A/n: OMG I am sooo sorry I haven't updated in like a million years I got in a car accident and was unable to do anything for like half a month!!! But I have a new chapter for you and the sweetness is heating up!!! well really hope you all enjoy the story!!! And please, PLEASE review:D

Forbidden Fruit

The door bell rang and Sakura jumped up and ran to the door. "INO!" she smiled and hugged her. She grabbed one of her bags and closed the door behind the blond.

"Tenten here yet?" she wondered as they went up the stairs. Sakura shrugged and set the bag in her room.

"She'll be here soon," Sakura assured. They returned downstairs and Kakashi walked into the kitchen.

"Why hello Ino" he smiled.

"Hello" she smiled back. The door bell rang and Sakura smiled once again she ran to the door and opened it to see Tenten with a matching grin. "We should get going, I'll just put my things in your room and meet you in the car" she said dashing up to Sakura's room.

Ino walked past Sakura and they both got in the car. Ino took the passenger's seat and Sakura sat in the driver's seat. She started the car and moved to turn up the music but stopping seeing Ino with a strange look on her face.

"Ino?" she touched her friends shoulder and she snapped out of the trance.

"Sorry" she mumbled.

"You ok?" Sakura asked.

She nodded and smiled, "I just had a premonition and apparently Kiba is going to follow us there" she sighed. "He's going to get mad because some guys are going to hit on us" she smiled and leaned back into the chair.

Sakura laughed a bit and looked at Ino, "So you can see the future?"

Ino nodded "Sometimes people get powers when they are turned, Only Tsunade, Deidara, Sasori, Gaara, and I have them though. Gaara and Sasori's are the most . . . well dangerous . . . if they were bad they would be extremely dangerous vampires. Gaara can read people's minds and place thoughts inside of them, so he can practically make someone do what he wants them too"

"And Sasori . . . his is odd he can twist your feelings around to what ever he wants them to be, like he can make you be happy or sad and also he can control a persons actions. They won't have control over what they're doing, but Gaara's is the full blow knock out."

"My sister had her spiritual power enhanced and no ones powers can affect her unless both Gaara and Sasori use their mind things but they say it's weird to be in the same head at the same time. Then I can see the future," she smiled.

"What about Tsunade?" Sakura wondered.

"She gained healing powers" Ino told her. The car door opened and Tenten slid in.

"Alright already to go!" she cheered; Sakura smiled and placed it in drive. "I am so ready. I'm tired of this town" she smiled.

"Were coming back later" Sakura laughed.

Tenten shrugged and looked out the window, "But were leaving for awhile so it doesn't matter as long as we get away"

Both Ino and Sakura laughed at her, the 45 minute drive was as comfortable as Sakura had thought it would have been. They talked about school and how horrible it was, especially for Ino who had been through it MANY times.

Ino told them about how times really were back then and how the boys back then weren't as cute as they are now, with an exception of a select few. "Right there!" Ino pointed to a spot in the parking lot to the theatre. Sakura pulled into the spot and they all got out, "Man finally were here I thought it would take FOREVER"

"You could wait forever you know" Tenten snickered.

"But you guys couldn't" she hissed back.

"Come on guys don't start like this, we were all having fun remember" Sakura smiled awkwardly while breaking them apart.

"Sorry" the both muttered.

Sakura just rolled her eyes and laughed. "Come on now lets get our tickets!" she grabbed the two with each of her hands and dragged them to the box office. They stood in the line and Ino was looking around suspiciously, "What are you looking for?" Sakura asked.

"Oh just those guys that are going to hit on us, I want to avoid them. So Kiba doesn't have to come and save the day" she rolled her eyes still searching the crowd.

They got there tickets and headed into the main lobby. "Man I really want some popcorn" Tenten smiled looking over at the snack bar.

"Me too!" Sakura smiled smelling the delicious butter. "But not to much were eating out after this," she said to her friend.

