A/N: Hey Everyone What's up? New Fic here for all of you. It is part of x3BiggestCodyRhodesFanEverx3 oc domination take over. Becky is of course herself, and the character Brittany is herself Brittany aka giftiebee. These two lovely darlings are very important to me which is why I'm writing this story. I love you both very much! Since I hate it when people "bite my shit!" I'm making this story as different as any of the other oc domination take over stories as possible, because I'm not a hypocrite (unlike some of you ppl who take me giftie and rhodes' ish!.. Yes the pairings will be the same (Who the characters are based off of! Not the actual characters!)but the plots are very different, one being that the three oc's of this story had no affiliation with each other prior to now. Okay so there is no recommended reading for this right now, I'm too tired. Let me give all of you the run down, in this story the rosters are NOT split, it takes place in present time, John was never injured, and Smack down is taped on Thursday, there is no ECW. Anyone that got fired in the drug scandal (chris masters and whomever else) never got fired. I also screwed around with the ages, Cody is 26, Randy 27, and John is 28. I think that's it for now though. This story will be very funny, realistic, emotional, and saddening, and some parts possibly dark. All of my other stories are too happy right now, I need something to vent out my anger on, and this will be the perfect thing to do it with! So read, review and enjoy!... Did I forget to say review? Well just in case… REVIEW!)

Disclaimer: I do not own anybody affiliated in the WWE or titan sports... I own no one in this story except Lanielle Lancaster.

Her heart was pounding, the blood running through her veins was traveling at a dangerously fast rate, she was having a hard time breathing, her head was throbbing, her palms were sweating, she felt light headed, but through it all, she was happier than ever. Finally, finally she had reached her life's dream. She read over the words, vaguely remembering them, which was very ironic, considering the fact that she herself had written them. The strain she was feeling was immense.


A million thoughts ran through her head. She had went to school for this, she had wanted this since she was a little girl. She worked for this so hard. It was like a dream come true; no it was a dream come true. Now she was second-guessing herself, her education, her practice, all of her internships, and her experience. She was drowning in her self-doubt; she was sinking in her uncertainty, and considering her profession, that was a big No No. Her anxiety was unhealthily high.


This was it, this was it. This was exactly what she had been waiting for. She wandered through the halls aimlessly, Eminem's "Lose Yourself" blared through the headphones of her ipod. One shot. This was her one shot, and she could not help but think she was going to blow it. Regardless of the fact that she had been wishing for this since she was a small child, that she had poured her heart, her blood, her sweat, and her tears into this goal, despite the fact that she had trained for this day in and day out, she couldn't help but feel she wasn't ready. She was still nervous as all fuck. She had been through it a thousand times before now, but this was it. This was the chance, the opportunity she had been working her ass off for, and now she was getting it. She was praying to god she didn't fuck it up. The pressure was officially on.


Lanielle Lancaster walked down the deserted hallway in the backstage of Madison Square Garden. It was 1pm, the crewmembers, staff, and superstars didn't have to be at the arena until 5pm. Raw wouldn't be airing until 9pm. She had far surpassed coming early. She continued walking until she found a large empty room. Lanielle leaned up against a wall with her packet of papers and slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor. After becoming aggravated with herself, she tempted to rip up the papers, but decided against it knowing it would serve no purpose. Lanielle looked up to see a girl she didn't recognize enter the large empty room. The girl glared at her as Lanielle took in her appearance. She had long brown locks with reddish undertones. She wore heavy eyeliner and mascara accompanied by dark eye shadow. The girl had one piercing on the left corner of her bottom lip. Lanielle couldn't help but wonder who the girl was, she had never seen her on television before, and if she was a crewmember, there would be more than just her walking around. Lanielle was soon snapped out of her thoughts when the girl's phone rang. She watched the girl answer her phone and lean up against a wall opposite her side of the room.

"BECKY! I MISS YOU SO MUCH?! HOW ARE THINGS GOING?!" Lanielle couldn't help but hear the loud voice shout over the girl's phone. She noticed the girl roll her eyes and sigh.

"I'm trying to focus, get my head on straight, and you're ruining it for me. I'll talk to you after the show Kay? Okay bye."

'BECKY! BECKY! That must be the new diva!' Lanielle thought flipping through her script.

"Um… Hi, your Becky right?" Lanielle questioned timidly.

"Yeah, that's right, I'm Becky Cavello. It's my first day, so I'm sorry that I don't recognize you." She introduced herself with a small smile.

"It's my first day too! I'm obviously way too early I just-" Lanielle was then cut off.

"HEY! Does anyone know where the bathroom is around here? I've been searching for it, for practically ever!" Another stranger stated cheerfully walking into the room. She had vibrant blue eyes and honey blonde hair.

"Ummm, I'm not really sure, today's my first day." Lanielle explained to the new comer.

