Golden Sun: The Age of Light

By: Mokona-Midoki

Author's Note: It is said in the game, 'Golden Sun' that long before the beginning of the story a group of wise and brave men sealed alchemy through the four Lighthouses, an act which brought the age of Alchemy to an end, and ultimately caused the decay of the earth. However, I have always wondered just who these men were, and why they did what they did. How could they have had such resolve to do something that could one day destroy their home? This is my interpretation of the events that brought the age of man about. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: The actual idea for Golden Sun, adepts, the lighthouses, Weyard, etc. are not mine. They belong to the company that made the games. HOWEVER, almost all the characters that appear in this story are original. ElloraNoaIvira, Zephyr, etc.all belong to me.

The age of Alchemy must end. The foolishness of men will bring it about. Four warriors will rise. With their powers combined, the beacons will dim, the stars will be sealed, and the golden sun will set. Ultimately, they are the ones who will bring about the age of man.

-Prophecy made by the High Wind Adept Ellora-

Chapter One

There was darkness surrounding her then she opened her eyes. Lightning flashed around her, the earth shook, and the seas raged. Suddenly lightning struck the ground not ten feet in front of her, and a fire started. It spread, covering the land in flames. She could hear men, women, and children screaming as they died. She struggled desperate to save them, but she couldn't move. Suddenly, the ground cracked open, a huge yawning ravine. Animals, people, everything disappeared into the gaping scar as the earth began to crumble. And then, she heard the voice, calling her name. Her sister's voice.

"Ellora! Ellora where are you?!" She screamed.

And then she saw her, clinging to the edge of the ravine, trying to pull herself up. She reached out a hand and cried. "Noa…please…help me…"

"Ellora!" And then she could move, and she was running as fast as she could, but it was too late. A blink of an eye, and her sister was gone. Fallen into the abyss.


Noa woke up screaming. She sat up in bed, throwing off the blankets that covered her. Then realizing where she was, she stopped, and relief swept over her, and she began to sob.

"Noa? Noa what's wrong?" Noa looked up to see her older sister, Ellora. Her long golden hair fell around her face, and her purple eyes were worried.

Noa slid off her bed, and ran to her sister, throwing her arms around her.

"Noa, what?" She said, confused.

"So what happened?"

They were sitting out on the terrace that overlooked the garden behind their house. The moon was bright, and there was a light breeze that blew through it, bringing whispers of faraway places on its arms. Noa was sitting with her knees up against her chest, her arms wrapped around them, as if to protect herself, while Ellora sat across the table from her, staring intently at her.

"I had…a dream."

"A dream?"


"What was it about?"

Noa paused, not wanting to discuss it, but finally, "There was darkness, and thunder and lightning. Earthquakes, and disasters, and…and everybody was dying. I tried to stop it, I tried to help, but I couldn't even move. And then…I couldn't even protect you…"

Ellora was silent, contemplating what her sister had told her. Then, "What do you think it means, Noa?"

"What?" Noa was confused. She was used to Ellora, who always seemed to have the answer to everything, explain things like this. After all, she was the High Jupiter Adept in the city of Anemos. Why couldn't she explain it? "What do you mean?"

"Well, what do you think it is? Is it a vision? Or is it just a nightmare? And if it is the former, than is it a representation of the future, or the direct future? We must try to decide these things based on the knowledge that we have of this. It is our duty, Noa, as Jupiter adepts to be able to protect people with our powers, and our sight."

"I know that Ellora! You don't have to lecture me!" Noa said heatedly. "And anyway, you know I've never seen anything in my entire life!" And it was true. Despite being of the high adept's bloodline, and having immense potential, Noa had never seen a single vision, something that almost any Jupiter adept could do. Next to Ellora and her younger sister Ivira, who saw the future almost as much as they breathed, Noa felt stupid, useless. And why did Ellora always have to think of something like this as an omen!? It wasn't always doom and destruction! "Why does it always have to be something that could be the future!? Why can't it just be a nightmare?"

Ellora sighed. "Noa that's not what I meant, please don't get angry."

Noa stood. "I'm tired. I think I'll go back to bed. Sorry for waking you up, Ellora."

"Noa please…" but she was already gone, the sound of her footsteps fading into the darkness of the hall.

Ellora rested her face in one delicate hand and sighed again.

