Disclaimer: Alas, I still do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender.

A/N: This chapter is short, but it's also chock full of fluffy Zutara goodness. If you dislike Zutara….my first question is what are you doing reading this series, but my second thought is…turn back now!!

Regrets, Reunions, and Romance

Chapter 8: A Happy Ending…Or A New Beginning?

Later that night, several hours after Ursa and Zuko had been reunited, Katara and Zuko were alone in their bedroom. Katara had made good on her earlier promises, and they were lying in bed in each other's arms.

"I'm still having trouble comprehending everything from today. Your dad married my mom…" he sounded dumbfounded.

"I know. I had trouble grasping the idea at first. In fact, I reacted really badly when I realized who she was."

"You did? How?" He held one of her hands close to his chest and gently kissed the knuckles.

"I asked her what she was thinking abandoning you. I told her you thought she was dead and that you were still blaming yourself. I'm really not proud of it. I just got so angry…it seemed at first like she just ran away because things got a little tough. I changed my mind after I found out the details, of course."

"Well I'm touched you felt that way. And I'm glad everything worked out. But I still can't get over the fact that if our parents had married before we did, we'd be related."

Katara giggled at the idea. "We would, wouldn't we?"

"Then we couldn't do this." He gestured to their intertwined bodies underneath the sheets. "Or this." He kissed her, and she happily responded.

"I'm really happy everything worked out the way it did." She said once they had separated because of an oxygen deficiency. "Do you remember that first letter I wrote you?"

"Yeah, I do. That was where you told me Suki's pregnant, right?"

"That's the one. Well, after I wrote you that letter, I was in bed, and I heard Sokka and Suki…" she paused, unsure of how to word what she had experienced. "I heard them making love."

"Really?" Zuko's eyebrows arched up towards his hairline.

"Really. It made me miss you more. Which I know must sound incredibly pathetic."

"No it doesn't. Like I said before, I missed you too." His hand rested on her cheek, their eyes met and for a long moment they were quiet, simply looking at each other. Finally, Katara remembered an idea she had had during her trip and spoke up.

"Oh, by the way, Suki asked us to be godparents to her baby. I said yes. I hope that's okay with you."

"It's fine with me. I have a feeling their kid's going to be quite interesting." He chose the last word of his sentence carefully, and Katara decided not to comment on it. She continued with her idea.

"Actually, hearing them…and Suki's news…and being made godparent…well it got me thinking. About the future I mean."

"What about the future?" he sounded apprehensive, and just a little bit nervous.

"I think we should start thinking about kids. We don't have to act on any thoughts now of course. But maybe…in the future… when we're both ready…" She realized she had been nervously twisting a corner of the sheet in her hands and smoothed it back down across her chest.

He smiled down at her, and stroked her arm with one hand.

"I like the idea. I wonder what that baby would look like."

Katara smiled and took Zuko's hand in her own. "Their skin would be really pretty." She mused, looking down at their hands and marveling at the contrast of his pale skin against her tan skin.

"And they'd have your temperament…which would mean a very easy job for us."

She smiled at the compliment. "But what if they were more like you?"

"Twice the work for you then," his tone was joking as he smiled at her.

Katara shook her head and giggled. Then a thought came to her. "I disagree. I think that if our baby was more like you then I know they'd grow into a fine human being. I know they'd be determined, loyal, and protective of those they love. I'd sleep easier at night if our baby was like you."

Zuko looked down at her in awe, his eyes sparkling as if about to spill over with tears. He hugged her close and sure enough, she felt tears splash onto her bare skin.

"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." He whispered into her ear. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." She gently kissed his earlobe then his cheek, and finally his mouth. He kissed her back and Katara knew that even if they didn't have children, she would be happy for the rest of her life.

-The End

A/N: Yay for fluff! Let me know what you thought of the series as a whole, as well as this chapter!! I'm also thinking of writing a sequel involving Katara & Zuko trying to get pregnant. Let me know what you think of that idea!

A/N 2: Thanks to all loyal readers who have followed this story since the beginning. Your reviews kept me going.