A Special Surprise

Disclaimer: Edward is divine, I wish he was mine! Swoons

(Five days before Edward changed Bella, from Bella's perspective):

I had won, I had finally won. I was going to be a vampire, now, too... Just like Edward. And we were going off to "Alaska Southeast College" next Tuesday. I did feel a little guilty about making Edward change me, and leaving Charlie, but I easily pushed that guilt away with my excitement. I was going to go live with Edward... forever! I smiled.

"Bella, if I gave you something to remember Forks by, you wouldn't be too mad at me, right?" Edward asked, smiling.

I frowned. "That depends..."

"On what?" Edward asked innocently.

"You know what!"

"Don't worry, it didn't cost much at all."

I raised an eyebrow, suspicious.

"Really!" he laughed. "It didn't... I made it for you."

I winced and Edward's smile grew as he pulled it out of his coat pocket.

I froze.

At first, I didn't believe my eyes--but gradually I realized that this was happening. Edward was holding an expertly crafted old-fashioned snow globe in his left hand... of my house--complete with two garden hoses on the side and my old red truck in the driveway.

"I thought a bit about trying to put you in there, but your beauty just can't be imitated... I really should have known better," Edward murmured, almost to himself.

I was starting to feel very dizzy... and the floor was tilting... Edward caught me, and chuckled. I scowled, and folded my arms. Edward's free right hand stroked my arm, and then held my face to his. I quickly clamped my eyelids shut, knowing all too well what would happen if I looked into those amber pools of beauty.

"What don't you like it?" Edward asked, pretending to be hurt.

I sighed, still keeping my eyes firmly shut. "Of course I like it," I said, deciding to accept it, even though it was too much, even though, like so many other things, I didn't, couldn't possibly, deserve it.

"But it's glass... aren't you worried that I'll break it?" I asked, in a feeble attempt to refuse it.

Edward laughed. "Actually... it's shatter-resistant, and I made an extra, just in case," he admitted. I smiled. My willpower could no longer resist him, so I slowly opened my eyes and he kissed me.