"REALLY IT'S MINE TOO! My name is Brittany Chase! But you can call me Britt." The vivacious girl rushed over and shook Lanielle's hand who smiled happily.

"I'm Lanielle. Lanielle Lancaster. But everyone calls me Lanie or Lani. Either one is fine." She informed with a large grin as Brittany nodded.

"Lani, I got it… And you?" She asked turning to Becky as Lanielle did the same.

"I'm Becky Cavello." Becky repeated again with a chuckle. "So I guess this is all our first day then huh?" Becky stated relieved that she had found newbie's like herself.

"Yeah! I just feel so anxious for the night to begin and get over with, hopefully nothing bad happens and I can relax all night." Brittany explained the girls her aspirations for the evening.

"Well what is your actual job here?" Lanielle inquired curiously.

"I'm the new doctor, on call at every house show, Pay Per View, and every live show. I'm a nervous wreck, I feel like I'm unqualified for the job." Although it was highly untrue, Brittany couldn't help but feel unconfident in her field for this job.

"If you weren't qualified to be here, then I'm sure you wouldn't be here. Tell us about yourself, your background." Becky spoke sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor. The others followed suit.

"Well, as I said my name is Brittany and I'm from Louisiana, I'm twenty six years old and I'm a doctor, I specialize in sports medicine. I have been working in my uncle's sports medicine private practice since I was a freshman in high school, I have always wanted to be a doctor and specialize in this field. My actual dream is to work here, so prior to applying here I continued to work for my uncle both prior to and during medical school. Once I was done with school, I worked there full time under him, which makes it a total of nine years experience in the field, so I'm used to injured athletes, both professional and high school athletes. This sounds corny, but the way the human body reacts to trauma and its healing process is the most fascinating thing one can possibly imagine. Our bodies are literally machines if you think about it" Brittany said as Lanielle and Becky stared at her blankly, thinking to themselves that she must love her job dearly. Brittany began laughing "Okay so obviously I'm the nerd out of the three of us." She chided causing Becky to smirk and Lanielle to grin.

"Don't feel bad Britt, I'm a book worm, I guarantee it. Where should I begin? Okay, I am twenty-four and I am from New Jersey. I am a writer, today is my first day here in the WWE on the creative team. I have loved writing since I was a small child; I liked writing even before I could spell correctly. In high school, I took every writing course available, and once in college I majored in creative writing and minored in marketing. During my college years, I interned in New York City at ABC. At first, It was just in the News Room. Basically, I assisted with the prompting of the news. So I was an assistant to the person that put the news in the computer, so I helped with the delivery. Then I moved within ABC to the soap operas "All My Children" and "One life to live." While interning there, going to school, and working I started a part time internship with VH1. It was when they first began that corny show that people kept watching, "America's Most Smartest Model." I assisted the writers in small ways when they thought up the challenges that the contestants would compete in on the episodes. I did two seasons of that before applying for an actual job at MTV. MTV hired me as one of the writers for the Real World. I did a few seasons of that until I graduated. Once I graduated I began doing work with CW11, I was a co-writer on the shows "Supernatural" and Smallville." It was at that point I realized, 'what the hell am I doing?' Why haven't I apply for my dream job yet? So I did, and here I am." Lanielle exclaimed feeling accomplished and sick to her stomach all at the same time.

"So I'm guessing it's my turn. Where to begin, okay well I am twenty-four as well and I am from Green Bay Wisconsin. I graduated with a degree in journalism, I too enjoy writing. I graduated college when I was twenty-one; as soon as I graduated, I decided to join some of the indie wrestling feds. So I did that and I also worked at the newspaper in Green Bay, "The Sun Times." I was in the Indies' for about a year and a half, which is when I tried out for OVW. I got in, and was happier than ever. My character name was Shana, and I started as a heel there, and I have been there ever since. Now I'm here, and from what you've told me Lanie, you will be "making me." Becky said turning to Lanielle who grinned.

"Yes Becky, I will be making you, I will be making you the best new Diva there ever was. I know the Diva search is starting up, you should be proud, you worked hard to get here, and you didn't win some stupid contest. I'm just so glad that the three of us are all going through the same thing, that being the first day jitters." Lanielle exclaimed as Brittany and Becky nodded their heads.

"I am too. But we can do this girls! Becky you are going to go out there in your debut, and you are going to have them craving to see you again on Thursday. Lanie, you are going to have the rest of the creative team kissing your feet when you are through this evening. Once they get the ratings back from tonight, they will sweep you off your feet and into the lap of luxury. And me, well hopefully if anyone gets hurt they will be ever so appreciative of my services! If anyone is harmed, trust me, they will make a full speedy recovery." Brittany spoke motivationally causing the girls to giggle at her ambitious tone.

