Disclaimer: Don't own Saiyuki

A/N: Sorry, it took so long to update. Was busy with other projects plus this fic is getting insanely long. So this chap might be butchered up a bit. Well I plan to end everything on the next chap though. Anyway, hope you will enjoy.

Chapter Fourteen


"Get the hell away from Homura!"

Sanzo froze, shoureijuu's barrel still pointing at the back of Homura's head. Gojyo and Hakkai were speechless as well, never expecting to see Goku would truly bark at Sanzo like that.

"If you don't get away of Homura now…" Goku narrowed his eyes as a familiar glow formed in his hand and a second later he was gripping his nyoibo. "I will take you down myself!" But his body seemed not to agree. He suddenly fell on his knees, clutching his nyoibo as a support, breathing heavily. His predicament caused several concerned people on alert.

"Oi kid!" Zenon cried, kneeling down to support the fallen heretic. "I told you, get the hell back to your bed! You're in no condition to move, let alone to fight!" He offered his hand to help the boy stand, but Goku snapped his hand.

"Leave me alone! I can do it! I want to help Homura!" He hissed and as he did so, Zenon noticed more crack appeared on his silver limiter.

At this point, Homura decided to step in. "Son Goku, I appreciate your kindness of helping me. But I'm afraid Zenon is right. You should rest, everything is fine here…"

"NO! How can you say everything is fine when you got cornered by Genjo Sanzo?!"

Homura let out a sigh. "Honestly, Son Goku. You don't expect this mere human to have me cornered, do you?" His statement was followed by the sound of Sanzo's gun make contact with his head, and a pulsing vein upon his blonde head.

"Homura!!" Goku yelled in worry witnessing his 'master' has a gun on his head.

"Now, now. Why keep busying ourselves with pointless argument? Why do we leave the middle path went unsuggested?" Nii smirked wickedly as he had all the attention washed over him. "Since it seems that Son Goku has no intention of leaving, why don't we just let him be here as he wishes? As to answer Homura-sama's concern, Son Goku could stay here as a witness only; and he will not allowed—and won't be able anyway—to fight. This way, both sides are satisfied, right? Oh and furthermore," Nii added with sly smirk, "I thought Homura-sama would find it delightful to finish off Sanzo-ikkou in Son Goku's presence."

"Hey, stop talking as if we weren't exist here!" Gojyo thundered, shaking his fist at the smirking scientist.

"I must admit that's nice idea, Nii Jenyi." Homura suddenly spoke, eyeing the scientist with his mismatched stare. "You have my thanks."

"What??" Goku shouted in disagreement. "No way! I wanna fight! You can't hold me off here forever and… heyy! Ero-kami, what do you think you're doing??!" He yelped as he Zenon grabbed his wrists and kept him in place.

"You heard Homura and that scientist." Zenon tightened his grip and held the boy's hands behind his back, completely seizing the arms movement. "I am to stay here to prevent you from killing yourself, kid. Too bad that even I value your life."

Goku struggled against the patched-eyed kami firm grip but to no avail. "Let go of my hands, ero-kami!!"

"We apologize for sudden rudeness, Goku-san. But it is for your own good." Shien muttered softly, giving the struggling boy an apologetic look. But as he did so, he couldn't help trail of suspicious thoughts that entered his mind.

That scientist… I wonder if he has something up his sleeve by letting Goku-san stay?

But Shien had no time to think as he heard a familiar gunshot. Definitely wasn't from Zenon's gun. Which only meant…

He turned his head and saw Sanzo holding his gun, its barrel was still smoking, his body trembled in rage. Homura stood a few meters from him, facing the angry monk. Apparently Homura jumped away just in time before Sanzo blew the bullet through his head.

Well it's not that the bullet is going to work anyway, Shien added to himself.

But Shien's thought was immediately cut away as he sensed a wave of energy washed over him. Having not enough time to react with his whips, the calm kami stepped back and with a graceful movement, evading the energy attack. He opened his eyes and stared into Cho Hakkai's determined emerald ones. The human-turned-youkai said nothing as he sent more explosives. Shien let a rare smile play on his lips. It seemed that Genjo Sanzo's single bullet had triggered the combat once again.

