Hiya, peoples. Please don't kill me, but I had to put another story up. I know that I need to update more chapters on the others stories, but I can't help myself. So, please forgive me. Well, here's the story.

Oh, and one more thing, I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS!!! So don't sue me. The only characters I own are my own, kay.

'beast speak'


Harry was sitting on his bed, watching the time on the clock go by. The time now was 11:55 and he was waiting for his 16th birthday.

'I wonder if I'll get a magical inheritance like Ron and Hermione did?' Harry thought.

4 minutes...

'I doubt it will be a creature inheritance.' He thought chuckling.

3 minutes...

'But if I did get a creature inheritance, what will I be.' He questioned himself.

2 minutes...

'Not a Veela, because i'll be chased around by girls and boys. Not that I mind about the boys but not the girls.'

1 minute...

'Not an Incubus, because I don't want to be a sex obsessed freak.'

40 seconds...

'Not a Vampire. It's not that I have anything against them, it's just I don't want to drink blood once a month.'

20 seconds...

'Definately not a Werewolf. I already have Remus to worry about. Speaking of Remus, I wonder how he is with Sirius gone?'

5 seconds...

sigh'I wish he was still here. I still feel guilty about-' "AHHHH!!"

A shock of pain shot through him like a Cruciatus Curse times ten. He started to feel silver black fur growing all over his body. His arms and legs grew a little bit in length and formed claws. His mouth formed into a large snout of some sort of canine. His human ears formed into his skin and large wolf ears formed on top of his head. His legs then formed into dog-like legs. Then his muscles thickened in his legs so they were strong enough for him to stand on. When the transformation was finished, he stood to be 8'11"(a/n: If he was walking of all fours, he'll be about 4'6".). He looked at his reflection and saw that there's a hint of gold mixed to his eye color. When he looked closer at himself, he saw that he was some sort of feral wolf. He was brought back to the present when he heard foot steps walking towards his door. His instincts took over and he lifted his nose and scented the air. He started growling in his throat when he smelled his uncle, who was outside the door. He quickly hid in the shadows next to the door and waited for his uncle to walk inside. After awhile, the door opened and Vernon waddled inside.

"Boy! Get up and fix breakfast or I'll beat you to the pulp! I don't give a care about what your freak friends said." Vernon yelled.

When he didn't get an answer he fully walked inside. Harry quietly closed the door behind Vernon and his uncle whipped around and looked.

"You better come out! I know you closed the door!" Vernon yelled with the hint of fear.

Harry snarled and attacked him.



Petunia looked upstairs when she heard Vernon yell.

"Vernon, are you alright up there?" Petunia asked from the bottom of the steps.

No answer.

Petunia hesitantly walked up the stairs and towards Harry's room. Dudley was curious of what happened and followed her upstairs. When Petunia opened the door, she saw Vernon's body on the floor. There was a few blood splaters on the walls and windows and a pool of blood surrounded Vernon. She looked in horror at the beast that was standing above her once living husband. Dudley also saw the beast standing over his father and yelled, catching the attention of the wolf-like creature.

Harry looked up when her heard his cousin yell and started growling.

Petunia screamed when Harry lunged at her and pulled Dudley back back down the stairs and into the livingroom.

Harry chased after her and pounced her before she could turn the corner, Harry tightly wrapped his teeth around her neck and twisted her head. When he let go, Petunia was dead. Harry then started searching for Dudley. He walked around the kitchen looking for Dudley and saw him sitting in the corner, shaking.

"Pl-please, d-don't kill me. I w-will do anything, anything you want. Just, pl-please don't kill me." Dudley begged.

Harry didn't really care what he said. He lunged at Dudley, with his mouth open wide.


-half and hour later-

Remus Lupin appariated outside Number 14 (is that the number?). He didn't care if the muggles saw him, he just wanted to see his cub. Dumbledor told him not to come here, but he came here anyway. Ever since Sirius death, he had very little faith in the Headmaster. He also couldn't believe that Hermione and Ron weren't Harry's real friends. They were only with him for fame and money. He has to get Harry out of here before Dumbledor gets him and brings him to that hell hole of a house. He quickly walked to the front door and knocked.


Remus waited for a few minutes and no one answered. He knocked again, and still, no answer. So he took out his wand, unlocked the door, and walked inside.

"Harry?" Remus called, "Harry?!"

Remus looked around, but then sensed something coming from the kitchen. He slowly walked towards the kitchen, with his wand raised. When he walked inside, he saw blood all over the cabinets and floor. He looked around see where the blood was coming from, and found Harry's cousin Dudley, dead on the floor. He then heard a low growl coming from behind him and swiftly turned around. His eyes widened when he saw a feral wolf beast towering over him. He sensed Harry's scent coming from the wolf and looked at the beast in confusion.

"Harry?" Remus asked hesitantly.

Harry noticed that the person infront of him was Remus. The wolf inside him sensed that he cared about him and didn't attack. Harry lowered his ears and whimpered.

"Harry, what happened to you?" Remus asked.

Harry whimpered, 'I don't know. I was waiting for my inheritance last night and I changed into this wolf-like beast.'

"I didn't expect you to change into a wolf. I thought you would change into a tiger like your father."

Harry's head tilted to the side, 'What do you mean? Was father like me?'

"Well, he was a black tiger to be exact. And your mother, Lily, was a cat hybrid. (a/n: If you want, I can list all the people and what beast they will be on the next chapter. If you do then say it in your review.) You see, the reason that I'm surprised is because the wolf is the strongest animal out of all of them," Remus explained. "I won't tell you what the other are because you'll have to find each other on your own, but I'll help you look for them."

Harry nodded in understanding.

"Come on, we don't have that much time left. We need to leave here before Dumbledore gets here. He's been using you Harry, Hermione and Ron also." Remus said.

Harry snarled and put aside the thought that he had to pay them back for what they did. He walked on all fours and followed Remus out the house. When they got out of the wards, Remus wraped his arm around Harry's neck and appariated to his flat.

Well, that's the prolouge. So should I update the next chapter? Yes, no, maybe? Well, tell me in when you review this story, kay. See ya.