Authors Notes

I'm always dreaming, thinking about meeting Dumbledore and all the things I'd say to him, the questions I'd ask him. Thats what inspired this fanfic. I hope to write at least one more chapter of this, if Dumbledore agrees lol. I can't be the only one that dreams of really meeting Dumbledore or other characters from the books can I ? Please review and tell me what you think of it. I want to learn to write better fanfics and storys, I've only really written poetry till recently. I'm wondering are my storys interesting enough, do they make people want to keep reading ? Or do they need more suspense or something ? They're such vivid images in my own mind, but I really want to improve.

I don't own Harry Potter, I wish I did, but I don't. Bah sulks

A Chance Meeting

I gasped as I saw him strolling down the street, resplendant in a midnight blue robe shimmering with golden stars, flowing white hair and beard, and merrily twinkling eyes. It couldn't be ...he's just a character in a book, he's not real. As he drew closer I started to doubt my sanity - something I do quite often. Perhaps I'd been reading too much Harry Potter. Was this what happened if your mind was always full of Dumbledore and his magic ? Could thoughts and dreams turn characters in books into reality ?

As he passed me I couldn't resist, the words tumbled from my mouth and hung as a question in the air. "Dumbledore !?! Professor Dumbledore ?"

"Why yes, my dear, and what is your name ?"

"Uhm" I said, lost for words, scarcely daring to believe. "Errr"

He chuckled and said "A most unusual name my dear."

Resisting the urge to kick myself hard, I said "Silva, my name's Silva"

"Pleased to meet you Silva" He reached out and shook my hand. "May I offer you a lemon drop ?"

"How come it's always lemon drops ? Haven't you ever tried something really yummy like chocolate truffles, or creamy pralines ?"

"Unfortunately Minerva won't let me eat chocolates, she says they're fattening, and she doesn't want me getting podgy." He sighed softly. "Much as I adore Minerva, she can really be most fiercesome at times, last time she caught me with chocolates she threatened to confiscate my sock collection, and set fire to it."

"So Rowling IS wrong then, you and Mcgonnagall are..."

"Professor Mcgonnagall, if you please" He said stiffly.

Typical Dumbledore I thought, always polite and well mannered, "Professor Mcgonnagall, then, you and Professore Mcgonnagall you are uhm...well you know..." Once again I struggled for words as his blue eyes sparkled merrily at me. "Not that it's really any of my business, and you probably think I'm seriously weird or else incredibly rude asking you such things"

"Not at all, my dear Silva, not at all"

"But, well, you know after what she wrote in the books and stuff, and the interviews, espeicially that one where she said that you're Gay" I pressed on determindly, not noticing the momentary flash of burning steel in his eyes, "It's just that we all want to know if it's true or not"

"Most fascinating, who exactly is 'we all' "? He asked.

"Well the MMAD Shippers"

"The what ?" Dumbledore said, baffled.

I felt a brief urge to giggle helplessly at having managed to baffle someone so wise as Dumbledore, then reminded myself that this was the oppourtunity of a lifetime and I wasn't going to waste time giggling. I'd dreamed about meeting Albus Dumbledore, about learning the real truth behind the books so often. I'd never really thought it would happen, and part of me was still wondering if I was really asleep in bed snoring and might wake up at any moment.

"MMAD Shippers" I said, and began to do my best to explain about the internet, and fanfics, and how there was a group of people who persisted in believing that Professor Dumbledore and Minerva Mcgonnagall were in love despite everything that Rowling said to the contrary. As I struggled to explain I noticed a broad smile growing on Dumbledore's face, eyes twinkling as he tried to surpress laughter. Feeling slightly foolish I started to blush beetroot red, staring at my toes I muttered "It's not that funny, it really matters to us, we're not raving loonies you know"

"Of Course you are not, not at all" Dumbledore reassured "It is wonderful, quite wonderful, to think that Minerva and I matter so much to all you, what did you call them ? Oh yes MMAD Shippers, I am most touched by it. It's just the name, my dear Silva, MMAD, how could anyone fail but be amused by such a mad name !" And at this he burst into uncontrolled gales of laughter.

When we'd both finished laughing, I asked "So, you and Minerva are an item then ? You are together ?"

"Oh yes, absolutely" Dumbledore beamed at me happily. "Dear Ms Rowling has not been absolutely accurate about my romances, and relationships. Which is unfortunate and slightly irritating, Minerva is most vociverous on the subject, on several occassions I've had to prevent her from going and turning Ms Rowling into something rather unpleasant. Preventing Minerva doing anything is not an easy task, espeicially when she is annoyed. " Sighed Dumbledore. "One might say we are complete opposites, but I believe that is what makes things work so well between us"

"Well, this has been a most pleasant chat, but I really must be going" Continued Professor Dumbledore.

"But, but, my other questions" I stuttered "There's so much I want to know, so much to ask you, you can't go yet"