Authors Note: If I DID own Gossip Girl, which I don't, this is how Hi Society would have ended. Please be nice and give polite constructive feedback as it is my first fan fiction. Thanks!


Kneeling toward each other on the large and comfortable bed of their dimly lit suite of the Palace hotel, Nate kissed Blair, as she began to slowly unbutton his shirt. She had already been stripped of her beautiful silver fishtail cotillion gown, and was pressed up against her ex-boyfriend in her Lacy black lingerie as his rough hands roamed her smooth and creamy skin. Nate held her softly and delicately but she couldn't help but notice that there was no passion, no desire.

Although it felt right to be with Nate, she wasn't sure if that was because she had grown accustomed to him after dating him for so many years. Was it fate that they would consummate their relationship, or merely obligation?

Feeling doubtful about what was almost certain to happen, Blair broke free of Nate's kiss, desperately hoping that looking into his eyes, she would know that she was making the right decision. He looked at her lovingly as she caressed his cheek, but the admiration was not returned and the doubt remained evident on her face. She returned to what they were doing but couldn't help but let her mind wander . . .


She had imaged this moment for so long, spending just as long planning every detail. Of course, she had assumed that Nate would be her first. Blair could have never predicted giving her virginity to Nate's best friend, of all people. Chuck Bass, infamous womanizer of the Upper East Side, with the reputation of sleeping with half the women in the city, let alone beyond it.

Losing her virginity a few weeks ago was comparably different to how she had expected it to happen. Sure, it was in the back of Chuck's limousine and she had been drinking, but she was sure she hadn't imagined the passion and the lust that had fueled them. Blair could hardly believe it. Yet despite the way that events had unfolded over the past few weeks were unexpected, she didn't regret them.

After all, right now Nate was right here, holding her and looking soulfully into her deep brown eyes like he hadn't in so long, and he finally wanted to be with her. She had seen a side of him tonight that she never knew existed, where he knew what he wanted and had fought, even literally, to be with her. But she couldn't deny that she had seen a new side of herself, too.

Since her seventeenth birthday, Blair had a new outlook of life, feeling independent and considerably happier than she had felt in a long time and Chuck had proved himself to really care about her. He had come to her when she was at her worst, when Nate had let her down for the final time, and told her that she was beautiful, placing an elegant diamond necklace around her neck. Playboy Chuck Bass had actually decided he wanted her, only her, and she couldn't remember ever feeling so cared for and appreciated. And she couldn't forget about his voice, oh that voice . . . he made he weak just thinking about it.

Blair admitted to herself that she wasn't with Chuck for revenge, which she guiltily excused as being the reason when her best friend Serena had discovered her secret. She had now been with Chuck on two separate occasions and Nate had let her down both times but Chuck made her feel like she never had before: desired. She was in no one's shadow and she finally felt special. They would be in a room full of people yet Chuck would see only her. He wanted to show that he could be faithful to Blair, so before they revealed their romance publicly he wanted to prove that he would never hurt her the way that Nate had so many times.

But Chuck had let her down, she tried to remind herself in attempt to eradicate the doubt that was only growing faster. Tonight he had proved that he couldn't be trusted . . . hadn't he? She hated that she wasn't even sure of her own thoughts, things were so much simpler even mere days ago.


Looking at Nate again, she wanted more than anything to get Chuck out of her head, and allowed herself to be immersed in the familiarity of his embrace. He gently flipped her over so that she was on her back, still kissing her softly and exploring every previously untouched area of her body. He began kissing and nibbling her ear, making her moan softly into his own in response, and he gradually moved down her neck. Blair couldn't deny how good it felt, arching her back and pressing harder into Nate's athletic body above her.

Suddenly Blair felt something tugging within her mass of wavy brown hair and sitting up awkwardly, she realized that her shiny chestnut locks had become tangled in the Erickson Beamon diamond necklace that Chuck had given her. That one small act of selflessness when she needed it most, which had started something deeper between her and Chuck which was just as beautiful as the necklace itself. A tear fell gently from her cheek, which Nate was quick to wipe away, confused as to what had suddenly overcome her.

Finally Blair had found clarity in her feelings and realizing what she had to do, she threw on her evening gown and apologized to a bewildered Nate, kissing him on the cheek and promising the explain everything soon, before hurrying out of the large wooden doors to their suite, with no time to even put on her designer heels. Blair was desperate to find Chuck and tell him everything that he meant to her, and everything she knew they could be. She ascended flight after flight of stairs, not bothering to wait for an elevator, and eventually came to the door of Chuck's suite. Knocking on his door, she felt an unfamiliar giddy and fluttering feeling in her stomach . . . butterflies.