Not long after, Gojyo charged over to Hakkai's aid, and together they attacked the silent kami. They both knew that it wasn't their style to attack a single opponent like this, but they also knew that they had no choice. Time was running out—at least for them, and maybe Kougaiji-tachi. Yaone charged over him too, and now Shien was facing three versus one battle. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Shien wielded his whips and prepared for the combat.

Sanzo, expectably, focused his attention to Homura alone. He didn't even flinch as Dokugakuji stepped to his side, signaling this was going to be a two versus one battle.

"I never thought you need such handicap for fighting me, Konzen." Homura mocked slowly, enjoying a vein that wound its way upon Sanzo's temples. "To the point of hiring one of Prince Kougaiji's soldiers."

This snapped Sanzo quite perfectly. "You. Go back to your prince." He hissed to Dokugakuji, eyeing the youkai menacingly. "I can kick this damn kami's butt all by myself."

Doku scowled at such manners. "Don't misunderstand that I prefer to aid you instead of Kou, pissy monk. It's Kou's orders. He has a matter to settle with Nii Jenyi, alone. And seeing that that wimpy kami has already three people on his butt, I think I should go and bother you instead." Doku smirked as he materialized his demonic sword.

Sanzo let out a tch as he readied his gun as well. "Let's see what you're truly worth."

Without needing to be told, Doku charged to Homura, swinging his sword with all his might. A loud crash followed as the fire greeted the metal sword. Dokugakuji was sure a talented swordsman. But even he couldn't match the power of the Heaven's God of War. Soon enough, Homura had Doku slammed onto the ground, his metal sword scattered on his feet into pieces.

"Is that all?" The War God mocked, turning his eyes back to Sanzo. "Let's see if you can provide me more fun, Konzen."

Keeping his silence, Sanzo raised his gun and aimed it at Homura as the answer. The said War Prince just tilted his head in playful manner, his cocky smirk never wavered.

"I thought you have learnt that your bullets will never work against me?" He commented.

"This is your last chance, jack-ass." Sanzo hissed with tone full of hatred. "Give me back what belongs to me, or you may just regret it."

Homura just stared unblinkingly at the barrel, widening his amused smirk. "Try me, Konzen."

Sanzo's expression remained unchanged as he released the bullets from his shoureijuu. Homura made no move to escape, believing that even the banishing bullets could never penetrate his godly aura. But even the calculated War God was proven wrong this time.

"Homura!" Goku yelled in worry as he saw the Toushin crumpled backwards from the bullet impact, and he was not the only one surprised.

Behind Goku, Zenon's eyes widened in disbelief, his lips forming soundless "What the hell??"

Shien stopped in the middle of the fight, staring at his fallen leader with astonished look. But none of them as surprised as Homura himself.

Homura was on his knees, breathing heavily. He touched the bullet wound on his left shoulder, his eyes widened as he saw dark blood staining his fingers. His blood. He stared up right into Sanzo's expressionless figure, who still had the gun barrel pointed at him.

Impossible… How'd…

"Surprised?" It's Sanzo's turn to mock, unusual sneer filling his voice. "Too bad that I missed. Should I aim it to your heart, then Toushin Homura Taishi would be nothing but a name anymore."

Homura just stared at those cold eyes, still speechless, as Sanzo clenched his gun.

"I thought you're smart enough to know better than underestimating me, Homura." Amethyst eyes narrowed as he aimed his gun at the still-kneeling Homura. "Your arrogance has stabbed you, Toushin."


Sanzo let out a tch as his bullets embedded itself onto the floor instead of body. He lowered his gun, but never lowering his defense.

Homura had skidded off at the very last moment, though clutching his shot shoulder and winced a little.

"I would never imagine to someday agreeing with you, Konzen." He spoke calmly, too calm for someone who had just received his first bullet wound. "I'm a stupid idiot indeed. Herb-induced bullets, hm? Interesting…" He turned his mismatched eyes and stared at Yaone's orange ones. "I guess it's that purple-haired beauty's doing, right?"

Sanzo's face remained expressionless as he raised his gun again, but he could barely conceal winning smirk that started to wound upon his face.

