Authors Note: This story was written on request from Socksycherry, I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to put names of each part in where scenes change , because they always take out the lines I put in! This story leads on from my other story: 'Unexpected Changes' but is also set after Edward had been killed.

Chapter 1 – Welcome To the Gang.

Part 1 – Come To The Forest.

Robin sat on the end of Marians bed, caressing her arm and begging with her,

"Please Marian, come to the forest. It's not safe for you here, you're on your own now your father has passed away."

Marian raised her eyebrows, fingering her beautiful engagement ring which had been placed back on her finger for Robin's visit.

"It's not safe for me to be gallivanting around the forest with the most wanted outlaws in the whole of Sherwood either, it makes no difference where I am," Marian smiled.

"It does to me," Robin whispered, grabbing her arm, as she turned away," Please."

"Ok, but only if you men don't leave me out!" Marian agreed, grinning at the thought she would now be staying with Robin.

Robin leaned towards her, kissing her tenderly on the lips, as they fell backwards onto her bed, laughing hysterically.

Part 2 – The Next Morning.

Robin and Marian awoke, side by side in each others arms, to the smell of cooking rabbit. By the time they had made their way back to the camp last night everyone else was asleep and there was no where else for Marian to sleep, not that she complained.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Much asked, looking up from his cooking, while Marian suddenly became very embarrassed as the whole camp turned to look at them.

"Yes thank you," Robin grinned, jumping out of his bunk before helping Marian down.

"Rabbit m'lady?" Much asked, bowing as he presented the uncomfortable woman with a wooden plate.

Marian nodded, unable to use her voice.

"So, Marian, how are you this morning?" Will asked as they all sat around the wooded table he had crafted.

"I'm fine," Marian said quietly.

"I'm not being funny," Allan began to say his favorite line, "But you don't sound fine."

"I'm fine." Marian repeated, as the outlaws exchanged confused glances.

"I bet you can't remember everyone's names." Robin said, knowing how much Marian like a challenge.

"Will, Djaq, Allan, John, Much and Robin," Marian pointed each outlaw out in turn, and smiling slightly when she got to Robins name.

"There you go, a smile, that more like it," Robin laughed.

"So what are we doing today?" Marian asked, more comfortable now she knew she wasn't going to be left out, "I feel like doing something reckless."

Well that's the end of the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry there will be more action and Will/Djaq in the next chapter. I want 5 reviews before I update, else poor chapter 2 will just have to sit in my computer, and never be uploaded. Lol!