"We are starting together, and we will stay together." Becky stated proudly.

"ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY!" Brittany exclaimed enthusiastically.

"THIS COMPANY WON'T KNOW WHAT HIT IT!" Lanielle added now inspired and loving her newfound confidence.

"Okay… so, now that we've shared our life stories… can one of you help me find a bathroom please?! I've been holding it for like ever, and I really have to go!" Brittany exclaimed twisting her legs together uncomfortably.

(A few hours later)

Earlier, The girls had eventually found a bathroom. After using it the trio walked around the empty arena talking about their lives, accomplished goals, and any future dreams and aspirations they might possibly have. Now they were back where they had began, only this time the room was filled with crewmembers and staff.

"So, when do you think the superstars will arrive?" Brittany asked rubbing her hands together. She had loved wrestling since she could talk; she was dying to meet her new colleagues.

"I hope never! Do you have any clue as to how nervous I am? I mean, I am not the only person on the creative team here, but my job is so much pressure! I have to travel with the WWE instead of being stationed in one place because of emergencies. An example being if they fuck up their lines, or a match result goes wrong, or a freak accident happens back stage or anything of the sort thus changing the current storyline, my ass is stuck, and I will have to think of a new story line for the next two months on the spot. I mean that is the average of most storylines, two months. So I hope none of them fuck up tonight. The only people I have met here besides all of you are Vince, Stephanie, and Paul on several occasions in reference to the new storylines. Speaking of storylines, you know how your match is going to end right Becky?" Lanielle asked her newfound friend turning to her as she stared out into space.

"AYE! CAVELLO! SNAP OUTTA IT!" Brittany said clapping her hands in front of Becky's face startling her.

"Oh huh? I'm sorry what were you guys talking about?" Becky asked with a grin.

"I asked if you knew how your match was going to end tonight." Lanielle repeated with a chuckle.

"Yeah Maria loses." Becky said with a smile, cheerfully.

"Correct. Thus beginning the pattern I have set, you will beat the Diva's one by one, earning your respect and working you way to the top. It is kind of funny Becky, and now I am so glad I did things this way. Vince had asked me why I was pushing your character forward so rapidly when he read the scripts, and I told him with the Diva search stirring up, if you debuted and did not compete every week and win, your character would be a wash up. So he said if I thought it was good then I could do it, and if it didn't get ratings then it was my ass." Lanielle exclaimed with a laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Becky assured Lanielle.

"I know, I trust you." Lanielle told Becky who smiled appreciatively.

"Yeah, now just don't get hurt out there. Because if you do, I might actually have to do some work." Brittany stated eliciting laughter from the other two friends.

"Oh..." Lanielle's jaw hung open slightly as she stared towards the entrance of catering. She saw him walk in speaking to his friend about something which had to have been serious considering the look on his face.

"My." Brittany's gaze was led toward the entrance as well; he looked like a fucking god.

"Fuck me." Becky mumbled as she made contact with the man she had only dreamed of meeting. The trio watched the three men enter the room and walk over to the drinks.

"ummm erm mmm, damn." Lanielle couldn't form actual words; she was far too busy admiring her hearts one desire.

"He is just so, so, so. Perfect." Brittany exclaimed looking at his tall build as he drank from a bottle of water.

"I just want him to breath on me. Even if it's a cough I just want him near me." Becky whispered to the girls.

"Yeah… Hmmm" They sighed in unison staring at the three built men by the refreshment table. As if on que, the three WWE superstars looked in their direction, just as smoothly the three WWE new comers looked away and acted as though they were transfixed on their own conversation.

"Shit… Shit… fuck… Do you think they know we were all staring?" Becky mumbled so only the three girls could hear.

"Fuck, I don't know. Wait which one do you guys like it better not be Randy." Brittany murmured back.

"Cody" Becky answered quietly.

"John." Lanielle revealed.

"Good, one for each of us." Brittany said enthusiastically.

"Wait, what makes you think they want us?" Becky asked her friend.

"I don't know, hey, we got hired here, this was all of our dreams, what makes you think we can't get a date with a guy we want? I say that we should all just-" Brittany was cut off by two large fists being leaned on the edge of the empty table they were seated at. They all looked up into a set of piercing blue eyes.

"So who are you?" The legend Killer questioned as John and Cody remained by the refreshment stand talking.

"I'm Brittany." Brittany answered doing a fantastic job at curbing her enthusiasm.

"Lanielle." Lanielle mumbled.

"Who?" Randy asked not being able to understand her.

"Lanielle." She repeated more audibly.

"I can't here you sweetie, your gunna have to speak up." Randy said shrugging at her.

"DAMMIT I SAID MY NAME IS LANIELLE!" She screamed loudly annoyed with the superstar already.

