down in the couch and Kaoru watched her talk to everyone, smiling softly.

He felt someone poking him and looked next to him. There stood Hikaru, with Renge a bit behind him. Kaoru frowned, as Hikaru gestured outside. Getting the hint, he said to Manako he'd be gone for a few moments and Hikaru followed.

…So did Renge.

"So… Why did we leave?" Kaoru asked.

"Because, uhm, I have to tell you something," Hikaru scratched the backside of his head.

"We have to tell you something," Renge added.

"Ah… Okay," Kaoru gave them both a weird look. "So, tell me?"

"Renge and I… We're uhm… since a few days… uhm… yeah… well… actually," Hikaru threw his hands in the air. "You tell him!"

"Don't scream at me like that!" Renge said back and Hikaru gave her a cute smile.

"So…?" Kaoru repeated, as to sign he was still there.

"So, what Hikaru was going to say but was too chicken to do so," Hikaru made a painful face, as Renge continued: "Is that since yesterday, we're an official couple! He wanted to tell you first before we told anyone else, so, you're the only one that knows."

"Then we aren't an 'official couple'," Hikaru sighed. "You're such a dense kid."


She mowed her hands in the air dramatically. Kaoru frowned and looked at her and then at Hikaru, who was laughing at Renge's hyper behaviour. For a moment he thought of opening his mouth and saying something, but the thought vanished as he realised he had never heard his twin laugh like that.

Maybe they both, somehow, were meant to have strange relations.

He just wished, prayed, that his would work out so well as well.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

The door opened softly. Kyouya sighed, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Kaoru?" He guessed.

"No! It's me," a familiar voice said.

"Ah… Tamaki…" Kyouya said, a little bit of… -was that disappointment? - sounded through his voice.


Another sigh escaped from his lips. Kyouya rubbed his temples, contemplating whether kicking the idiot out now or sending someone to slit his throat later.

"I'm glad you're okay though, okaasan!" Tamaki laughed.

"Yeah, I'm fine," and he muttered, almost inaudible, "Kaoru's been taking good care of me…"

Lucky for him, Tamaki didn't hear that, as he continued: "NEXT TIME YOU SHOULD WARN ME OKAASAN! I WAS REALLY WORRIED! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GOT SICK!"

"It's quite normal for people to get sick sometimes, you know?" Kyouya answered, rather agitated.

"B-B-Buuuuut…" Tamaki protested.

Kyouya sighed.

"Is there something important you want, need or would like to tell me? Because if that is not the case, I'd like it if you would get out of my room this instant," he said.

Tears started leaking from Tamaki's eyes, but Kyouya looked up and looked at him ice-cold as he said: "My head hurts enough without you making it worse!"

Tamaki sniffed dramatically.

"You shouldn't worry about me," Kyouya said, a soft smile on his face. "They're taking great care of me."

With those words, and the not-so-very-cold tone of Kyouya's voice, Tamaki recovered completely again, smiling and exclaiming: "That's great! I shall compliment Kaoru on his splendid job!"

"… I didn't really mentioned Kaoru in particular…" Kyouya sighed again.

"But you were talking about him, right?" Tamaki laughed.

"… Idiot," Kyouya decided to say as only thing, looking away.

"Okaasaaaaaaan! I'm no idiot! I'm no idiot!" Tamaki protested, looking hurt.

"Okay, then you're 'mentally behind of your age,' or 'not so very sane,' or 'rather annoying,' or…"


Kyouya sighed again, giving up.

Tamaki's tone become calm again, as he asked: "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, after I rest today, I'll be fine," he replied.

"That's great!"


"WHA- I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE GONNA SURVIVE THIS!" Tamaki said, as he leaped forward and randomly hugged his best friend.

Kyouya blinked a few times.

Why was that idiot hugging him?

"Tamaki… what the hell are you doing?"



The door opened again.

"Ah! Milord! There you are! Everyone's about to leave! You just sneaked out on your own!"

Tamaki leapt backward again, giving the Hitachiin in the doorway a happy smile.

