And here we go… the last chapter of my story. I might write an epilogue, but we shall see. I have a few ideas. Thank you for all your kind reviews!! You guys are awesome! I don't own BBC Robin Hood.


The party in Locksley lasted all day, the dinner satisfied everyone, even Much. The King and Robin talked for awhile, half watching the villagers dance and celebrate life like they had been able to do for a while. It was a double celebration; the Sheriff was dead, and their savior Robin just married Marian, who they had always liked. Will stood by himself near the food table watching Djaq talk to Allan and Little John. How did he tell her that he loved her? That he loved her fighting spirit, and how pretty she looked in her new blue dress. He loved the way she cared for him and the gang when they were hurt. How did he say all those things?

Robin and the King stopped their conversation for a moment, both of them looking out at the villagers dancing, and Much lording over the food table… everyone was so happy. Robin smiled even more seeing two honorary members of his gang running up to him.

"Robin!" Mark and Daniel waved to him. They showed him their tags.

"Mark, Daniel, may I present you to King Richard the King of England." Robin said, and the boy's mouths dropped. Mark nudged Daniel, and the two of them dropped to one knee.

"These boys helped us to stop one of the Sheriff's plots. I gave them the tags as a thank you," Robin informed the King.

"Than I must thank you boys. You both have done England a great service," the King spoke to the top of their heads, both of them too afraid to look up. The King looked at Robin, and the two of them shared a smile.

Robin smiled, "Get up boys." They did, and they looked at him. "Why don't you two ask Much if there is any squirrel?" The boys nodded, and ran off to where Much was standing talking to Carter.

Robin watched the boy's retreating backs. As they ran up to Much, Robin's attention was distracted by Will. He stood by himself watching Djaq talk to Luke. When Marian walked over to them; Robin decided to set things in motion, and walked over to him. He excused himself from the King's side. Will was so distracted, he didn't know Robin was next to him until he spoke, "Ask her to dance."

"I can't," Will shook his head. He stared at Robin with wide eyes.

"Come on," Robin pushed him forward, "follow my lead."

Robin led Will through the crowds to where the two women stood close. Robin bowed before Marian, and as he straighten he said, "My dear wife would you please do me the honor of dancing with me?"

She smiled at his antics, "Of course dear sir." She played along glad to see that he was happy.

He took her hand and led to her where some of the villagers were dancing. Will's eyes widen at the two of them leaving… now what?

"You er look nice," Will blushed as he looked at Djaq, but quickly found something over her shoulder to stare at.

"Thank you," Djaq smiled at him. She was aware of how uncomfortable he was.

"Would you like to follow them?" He glanced at the retreating backs of Robin and Marian.

"Are you asking me to dance?" Djaq asked.


She put out her hand, and with a trembling hand he took it. She did more of the leading as they walked over to where everyone was dancing. Will's eyes did not leave her as they started to dance. The tune was lively, and they quickly picked up the beat.

Robin winked at him as the two couples danced closer to each other. He returned his eyes to Marian giving Will some privacy with Djaq. He hoped his wink had got Will thinking. Marian laughed as she watched him wink at Will over her shoulder. "Aren't we a match maker?" She teased.

The wink worked. Will wondered how to go about this, and thought about the advice he had been given. He just had to say it. Easier said than done.

"New dress?" He asked instead.




"I-love-you." He blurted out. His eyes widen, but he did it. He said it.

Djaq smiled silent for a few seconds, "And I love you. I have for awhile, though it took me a while to realize it myself." The tune stopped, and a slower one started up. Djaq moved closer to Will.

"You do?" He asked hopefully.

"I do," She smiled feeling relief at telling him.

"So what do we do now?"

"Enjoy the wedding," she smiled up at him. "We can figure the rest out later."

Robin and Marian had been close enough to hear their conversation. Robin was happy for him. He had known Will for years, and was glad someone in the family had some happiness. Marian smiled in relief; Will had not made a fool of himself, and they had both admitted their feelings.

"So you don't have to be half concussed," She laughed.

"Well you do if you love the other person so much that it makes you blind to it, but everyone else can see it. Or you love someone so much you swear you have said it a hundred times. I've always loved you. From the time we were little, I knew I wanted to marry you."

"Then why were you so stubborn? Why did you pick war over me?" Marian asked.

"You were too wonderful, too beautiful, daring… perfect. I didn't deserve you. I thought doing something noble like going to war would make me more worthy of you… but it didn't," Robin sighed.

"But to you Robin Hood did. A good lord cares about the people. You would have cared for them because you were their lord, but because of Robin Hood they became so much more to you." Marian said knowingly.

"The Nightwatchman showed me that too," Robin put a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Well now that you are worthy of me, both our dreams can come true," Marian moved closer to him and put her head on his chest.

"They sure can," He put his head on hers and closed his eyes. They moved slowly and together as one.

An hour later, and much dancing later Robin and Marian took a break from dancing. They walked around talking to everyone. They were both glad to see that Will and Djaq had not left each other's side since Will's confession. The rest of the gang looked on amused. As they walked over to the King, who stood with a few members of his guard, he smiled at the couple.

"So my new Sheriff of Nottingham, are you and Marian taking a few days for yourself?" the King asked.

"More than a few days. She wants to visit an old friend in Europe," Robin smiled holding Marian close.

"Would you be needing guards?" the Sheriff asked.

"Robin Hood and the Nightwatchman needing guards?" Robin laughed. "No, we should be fine. Can Nottingham survive? If not, I'll leave, and you can give her the news."

"I'll send someone to do your job while you're gone. Let me know when you are back," the King clapped him on the shoulder.

"Of course, your Majesty."

"Then I will take my leave. I will be at the castle tonight, tomorrow I leave for London," the King told him.

"Thank you for coming, and giving us this honor, Your Majesty," Robin bowed his head.

"Robin, I owe you my life. I should be your servant," the King told him.

"Good bye Your Majesty," Robin smiled at the King.

"Good bye Robin. I shall say good bye to your lovely wife, and then I'm afraid I need my guards," He looked at Carter, Matthew and John.

The King took Marian's hand, and kissed it. "Congratulations in your marriage. I hope you and Robin have a wonderful life together." She smiled, and curtsied to him, but he stopped her. "You and Robin have done enough for me to have to bow down to you. Good bye." They watched the King walk over to Carter, Matthew and John. They watched the King have words with the rest of the gang, and then they left.

Marian squeezed his hand, "Ready to go?"

"Let me have a word with my men?" Robin asked.

"Of course." They walked over to the gang.

"Lads." Robin nodded to them. "Marian and I are going. Watch over our people?"

"Of course," Much answered for them.

"When I get back, we will settle your new properties. Until then, the castle, and Locksley are yours to enjoy. Don't sleep in my bed Much." Robin nodded to his friend. He leaned forward to whisper to his friend, "When I get back, we will find Eve, all right?"

"Yes thank you," Much nodded. "Say hello to our gambling friend?"

"I will."

"I am happy for you," Much told him.

"I know," Robin nodded. "And you will always be important to me."

"I know."

"See you soon, my friend," Robin reached out, and the men hugged.

The crowd realized that they were leaving, and surrounded their carriage. Well wishes and little flowers were thrown in their direction. They got into the carriage, both sticking their heads out of the windows to wave at everyone. As it rolled away, Robin looked at Marian, who was still smiling.

"Ready to being our new life?"