The city of Anemos lay in all its glorious splendor. It was a city built and inherited by generations of Jupiter or wind adepts. Some said it had been built by the gods of the winds themselves, and indeed it was truly a beautiful city. It was built entirely out of a purple-blue stone, that sparkled when the sun shone on it, carved into the stone of the city everywhere were designs that when the wind blew made a sound like the playing of a flute. Archways stretched over the streets like spider webs, and they seemed almost to hang suspended in the air. But the beauty of the city where she lived held nothing for Noa today. She walked through them, not even noticing where she was going, still contemplating her dream, and the conversation with her sister. She hadn't meant to be so harsh to her. It wasn't Ellora's fault that she had had that dream. But still…why did Ellora always have to think that Noa had seen something. Noa had already accepted the fact that she couldn't see the future. Why couldn't Ellora?

She suddenly stopped, realizing she had no idea where she was going. At that exact moment, she heard someone calling her name. She looked over and found a young man coming towards her. He was tall and slender, and, like almost all the people of Anemos, had blonde hair that framed his face, and purple-blue eyes. He wore the pale blue robes of a Sanctuary Healer, and walked quickly towards her. "Noa!"

She smiled as she went over to her friend. "Hello Zephyr. How are you?"

Zephyr had always been one of Noa's good friends. He was kind and understanding, and he didn't care that she couldn't see the future, unlike so many others, who whispered as she walked by, but stopped when she looked. Not only that, he was Ellora's fiancé. Noa had been a bit jealous at first, since she had always had somewhat of an interest in him, but she had gotten over it when she had seen how happy they were together. He smiled and shrugged. "As good as I could be. The Great Healer doesn't need me today, so I have nothing to do."

Noa glanced at him, puzzled. "But aren't you the first assistant to the Great Healer? Shouldn't he need you all the time?"

Zephyr shrugged again. "He told me to take the day off. I'm not complaining. We've had a lot of work lately." He looked down at her. "Anyway Noa, what are you doing here? I didn't expect to find you here."

She was silent for a moment, wondering what to tell him. "Well, it's…." She looked at him. "I need to talk to you about something." She paused. "In private."

He nodded, his face serious. "Right. Come on, I know a place."

"This way." They were in the large hall of the Anemos Sanctuary. Even though the Sanctuary was one of the most important buildings in Anemos, its build was simplistic, yet beautiful. Doors stood along the hall leading to the many different rooms inside the Sanctuary. However, Zephyr ignored them all and led Noa down the hall until they reached the end of the hall where the altar to the Gods stood. He ignored this too, and instead turned left and led her into a smaller room that stretched up to more than twenty stories high. He waved her over to a place on the floor that pulsed with a lavender light. Standing over it, he held his hand palm down towards the floor. Noa watched as his eyes became vacant and his hand began to glow with a soft silver light of his psyenergy. "Hover." He commanded.

The floor pulsed again, brighter this time, and Noa felt herself lifted off the floor and rise slowly upward until she was almost 50 feet off the ground. Beneath their feet, was a circle of green-blue light that held them up.

"Let's go." Zephyr told her, and holding her hand they walked through the air, over to a ledge, almost fifteen feet away. As they walked, the light grew dimmer and dimmer until when the reached the ledge, it disappeared completely and they fell a few inches to the ledge. He then led her over to another hover-spot, and repeated it again, rising to another ledge. They did this three more times until they reached a ledge with a staircase that led upward into the highest reaches of the tower. They quickly ascended the staircase and came up to a trap door, which Zephyr shoved open and went through, with Noa quickly following.

She found herself in a circular tower room, that she recognized instantly as a study. It was full of books, and papers which were strewn across the tables, and large stuffed chairs as well as plenty of lamps. To the northeast there was a large window that let the late morning sunlight stream in through the glass. In the back there were two doors. Noa looked at him curiously.

"Where are we, Zephyr?"

Zephyr smiled. "This is the Great Healer's private study. Beyond that door," He pointed to the one on the right, "Are the Great Healer's chambers." He motioned to the smaller door on the left. "Those are mine. Besides me and the Great Healer, no one is allowed up here." He finished.

"What about me?"

"You're a special case Noa. I invited you up here."

"Oh. But how can they contact you if they need you in the middle of the night?"

"There's a pipe system that allows you to speak into it in the lower levels and it'll carry your voice up to a set of pipes in the Great Healer's room or my room. It uses a small amount of psyenergy, but it's very useful. Anyway, I believe that you wanted to talk to me about something?" He asked her, leading her over to a couple of chairs.

"Oh yes." She sat down and paused, unsure of how to begin. "Zephyr, you remember the prophecy Ellora made?"

"Which one? She makes so many, I loose track of them." He said laughing slightly.

"The one…the one about the end of alchemy…"

His face suddenly grew serious. "I see."