"Yes! Daddy had to confirm for himself mommy was doing great!" he replied. "But he's in great shape! All thanks to you wonderful care, Kaoru! Splendid work!"

"… I didn't do anything. Now, get out of here before they all leave you behind! It's almost 10 o'clock already! Kyouya-senpai needs his rest!"

"Of course!"

And with that Tamaki hopped out of the room. There was a silence between the two boys left alone in the room. Kyouya looked up, and he couldn't help but frown as he saw Kaoru stare at the blonde's back with some sort of… dreamy, far-eyed look in his eyes.

Why did it feel so weird when Kaoru looked like that and it was not directed at him?

What did the look mean anyway?

Kaoru looked into his direction, the look immediately changing into something bitter and hard.

"I'll say Hikaru goodbye. You should get some rest," and with that he turned around and left again."

"Yeah… I should…" Kyouya muttered to the closed door.

The wrenching of his heart made it too hard to stay awake anyway.

He had done nothing wrong, then why did he feel like he somehow hurt Kaoru? He couldn't have done anything to displease that boy, right?

He sighed again, wishing this day would be over soon.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

Kaoru watches his brother's retreating back disappear into the darkness, still waving furiously. Next to him stood Manako, also waving, be it a little more shy and sweetly. They both stayed that way, until even Renge's bright, yellow dress was invisible in the dark sky.

"So… what's wrong?" Manako asked, still waving.

"Eh?! What?" Kaoru almost jumped up.

"You seem a little bit… sad," Manako said, turning around and closing the door after she and Kaoru got back in.

"Uhm, yeah… It's nothing," Kaoru shrugged. "It's just that…"

"Just that?"

"Doesn't it get on your nerves when there are people that can do things that you cannot do?" he said, frowning slightly.

"Like?" Manako tried.

"Like… Hugging someone you like…" Kaoru muttered, almost inaudible.

Manako laughed. Kaoru looked at her, his expression something between hurt and questioning.

"You can totally do that! Just go up to Kyouya and give him a hug!" she exclaimed.

"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" Kaoru squeaked, blushing slightly. "Seriously!"

"But really… You can do that… Go do it now!"

"You're hopeless," Kaoru sighed. "But, I'll at least go and say him goodnight."

"KISSY-KISSY!" Manako yelled.

"What – No! Shut up! It's not like that!" Kaoru laughed, pushing the girl playfully.

"But it will be like that soon enough!" she retorted.

"That's not true… Because… I've only get three days left…" Kaoru sighed. "Then I'll leave…"

"The more reason to make your shot now! Go, go, gooooo Kao-chaaaaan!" She laughed as she put her hands on his back and playfully pushed him all the way towards Kyouya's room.

Kaoru stayed silent for a while, sighing.

"Goodnight, Manako."

"Good luck, Kao-chan!" Manako said as she winked at him.

"… It's not like that!"

But his words went unheard by the hyperactive hopping-away girl. Left alone, he tried to get his heartbeat under control, before he turned around, lifted his hand and slowly knocked on the door.

A soft mutter was the reply he got. He shrugged and carefully pushed the door open.

"Kyouya?" he asked, stepping inside.

Only the night light on his night table was still on, as put away his notebook. Kaoru closed the door again and there was once again this kind of awkward silence.

What to say, what to do?

Kaoru hoped he wasn't blushing as he approached the ill boy and sat down on the edge on his bed. He carefully leaned forward, putting a hand on his head.

"I think your fever decreased," he said happily.

"Hm…" Kyouya hummed to confirm.

Kaoru quickly leaned back again, slapping himself mentally.

Somehow, he just had to touch him as soon as he saw that and only that thought was so very, very wrong.

"Kaoru, I was thinking…" Kyouya started.

"Uhuh?" Kaoru looked up, urging him to go further.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe tonight you should try and sleep alone. I know you don't really like that, but… I wouldn't want you to get sick. It might be contagious."

Kaoru felt his heart miss a beat and felt a bit lonely at that statement. Though the rational part of his brain told him it was the most logical thing to do and it was nothing personal, the emotional, Kaoru-part screamed that he had done something wrong, that he had gone too far.