"Yeah, yeah I know" Tenten waved off the warning.

Sakura shook her head and looked at Ino who let out a sigh, "Hey hot stuff" a deep voice came from behind them. They both turned to see three guys behind them. Tenten walked up with two medium popcorns and blinked seeing the guys.

One had shaggy black hair with matching black eyes. Another was blonde and had chocolate brown eyes. The last had dirty blonde hair with dark blue eyes; he smiled at Ino who just gave him a 'Back off' look. The blonde stood in front of Tenten and looked her up; she rose a brown eyebrow and sighed.

"I HAVE a boyfriend" she threatened. He looked away embarrassed and rubbed the back of his head. Sakura laughed at Ino's irritated face as the dirty blonde kept talking to her.

He put his hand on her shoulder and she glared at the thing, almost as if she were going to tear it off. But just as she was about too, a suspected voice came. "You have about three seconds to get your hands off of her" he said from right behind Ino.

She didn't even look back to know it was Kiba. He smelled the area around her neck and shoulder, that the guy had touch and made a disgusted face, "Now your shoulder smells like him"

Ino let a small smile form on her face, not that she would ever admit it, but she loved that he was so overprotective. It made her feel special and almost drove her senses insane when he was around her and especially when he smelled her.

"Who are you?" the guy asked.

"Inuzuka Kiba and this . . ." he said pointing down at Ino. "Is mine, so touch it again and see what happens" he gave them a playful yet frightening look.

"Whatever" he muttered and gestured for the other two to follow.

"We're not going out Kiba" Ino said with a small smile.

"I never said that," he smirked down at her. "All I said was you are mine, which will not change . . . ever" Kiba said with a wide grin.

"Well since you're here Kiba you wanna see the movie with us?" Sakura asked. He smirked and turned his head to Ino. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I'd love to, thanks for the invitation Sakura"

She smiled at him and started with Tenten behind her to the theatre to save seats while Kiba and Ino got another ticket. Sakura sat down and took the popcorn from Tenten. "Oh this is exciting," Tenten giggled.

"I know!" Sakura joined her friend.

Ino and Kiba came up the aisle, Kiba close behind Ino. Sakura smiled, for some reason she knew Ino was practically freaking out in her head. The movie started and it was as good as they all thought it would be. Sakura winced and rested her head in her hand.

"Are you alright Sakura?" Tenten whispered.

Sakura nodded and rubbed her forehead, "I just got a really bad headache. I'll be right back" she assured her friend and got up. She walked out of the theatre and still felt like she was going to fall over. "Maybe I just need some fresh air" she said to herself.

She headed for the exit and was stopped before she could get to the door by the three guys from before. Sakura groaned, 'I really don't need this right now' she said to herself.

"Hey where you going?" the dirty blonde asked with smug look.

"Sorry I don't go out with guys that try to pick up girls from the movies" she spat out and pushed past them. She pushed through the door and felt relieved when the fresh air helped a little. The cold air went into her lungs and she breathed easily. She leaned against a wall and closed her eyes enjoying the air out here.

She opened her eyes to see the one of the guys from before AGAIN. He had his arms on either side of her head and she just stared at him. "Can I help you?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah you can" he said with an evil smile. He lowered one of his hands and placed it on her waist. Sakura pulled her hand up and thrust the palm of her hand up hitting him full on the nose.

She pushed him away from her and turned the corner heading away from the theater. "Ugh freak," Sakura glared at the ground. She saw a dead end alley up ahead and thought she might just duck it out there for awhile. She turned into it and ran into a pole . . . at least she thought it was a pole.

But the pole wrapped its arms around her waist and since when do poles have arms? Sakura looked up and went wide eyed. "G-Gaara, what are you doing here?" she stuttered.

But the look on his face was pure rage. He leaned down and placed his face in her hair. He took a long sniff and breathed in her scent. He held her closer and tried to rid his mind of the murderous thoughts. She wanted to push him away, this is what he always did, be the sweetest anyone could ever be and then just take it away from her.