"You're an idiot for not realizing the reason behind my absent for the last two days. Yaone needs two nights for her special potion, and once it mixed with my bullets, even you will stand no chance, War God."

Homura gave no respond as he slowly stood, followed by Sanzo's eyes, and clutched his left shoulder. "I must admit that was quite unexpected, Konzen. I assume now we're even. Ah, no," Homura corrected himself. "Even though I'm no longer invincible to you, Konzen, I still have the upperhand. Even your special bullets could not turn the time." Homura let his smirk grew as he set his gaze upon the night sky. "You have less than an hour. The sun is coming anytime now. The countdown to your destruction."


Homura's smirk never wavered as he evaded the bullets with a graceful movement. Sanzo panted slightly from emotions, but his eyes blazed with anger.

"I'll kill you, asshole."

Homura just smirked as he wielded his sword. "We shall see that soon, Konzen."

"I don't think this will do, Nii." Kougaiji spoke as he stood face to face with the smirking scientist, who instead watching the fight between the War God and the Sanzo Priest on purpose. "This is Sanzo and Homura's fight. And I can't see the reason why you insist on staying here unless… you're afraid of facing me?"

The scientist let out a grunt of suppressed laugh as he finally turned and met the youkai prince in the eyes. "My, my, such interesting assumption you have there, my bunny prince. Such an impatient being you are. After coming all the way from death's realm, is that the only thing you want to say?"

Kougaiji's eyes blazed with rage as he roared. "Unforgivable!"

Sets of explosions thundered towards the scientist, who just lazily flicked his wrist to annihilate them all.

"Now, now, dear prince. After haven't seen you in days, don't you agree that a little bet would make an interesting reunion instead of fighting?"

Kougaiji growled in disapproval. "I'm tired of your tricks, Nii. Just fight and let's see who will end up die!"

Nii chuckled. "In case you have forgotten, Kougaiji-sama, you are dead." He literally laughed at the look of Kougaiji's expression.

"Enough, you fucking bastard!" Kougaiji thundered as he raised his arm and summoned his demon slave from the hell.


Nii's expression showed no change. "I've seen this move hundreds of times, dear prince." He mocked softly as he stretched his arms casually. However, like Homura, his expression was soon to change.


Gojyo and Hakkai stopped their fighting and stared curiously at the explosion. Nii stood in the middle of it all, but no longer wearing his cocky smirk. In fact, his lab coat was now flailing and burning in some spots. And he was panting.

"You…" he eyed Kougaiji, hatred in his voice.

"Didn't learn from Homura, did you?" Kougaiji spoke, his expression unchanged. "Sanzo's not the only one progressing here. My Engokuki is no longer too easy to evade."

Nii stared at the youkai prince for a brief moment, before raising his hand. Kougaiji tensed, but all the scientist did was just removing his glasses. As Kougaiji observed him, Nii dropped his glasses onto the floor and stomped on it, breaking it into pieces.

"What are you…" Kou's eyes widened in surprise.

Nii just straightened his cloak leisurely. "Fun time's over now. It's time to get serious." His eyes gleamed as they pierced the prince's. "My apology, dear prince, but we have to stop our game here. Now my target has changed into…" Faster than any eyes could follow, Nii threw sharp needles to the entrance where Zenon and Goku stood. "…him."

Kougaiji's eyes widened, but he had no time to react; it was too fast. And neither did Goku and Zenon. The needles immediately buried themselves on Goku's legs, causing the heretic boy to yelp in pain.


"Kid!" Zenon supported the collapsing boy, his unpatched eye glared at the scientist.

"That bastard…" he hissed in anger, but he couldn't attack the scientist with Goku collapsed on him like this.

"Ze-Zenon…" Goku panted, taking Zenon's attention back. His eyes shut in pain. "I… I can't move my legs…"

Zenon immediately looked down at Goku and held his breath as he noticed purple liquid leaking out from his wounds, mixing with his blood.

Poison? That fucking human…!

"Nii Jenyi, what's the meaning of this?!" Homura stopped the fighting with Sanzo as he saw the attack.

"No need to worry, it's just a drug." Nii spoke casually at the enraged men. "I need to immobilize him so that the next shot won't miss." He pulled out a tranquilizer gun and placed the needles on it.