He wanted to be with Kyouya. So what if he would get sick? Kyouya got sick for him.

He didn't want to be alone, when he could be so close to that other boy's warmth.

But still, he nodded and somehow smiled and answered: "Yeah, that's a good idea."

"If I'm better tomorrow and you really can't sleep alone, I wouldn't mind you sleeping here again," Kyouya continued, looking away at that statement.

He swallowed. Why did it feel so wrong and weird to tell him that now?

When Kaoru stayed silent, his brain scolded him for being so straightforward. Such a statement didn't sound anything like him at all. But, he couldn't help it.

It just felt so nice, to fall asleep while smelling the scent of Kaoru, to fall asleep while he had that feeling nothing in the world would ever hurt him again.

He really could get used to that. He really wanted to get used to falling asleep next to Kaoru.

"Yeah, well, I shall see how it works out," Kaoru smiled to him.

They stayed silent for a while again. Kyouya wondered if he should ask him something about earlier.

"You know what I found out today!" Kaoru said suddenly, laughing a bit.

Kyouya looked up again, giving him a soft smile.

"No, but I'm sure I'll know it within a few moments," he replied.

Kaoru grinned.

"I actually can't say it, but… Renge and Hikaru are a couple… Can you believe that?! My brother…with Renge?!"

Kyouya frowned.

"Hikaru and Renge," he repeated blankly, staring at him.

A light lit up in his mind. All of sudden, he understood what he had meant when Hikaru said 'he'd be busy with life real soon too'.

"Yes! But they seem happy together! I'm really glad my brother found someone to love!"

"… But if he asked you not to tell anyone…" Kyouya tried, but got interrupted.

"But you're Kyouya!" Kaoru laughed. "You would've found out before they told everyone anyway."

Kaoru pointed at the notebook. "You could write this new data down immediately."

Kyouya chuckled a bit, picking up his notebook again and taking the pen. He flipped through the pages, until he got the one about Hikaru. He took his pen, but hesitated.

"You write it down," he said.

Kaoru blinked.


"You want to write it in my notebook?" Kyouya asked, shrugging.

Kaoru laughed again.

"Yeah! Sure! What an honour!"

Kyouya just smiled, handing him over the pen. He turned the notebook around, layed it on the bed, one hand covering all what was writing already. With his other free hand he pointed at a spot.

"There," he said.

"Aaaww, I can't read what you wrote?" Kaoru asked playfully and laughed as he bent down, a huge smile on his face as he wrote down 'boyfriend of Renge Houshakuji since' and the date of yesterday.

"There's nothing in it, you don't know already," Kyouya replied, taking the pen from Kaoru again after he finished writing.

"I hope so if it's about my own twin," Kaoru laughed.

Kyouya quickly scribbled down the new data at Renge's page. Then he closed the notebook again and laid it on the night table. He tried to hide his yawn, but Kaoru noticed anyway.

"I guess you should go to sleep," Kaoru smiled.

"Hm, I think that's a good idea," Kyouya confirmed.

It must've been the smile on Kyouya's face. It must've been the fact that he was so close that he couldn't think straight anymore. It must've been the hidden message of … something after writing in that sacred notebook of his. It must've been his insane mind, that caused him to do something like that.

But, whatever it was, Kaoru leaned forward until his lips were pressed softly on Kyouya's cheek.

It didn't last longer than a second, a flash, a heartbeat, a kiss, a spark, and Kaoru ended the kiss. He smiled, his heart racing so fast it would give up any moment.


Kyouya stared at him, no confusion, no disgust, no approval in his eyes. He just looked at him, blankly and stoically.

Kaoru's heart sunk at the thought he had just made a huge fool of himself. He quickly got up, turning around and he would've run out of the room if Kyouya had not grabbed his wrist, pulled him back and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek as well.

"Goodnight, Kaoru," he smiled.

Kaoru gave him a smile back, felt the fingers sliding from his wrists and walked out of the door. It felt like some sort of dreamy rush, a dance on the clouds, flying over the ground and it was all so surreal and so realistic.