But some part of her just wanted to stay there with his arms wrapped around her. He tensed and looked up resting his chin on her head, "Go away" he seethed.

Sakura turned her head to see the three guys again. She groaned and buried her head in his chest, "Why won't they leave me alone" she whispered to herself. She then went wide eyed in realization and looked up at Gaara's now even more enraged face.

He could read their minds and it was bound to be worse then anything she could think of. "Gaara" she whispered up at him clutching onto his shirt, he removed his hands from her waists and held onto her wrists. "Gaara?" she asked again but his eyes were filled with pure hate.

He pulled her behind him and looked at her through the side of his eyes. "Stay there," he ordered. She nodded weakly and held her hands to her chest and gulped.

"What you think some look is going to intimidate us, anyone can look scary. Your nothing but a twiggy emo kid" the guys all laughed at the comment but Gaara's glare was unchanging. How could they not be afraid? Sakura could barely keep herself from sinking to the floor. But she was the only one here that knew what he really was.

The blonde stepped up and glared at Gaara, Gaara was about 4 inches taller then the boy and he didn't even spare him a glance and his fist just smashed into his stomach. Sakura winced as she could actually hear the bones cracking. The guy with the black hair stepped forward but Gaara only grabbed his collar throwing him against the wall.

"You messed with the wrong girl" Gaara hissed fighting back the urge to just show off his fangs. The last one tried to run off but Gaara's hand grabbed his throat swiftly. "I could snap your neck in a millisecond and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep" he smirked evilly truly looking like the vampire he was.

"Gaara let him go!" Sakura cried hold her hands over her face to hide the tears. Gaara snapped out of his trance and looked back at her, his gaze softened and he looked back at the guy.

"You go near her again and I will end your days" he threatened and released his intense grip making him stagger and fall to the ground. He looked back at Sakura who ran over to his side and latched onto his arm.

"Come on," he said pulling her with him. She held on tighter to him almost afraid to let go. She loosened her grip as she realized where her mind was leading to her. It was going to be like just like all the other times when he had done something that made her fall even more in love with him then the time before and then just take it all away.

He looked down at her feeling the loss of her attachment. "You can't do this!" she glared up at him and turned away. "It's not fair when you do this and then you . . . just break my heart" she sobbed.

"If you don't want me around any more I will stay away from you" he said sadly. She turned around and glared at him with tear filled eyes, she tried to wipe away some of them but they were quickly replaced with more.

"I want you to stay. I want you to say you love me and not turn your back on me. I want you to beat up people for looking at me like that," she choked out a laugh and again tried to rid her face of tears.

He was slightly wide eyed at her exclamation. "Sakura I-" he began but she just sobbed.

"You're ripping apart my heart!" she cried louder. She winced when his hands took her face gently.

"I'm sorry," he said painfully. Sakura went wide eyed as his face got closer to hers and she felt his cold lips on hers. She was in a daze; it was the first time they had actually kissed. She felt herself getting dizzy; she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back as much as she could before fainting.

Gaara pulled away catching her in his arms and seeing her hardly conscious face. "Are you alright?" he asked with a small laugh. She nodded with a big smile on her face. He hoisted her up onto his back so he was giving her a piggy back ride.

Sakura pace her hands loosely around his neck and as he mad his way back to the theatre he pulled her hand to his face and smelled her skin. My god you smell incredible" he said as if it were one of the most pleasurable things.

"Hey Sakura?" he looked back at her and she leaned her head so her green eyes met his beautiful sea foam green eyes.

"Yes?" she mumbled with a dreamy smile.

"Since, I know what you're thinking right now. I want to tell you what I am and have been thinking since the day I met you" his smirk was so gorgeous she thought she might faint again.

"What is it?" she asked groggily.