A few months ago, Ellora had made a shocking prophecy. She had prophesied that the four elemental lighthouses would be sealed.

The lighthouses had stood as long as anybody could remember, and were four of the greatest sources of psyenergy in the natural world. Each lighthouse held an elemental star which powered the lighthouse and each one had been guarded by a clan to make sure that they were never dimmed. In fact, most of the city of Anemos were members of the Jupiter Clan who guarded the Jupiter lighthouse, which stood not two leagues away. Noa knew that the Mercury lighthouse was located in a village called Imil in norther Angara, the largest and most northward continent, and the Venus lighthouse was on the continent of Gondowan outside the town of Lalivero. As for the Mars lighthouse, no one knew where it was, although Noa was sure that Ellora would.

As soon as the prophecy had been made there had been a huge uproar. Security around the lighthouse had been tightened, and everyone had been extremely tense for a few months. But that had been six months ago. And since then everybody had just put it off as an accident, a false prophecy. Everyone except for Noa.

"You see…ever since Ellora made that prophecy…I've had this dream."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Zephyr asked her.

"At first right after she made the prophecy it was just a dream of a small storm that rained on a festival day. But as time went on, it got worse and worse. Storms turned into typhoons, and earthquakes, fires, death. And then last night….Ellora was in it. And I couldn't save her." She finished.

Zephyr nodded seriously. "This is a serious matter." He paused and then continued on. "Have you considered that this might be a vision."

Noa nodded. "At first I didn't want to think of it like that, I just thought that since I'd never had a vision, why would it start now? And why me?" She looked at Zephyr. "I've never done anything amazing, I'm simply average. It's Ivira and Ellora who are the amazing ones! I'm the useless failure." She looked down at her lap, blinking back tears.

"That's not true."

She looked back up and locked eyes with Zephyr. "You have an amazing talent. You can do many things that others could never dream of. You just haven't found your gifts yet." He smiled gentle, and took her hand. "One day, you will find an amazing ability and will be able not only to be outstanding, you'll shock the world."

She smiled, as his confidence flowed into her. "Thank you Zephyr."

"But as for the matter of this dream," He continued, "It is beyond my powers or abilities."

"Then what can I do?"

"Only one thing really you can do. You must go to the Lighthouse, and ask the Gods."


Author's note: Hi! Thank you for reading Golden Sun: The Age of Light. I have high hopes for this story, so please enjoy. The footnotes are here for things that you might not understand unless you have played Golden Sun or Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (By the way, a league is about three miles)

Anemos-City of wind adepts that was once said to exist on the continent of Atteka But after alchemy was sealed away, it is said that the city disappeared into the sky leaving behind a huge crater. The people that had been left then built Contigo which is where Ivan and Hama are from. It is said that the city of Anemos still travels through the sky. Sheba fell from the sky into the town of Lalivero and it is thought that she is from Anemos

Jupiter Adepts-Jupiter is used interchangeably with wind. If you are a Jupiter adept than you are a wind adept meaning you can use wind psyenergy, etc. Jupiter Adepts usually hail from Hesperia. Basic Jupiter powers include seeing the future, reading minds, reveal, and creating small whirlwinds.

Hover-A wind-type psyenergy. In the game you obtain the hover jade in ShamanVillage which allows characters to use it. When used it allows you to float into the air and walk through the air for short periods of time. (For the sake of my story, all moves that require items in the game will be able to be used naturally without anything. It makes it much easier for me.)

Psyenergy-The power that an adept has. There are four types of psyenergy, fire (Mars), earth (Venus), water (Mercury), and wind (Jupiter). Each type of psyenergy has special moves based in their elements.

The Elemental Clans-The four elemental clans protect the four elemental lighthouses. (You do not have to be a member of a clan to be an adept.) In the game, Mia and Alex are the only two left of the Mercury clan. Hama and Ivan are of the Jupiter clan. The entire city of Proxare of the Mars clan. You meet no one of the Venus clan in the game. Each clan has physical qualities that distinguish them from other people. People of the Mercury clan have pale blue hair and eyes. Members of the Jupiter clan have purple eyes. The Mars clan has reptilian like skin, and exotic colored hair.

The Sanctuary: This is the place where you can be healed in the game. In the story, it is a place of healing and rest. It is not to be confused with the Lighthouse Sanctuaries.

Game Characters-As far as characters from the actual Golden Sun games go, since this story takes place at least a thousand years before the game starts, no they will not be making an appearance. In fact, the only time you'll probably ever see their names will be in the footnotes. They will not be jumping time, or bending space and ending up in front of Noa and her friends. Sorry for anybody who wanted them to show up randomly.