He closed the door behind him. A silly, dreamy grin was plastered on his face. A happy rush danced through his head and his stomach, as he made his way to 'his' room without paying attention to anything.

He just…kissed Kyouya. And he didn't push him away.

No…he returned the kiss.

Kaoru's smile grew ever wider.

He returned the kiss!

He hopped on the bed, kicked his shoes off and quickly changed his clothes. He yawned, snuggling under the blanket, but as warm as it was, it didn't feel as warm as when he slept next to Kyouya.

He reminded himself he must pretend like he didn't sleep a wink at all and somehow get to sleep next to Kyouya again.

"Hikaru… I think things might work out for me in a good way too, after all," he whispered to the empty room.

After hours, he finally fell asleep, the happy smile still upon his face.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

When Kaoru shut the door closed, Kyouya fell back on his pillow.

The fever seemed to have increased again, since his cheeks were glowing so hard, he thought he must've looked as red as a tomato.

His stomach turned and twisted, but in a good way.

"What did I do that for…" he muttered to himself after he was alone again.

What was it about that boy that made him lose a bit of his precious self-control every time? Was it the way he smiled, the way he was so innocent, so clumsy, so naïve… so deep at the same time? Were it those eyes, that seemed to look right through him without making him scared of that?

Or was it just… everything that was Kaoru?

He didn't know, and he knew somehow he might never find the answer.

"But he started… I shouldn't feel so weird. I just… returned that kiss," he sighed to himself.

It didn't mean that much anyway. It wasn't like some heartfelt confession or eternal promise of love…

But then why did it feel so good? Why did it make him feel so happy?

It was just a simple kiss. Just a kiss goodnight.

It was nothing. Nothing of real importance.

Nothing that would change the world. But it might've just changed his.

And even though, as many reasons as he could form in his head why he shouldn't have done that…

He didn't regret it.

He was happy he made Kaoru smile like that. He had made him smile twice, that irrestible happy smile of his. That smile that made the whole world smile.

And he had been the cause. He had been the source, the origin of all the happiness. That made doing things he normally wouldn't do okay. That made feeling like this okay.

If such a simply action as kissing him back, or asking him to write in his notebook made him smile, then he somehow couldn't find a reason to not do it.

He knew he was being a foolish, dreamy boy and soon enough his dreams would get crushed.

One way or another. Soon enough he would find out that he was being blind and thoughtless.

But it all didn't matter. It just seemed so useless. He didn't care about 'what might come', when this wonderful feeling was still rushing through his stomach.

He closed his eyes, sighed and tried to sleep.

That night, even though his fever was still high, he had three, thick blankets and the place where Kaoru had kissed him still burned, tingled, Kyouya's bed felt strangely empty and cold.

X - - :……………………………………..…..: - - X

- G A S P-

What you're seeing is not a mirage! JAZY UPDATED! She did! She did! Waaaaaaaaah! –runs around screaming- It's so awesome! I thought I completely lost inspiration and I was ready to abandon the story once more!

BUT ALL YOUR LOVELY REVIEWS KEPT ME FROM DOING THAT! You all gave me the will to write further! Owh! I'm so thankful of everyone who took the time to stop and give me a review! Really! I'm so happy!

I hope you liked the chapter, it's reaaaaalllyyyyy looooooooooong, isn't?! I hope it makes up for the long wait! –the extremely long wait- I'm really sorry that it takes so long!

Oh! That's right! For all my readers, I have a question… Would you guys be okay with a lemon scene in the next chapter? I don't know for sure, but there might be one! So, since the rating is still T and maybe you started reading this and don't want to read anything further than T, I thought I should ask! Right? I'm such a considerate writer –dares to say that after updating after THREE FUCKING MONTHS!-

So, you guy's like that or not? Please tell me in a review XD That way I know what to do. I think I'll also make a poll for it.

Oh, and, thanks to my wonderful BETA, Perdendosi, this chapter will be free of OOC-ness and grammar or spelling mistakes!

Isn't that just lovely?!

Wow, I'm really happy to be able to update it again. I really like writing this story! Please keep supporting me! I love you all so very, very much!

- Jazy,
Your grateful authoress.