Title: Appetite

Word count: 133

Author's note: Blue here. Wrote this during the A Levels period. Promised myself I wouldn't waste more time by typing it out until the exams were over and I didn't!


Grimmjow remembers eating, it's one of the things he misses about being alive. Not that he can't anymore but it's not like he needs to either and somehow not being hungry makes the food pointless. Ichigo can't really understand this, can't fathom how Grimmjow could miss any kind of hunger. Surely, he reasons, the Arrancar'd have had more than his share of hunger to contend with while he was a Hollow. It seems a strange thing to miss, the fifteen-year old thinks, especially as his own teenage appetite burns a hole in his wallet.

Grimmjow doesn't try to explain further and after a while, Ichigo comes to accept that the Arrancar is going to stare at him as he eats, a kind of wistfulness in his eyes that's almost a hunger in itself.