"Until the day I die, I'll spill my heart for you" he smiled the truest smile she had ever seen. That was it she knew her heart had stopped, his gaze turned to a worried look until the beating returned. A cocky smile came to his face and he laughed.

"I won't break your heart anymore," he said trying to make it sound light but the promise behind it was strong.

"Good because I'm giving it to you to keep" Sakura mumbled resting her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and thought about something, "So how many times have you been to my house at night?"

She felt him laugh and opened her eyes to see the look on his face, "I've been there every night" he said looking back at her.

Sakura sighed and nodded, "So will you be there tonight?" she wondered looking away from him and wishing she could hide her blush.

"Unless you don't want me there, I won't" he gave a small laughed and a smile broke on her face. Gaara sighed and looked ahead, "Sakura, I'm sorry I was trying to protect you. I didn't know it was hurting you so much" he grimaced and closed his eyes tightly.

"I forgive you, you can make it up to me tonight . . . and tomorrow night . . . and the next night," she smiled when he laughed.

"I get the point, I promise I will be there every night" Gaara said with a light breath, he chuckled and looked back at her once again, "I love you too" he whispered.

Sakura's eyes shot open and she looked at him oddly, "Oh yeah" she breathed. She was defiantly going to have to get used to his mind reading and all his other weird mythical things.

"We're back" Gaara sighed letting her down from his back. She stared at him with a pout; he smiled back "You want me to steal you from my sister and the wolves?"

Her eyes held hope and his smile turned to a smirk, "Alright love, give me your keys and I will give them to Ino. Just wait here" Gaara sighed and walked off a bit into the theatre area. As soon as he was gone he was walking back in and stopped in front of her.

"Alright let's go" he said grabbing her hand. Sakura blushed insanely and her heart began to beat abnormally fast. She heard him laugh and realized he must be able to feel to her heart. "Bingo" he flashed a knowing grin and dragged her out of the theatre.

He stopped and opened the door to a familiar car; she stared inside the nice convertible and was in awe. How on earth was it fair to be the most beautiful boy on the planet AND be fabulously wealthy? She sat in the passengers' seat and already heard him close the door and start the car.

"Yes I know I am fast" he said answering her thoughts. Sakura looked away with a deep blush on her face. "Yes" he sighed and pulled out onto the street.

"What?" Sakura blinked and stared at him not getting what he was answering.

"I said yes, because you were right. If you truly don't want me to hear a thought then all you have to do it think about not wanting me to hear it"

She made an 'O' with her mouth and nodded, "I see" she said and looked down. "So you'll come right?" Sakura asked not looking at him this time and poking her fingers together.

"Of course," he promised and took her hand with his. "I promise, although I am grounded . . ." he laughed and looked ahead at the road. Sakura tried to hold in a laugh and this caught his attention. "What is it?" he wondered holding back his own smile.

"I just can't imagine you doing something that would get you grounded" she smiled and he just shook his head.

"Well I did, Sasori and I kind of drifted off in Tsunade's story and she got mad so we ended up being grounded" he laughed and the car stopped. Sakura moved to get out and froze when she saw they were at his house.

"Gaara?" she turned but saw him no where.

"Don't worry" he said from right behind her, she jumped and held her heart trying to calm her nerves. "It would be odd if my car was sitting outside your house all night" he smirked and pulled her close.

Sakura blinked and then nodded, "Yeah I guess that does make sense. But . . ." she trailed off wondering to herself if they were actually going to walk all the way to her house.

"I would never make you walk" he smiled reading her mind again. She sighed and looked at him tapping her foot. "I'm going to carry you of course," he turned his back to her and kneeled down a bit.

"A piggy back?"

"Indeed now hope on, the longer we stay here the more likely my mother will catch me and I won't get to be with you this night" he smiled making Sakura nearly fall over from dizziness.

She climbed onto his back and held on tightly. "That's a good idea" he smile and looked back at her, "were going to go really fast" his smile turned to a smirk and he took off into the forest.