Tohru opened her eyes drowsily, sighing in content at the morning light shining through the window. She looked down at Kyo sleeping below her and blushed, remembering what they had done the night before. They were living together- was it okay to feel this way, and do these things? Tohru bit her lip nervously as she saw Kyo stir in his sleep, a low rumble coming from his throat as he smiled in his slumber. She gasped as she felt something hard against her back and blushed crimson, realizing he must be dreaming. She blinked in confusion at what to do and finally decided to get up and get dressed. Tohru quickly changed into a casual outfit of sweatpants and a t-shirt, trotting over to the kitchen to start breakfast. She looked at Kyoko on the counter, who mewled happily and watched Tohru as she took pots and pans out of the cupboards as quietly as she could. She cracked some eggs, getting started scrambling them over the hiss of the pan's heat. She felt arms wrap around her waist and gasped as Kyo kissed the back of her shoulder, looking over her to see what she was cooking.
"Mmm, eggs. Want me to make the bacon?" He asked, kissing her neck again, sending all coherent thought flying out of her head.
"Uhhh… sure." She whispered, her voice low and husky. Kyo chuckled and walked over to the fridge, taking out the bacon and getting another pan. Tohru glanced over to him and nearly gasped when she realized he was walking around in only boxers. She blushed, remembering what he looked like underneath and returned to her eggs, concentrating far too hard on cooking. They both jumped as the phone rang from the table, and Kyo sighed, walking over and flipping open the cell phone.
"Yo." He said casually into the receiver.
"Well you sound happy today." Yuki's voice said sarcastically from the other end.
"Well, I had a good night. So sue me."
"Oh god, stop right there. There are some things I just don't need to hear." Yuki hissed in disgust.
Kyo saw Tohru blush even more at the mention of last night and chuckled. "So what's up?"
"The woman is in the hospital. Ayame got a hold of her. Shigure stopped him from doing more damage, but she's pretty bad."
"Serves her right, the bitch." Kyo spat without remorse.
"I just thought you'd like to know what's going on. Also, Shigure requests you and Tohru come to the house for the feast this year. We're not zodiac animals anymore, but it's nice to have a get-together now that everyone's going their separate ways."
"Sure, when is it?" Kyo glanced at the calendar nailed to the wall beside him in the kitchen.
"In two weeks. Will you be able to make it?" Yuki sounded a little too hopeful. Kyo smirked at his once-rival, knowing how much he missed Tohru. How cute.
"I don't see why not." Kyo lowered the phone. "Hey Tohru, you want to go to the feast they're having in a couple weeks at the Sohma house?"
He was answered by a squeal of excitement and Tohru turning around with a bright smile. He laughed and brought the phone back up. "That's a yes."
"Same Tohru." Yuki chuckled. "I'm glad she's feeling better."
"Me too." Kyo said, his voice low. He had been terrified that Tohru would never smile again after what had happened. He still wondered if she was trying to bury the memory and move on. Perhaps that was for the best. He realized Yuki was asking a question and forced himself from his thoughts. "What?"
"I said are you going to bring your cat? Shigure wants to see Kyoko I guess."
"Ironic how much that dog likes a cat."
"Yes well, I think he's saying it for Akito in his situation."
"Agreed." Kyo nodded. "We can bring the kitten, it's better than leaving her here alone."
"Akito wants to talk with you, too. Something about Tohru." Yuki said, his voice dark.
Kyo froze, his eyes wide. What did that mean? Akito had no say over them anymore, but what did she want to talk about? "Uh…. Yeah, I can do that. I'll see he in a couple weeks, along with everyone else."
"Just don't go near the old room where Akito's father used to stay. Apparently they're keeping the woman there when she gets back from the hospital."
"Got it. Keep away from the crazy bitch." Kyo sighed as he smelled something burn and saw Tohru biting her lip nervously, trying to pour blackened char into the sink. "I've got to go- or else the apartment will burn down. I'll talk to you later, Yuki."
Yuki laughed. "Alright- say hi to Tohru for me."
"Will do." Kyo said hurriedly, closing the phone and tossing it aside before taking the pan from Tohru.
"I thought you were good at cooking?" Kyo laughed, looking at the egg stuck to the bottom of the pan.
"I've never made scrambled eggs before." Tohru pouted.
"You're fine, no need to worry. We'll fix it." Kyo leaned over and kissed her forehead, smiling at her reddening cheeks.

Yuki hung up the phone, looking out the window with a sigh. He looked up in surprise as a knock came to his dorm door, and he blinked in confusion before opening it. He stepped back in surprise as Machi looked up at him meekly.
"I hope this is okay." She said softly, looking at the ground uneasily.
"Of course! Come in." Yuki stepped aside politely, watching Machi walk in with a smile. Machi looked around at all the books on the floor, her eyes wide.
"You don't clean much, do you?" She smiled wryly at Yuki.
Yuki blushed, looking around at the wrappers on the floor from food, the trash in the corner overflowing. "I guess not." He said uneasily.
"You're fine. I like cleaning. Do you mind?" Machi set down her bag, smiling at Yuki.
"Uh… I guess not- do you want me to help?"
"Sure. It'll get done twice as fast that way. Do you have class soon?"
"Not until tomorrow." Yuki smiled, but silently wondered why Machi was here. He watched as she started with the trash bag first, tying off the top and setting it by the door.
"So, how are things back home?" Yuki said, hoping he wasn't being nosy.
"Oh, it's okay. Everyone else, at least." Machi looked at the wrappers in her hand thoughtfully.
"Everyone else? What about you?" Yuki said in concern.
"I got a weird phone call the other day. It kind of spooked me." She said nervously.
Yuki froze, looking up at Machi "what kind of phone call?"
"They said they knew you liked me. They said they knew you were protecting Tohru, and that I was the best way to get to you, that I should be on by guard. I saw someone looking at my house yesterday, and I didn't want to go outside."
Yuki dropped the wrappers in his hands, walking over to Machi and holding her shoulders gently. "I don't want you go to back there, Machi. Please." He said desperately. What if those men were acting separately from the old woman- and now they were after Machi?
"I don't really know where else to go, though." She whispered, her eyes tearing up.
"Then you'll stay here." Yuki said in determination. Machi looked up at him, her eyes wide.
"But I don't want to impose on you- you have classes to study for, and-"
"Screw the classes, I care more about your safety. You're not an imposition, Machi. I care about you- I want to keep you safe." Yuki brought her into a hug, sighing against her brown hair. He looked at the ground and noticed a wrapper still in the middle of the room. He knew Machi had done it on purpose and left it there to keep things from being too orderly.
"Okay, but you seem to know more than I do about what's going on. Tell me- please?" Machi looked up at him, her eyes still misty. Yuki sighed, looking down uneasily. This would take a while to explain.