So this is another story taht just came to me. I actually wrote this in my third level english anyway let me know what you guys think of it. Maybe it will go as well as the last story that randomly came to me Turning the Page who knows.

I came out from under the covers.

"Woof baby that was amazing."

"Uh huh." I said rolling over.

"Good for you?"

"Randy what do you even know about me?" I asked suddenly as I turned on my side.

"Lots of things."

"Ok. What color are my eyes?" I squeezed them shut so he couldn't peek.

He didn't open his pretty little mouth.

I opened them.

"GREEN!" He shouts trying to make it seem as if he knew.

"You don't even know my eye colour. Randy how is it that we have been seeing each other like this for two years and you don't even know the colour of my eyes?"

"I do. Ask me something else."

I thought for a moment. "What's my middle name?"

Again silence.

"It's Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" I shouted storming out of bed.

"Katia baby come back to bed." He said patting the sheets. "What we have is good."

"Ya good for your dick!" I yelled gathering up my clothes and locking myself in the bathroom.

"Baby come on." He said pounding on the door.

"No Randy I'm sick of this. I'm sick of you!"

I sat on the porcelain toilet and thought for a minute. This thing with Randy and me seemed like it started so long ago. Two years wasn't really that long.

It all started one night when I friend of mine got me tickets to wrestling for my birthday. It was a pretty selfish gift considering he loved it and I'd never seen it in my life. I wasn't so sure what the big deal was a bunch of sweaty guys rolling around half naked with each other. That was until I saw him. Randy. He flashed me that smile ah that smile. The smile that could get him away with murder, besides his body I think that's the reason I fell in love with him. I remember how the security told me I had been invited back stage. I was instantly infatuated and it didn't take much for him to talk me into bed. The rest is history I guess. He pays for me to fly around with him, got me a cushy job doing hair and make up. We are basically glorified friends with benefits. At first I loved it, sleeping with a big star who did I not mention has the most amazing body.But I'm getting older. I mean I'll be 23 in a few weeks and I want more, no I deserve more. And if I'm not going to get it from Randy I'll find it elsewhere.

I opened the door and stuffed all my shit into my suit case and left to drag it all down the hallway to Chris's room.

Jericho being a married man made him safe. He was a good friend I could rely on and trust him without it ever being sexual.

"Kat come on now this is stupid."

"No your stupid."

"Your like a five year old."

"Would a five year old do this?" I said flipping him the bird and leaving.