"I'm kidding, I heard you the first time." Randy told her with a chuckle as she crossed her arm and scowled as Brittany giggled. After Lanielle glared at Brittany, she looked back at Randy and stopped laughing.

"What's your name princess?" He asked Becky who looked up at him with an annoyed face.

"Becky." She told him clearly.

"Ohhh… So are you guys like rats or something?" Randy asked standing back up to his full height. Brittany's mouth slowly began to open as she watched him stretch his arms. He was wearing track pants and a wife beater with black sneakers. Lanielle elbowed Brittany who then realized her mouth was open.

"Rats?" Lanielle asked unfamiliar with the term.

"Yah know ring rats, like, after the show, you girls can come back to my room and suck my dick. There's enough for everyone to go around." Randy stated nonchalantly with his infamous trademark smirk.

"Are you mentally challenged?" Becky asked him slowly tilting her head to the side. With her one condescending question, she had brought Randy's self-confidence down so low it was on the negative side of the scale. She did not care how big he was in the business, for him to only have known them for twenty seconds and ask them such a dirty question so boldly was as disrespectful as it got.

Brittany's cheeks flared up, her face was beginning to turn pink. She looked down at the table hoping he would not notice the effect that his remark had on her.

"So I take it you don't want to suck my dick then?" Randy asked with a smile.

"We're not ring rats Mr. Orton. We are your colleagues; I am the new writer for the creative team. Becky is a new Diva and she is making her debut tonight… And Brittany is the new on call doctor."

"Couldn't you have told me this like five minutes ago before I made an ass out of myself?" He asked squinting as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Rumor has it that you do that often… Yah know, make an ass out of yourself." Becky replied smartly making Lanielle smirk. Brittany could not speak, she was not only shocked at Randy's insulting derogatory remarks, but she was just in sheer shock that he was speaking to her, to them. She took out her phone and pretended to text one of her friends out of nervousness.

"So I have officially gotten off on the wrong foot with you all then?" Randy asked shifting from foot to foot nervously.

"For me yes." Lanielle answered with a nod.

"Same here. Worst first impression ever." Becky told him truthfully.

"And you Brittany?" He asked happy to remember her name.

Brittany didn't know what to say so she pretended to not be in tune with the conversation. "I'm sorry what?" She asked looking up.

"So you hate me too then?" He asked expectantly.

"Who said that?" She asked with a quizzical expression.

"Is this guy here giving you girl's trouble?" A voice that sounded like pure heaven washed through Becky's ears. Cody Rhodes slapped a hand on Randy's shoulder standing next to him as John walked up along his other side.

Two yes's and one no were said simultaneously. Of course, Brittany said no as Lanielle and Becky said yes. "I thought they were rats." Randy said with a shrug guiltily.

"Why?" John asked finally speaking. Lanielle felt her heart flutter as she tried to stop from staring at him.

"Well, I've never seen any of them before. No diva's are here yet, and they're too pretty to be crew members so I just assumed." Randy was then cut off by Becky chuckling.

"You know what they say about that right? Don't ASSume, because it makes an ASS out of U and Me." Becky told him the play on words forcing Cody to let out a laugh.

"I like her sense of humor. Sup, I'm Cody." He said holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Becky. Nice to meet you." She replied shaking his hand softly, never wanting to let it go. Their handshake lasted awkwardly as Lanielle tapped her foot against Becky's leg under the table. Becky snapped out of her daze and let his hand go.

"So, what are you fine ladies doing here?" John asked stepping into the conversation as Randy looked around the room stupidly, still recovering from his humiliation.

"Well, as I told Randy shortly ago, I'm the new writer on the creative team." Lanielle answered proudly.

"I'm the new Diva, not from the Diva search, from OVW. I make my debut tonight." Becky answered the current WWE Champion.

"And I'm the new on call doctor. Name's Brittany, nice to meet you." She said shaking his hand. Becky and Lanielle held in their grins, when it came to Randy she was tongue tied, give her anyone else and she was not embarrassed in the least.

"So you girls are all friends? Like you all came together." Cody asked noticing the strong bond between the trio.

"We started together, we stay together." They answered in unison.

"So you guys have formed some Newbie Unity I see? You'll need it; it's hard being new here." Randy finally interjected himself back into the conversation at hand.

"We're big girls, we can handle ourselves." Brittany stated confidently.

"So, what are you ladies doing this evening?" John questioned the trio. They looked at one another and shrugged.

"That sounds OH so interesting. You're in New York, live a little." John pressed the girls.

"I live in New Jersey, right now; we're practically in my back yard." Lanielle said with a chuckle.

"C'mon, maybe it'll be fun." Becky said with an excited smile. "As long as Randy keeps his dick in his pants." She added on making Randy bow his head in shame as Brittany and Lanielle got a good laugh at his expense.

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