"You fucking…!!" Sanzo growled in anger as he aimed his gun at the scientist, his finger was a second away from the trigger as Nii's words startled him.

"Aa, don't even try it, Genjo. I have my gun on Son Goku, in case you don't know." The dark priest mocked in satisfy, his gun pointed at the collapsed boy.

Sanzo froze, his gun pointed at the scientist head, but he could clearly see that the scientist aimed at Goku's chest. And he held no doubt of Ukoku Sanzo's acceleration. He narrowed his eyes, his emotion mixed within him. He had no choice.

"Shit…" With a curse, he lowered his gun, but never lowering his glare.

"Good boy." Nii commented, smirking. "Now, for a good boy Ukoku-papa has a special present…" With a quick move, Nii snapped his hand around and aimed at Sanzo with an unpredictable speed. Sanzo could only stare in disbelief before pain crept up his legs and he lost his balance.


"Sanzo!" Gojyo and Hakkai shouted in unison.

Nii smirked as he observed his handiwork. "There. Don't worry, as long as it's not aimed at internal organ, it won't harm you permanently."

Sanzo breathlessly tried to stood, to stop the scientist, but his legs were numb by now. He tried to grab his fallen gun, but the next needle shot right through his hand. He screamed in pain as the limb lost its feeling.

"Bad boy." Nii shook his head. "Now sit tight and watch, Genjo." He turned again and pointed the gun at Goku. "What will happen if I aim it for his heart?"

Sanzo crept on the crumpled floor with his unfeeling limbs. "Bas…tard…" he panted.

"BASTAAAAAAAAAARD!!" Everybody's attention immediately focused at the angry voice. Zenon had lunged himself at the scientist, his face twisted in anger.

"You will pay for all of this nonsense, dirty human!!" The kami held his machine gun and fired at the scientist, who reacted exactly the same.

"Zenon, NO!" Homura yelled, but it was too late. A horrible explosion was set upon the already crumpled place, creating massive dust that temporarly blinding them all.

As the dust cleared, Nii could be seen clutching his left arm which was leaking out blood, his eyes was unreadable. Zenon stood, grasping his chest, a sneer upon his face. He turned to face Homura, whose eyes wide in horror as he saw three needles pierced Zenon's chest, leaking out blood and purple liquid.

"Sorry, Homura. You have to take care of the kid for now…"

As the words left his lips, Zenon choked out blood from his mouth, mixed with the purple substance. Then he collapsed, and not moving anymore. He was gone.

"ZENON!!" Homura and Shien immediately ran to their fallen comrade. He turned Zenon's face only to see the eyes close peacefully and the breathing stop. Shien opened his eyes, staring in horror-struck. "Zenon…"

"Now, you see for yourself, Genjo Sanzo?" Nii spoke up again. "See what will happen if these needles hit your precious Son Goku?" He held his gun again and aimed at his previous target. "The poor boy's organs will explode from the inside, and he will die after being suffocated by his own poisoned blood. Just like him." He nudged towards the unmoving Zenon, still in presence of Homura and Shien.

"Delicious, isn't it, Genjo?"

"Bas…tard…" Sanzo's expression twisted in anger. "Why are you doing this?"

Nii just smirked lazily as he shot another needle to Sanzo's other hand, causing the blond to yelp in pain. "Why? That's a good question." He shot Sanzo's arms. "In order to keep the sun from shining," he aimed for Sanzo's shoulders as well, making his limbs completely paralyzed, "I must get rid of its source of light, right?"

Sanzo stared in disbelief as Nii turned his gun and aimed it at Goku.

"Watch, Genjo. Watch, and let me hear your soul shatter. And after that," His finger pressed the trigger with a click. "I won."

Sanzo watched in widened eyes as the needle shot out, directly towards the unmoving boy. His emotions swirling inside him; fear, rage, useless… the feeling that he can't do anything



A/N: Even I have to admit, this chapter is a complete mess -sighs- The next one is the last chapter. Though I might add an epilogue, depending on my mood. Hope I can finish this fic soon..
I wouldn't even mind if you flame or anything. And constructive critism is highly appreciated.