
Author::Kierstin Berggren

Disclaimer::I Do Not Own InuYasha!

This is taking place in Feudal Japan!

The day had a breeze to it. And he could smell everything within a mile. The fear of the villagers, thats what he smelled the most of. He understood why of course, he could kill any one of them. He could kill all of them. He could have anything he wanted. He thought about all of this, while quietly listening to the silence that had surrounded him for quite some time now. Suddenly jerked out of his thoughts, came a voice so familiar, "Are you ready my son?" The voice of the great dog demon filled his ears. Almost as tall as his father now, the great Lord Sesshomaru looked directly at him, eye level both were at. Though, he didn't say a word. Looking into his father's eyes, the great Lord Sesshomaru saw something. Something that wasn't there before, something that was broken. His heart possibly?

Sesshomaru pitied his father. What had he become? No better than mere mortal? Yes, his mate had passed, and left him behind on this earth to fend alone, but was it really necessary to show his own people how weak, and pitiful he really was?

This Sesshomaru shall never be such demon. Never show that emotion.

So looking back at his father, Sesshomaru found himself without words. Only there, holding his gaze, as the door to there transportation opened, and he began to step out. His father stepping out first, and Seshomaru right behind. Villagers lined the walk way, bowing there heads in respect for there deceased one.

Sesshomaru found himself inwardly laughing, laughing and somewhat angry at there fake respect.

How they pretended as if they cared so much, and, and didn't!

Suddenly something caught his eyes, and he let his gaze drift. It was toward a forest, something was moving, and, and, it smelled...pure. So pure, if only he could...

A hand was placed onto his shoulder, some nobody saying how sorry they were for there loss. Sesshomaru just bowed his head.

Soon, this would all be over. They took their seats, and the ceremony begun.

The ceremony had gone on until night had fell upon them. Inutaisho was still standing at the spot his beloved mate had been baried at. Arguing that he would leave when he was damn well ready too.

Well, Sesshomaru was ready to leave, he had had enough of this. The past is the past, and that is simply what it was...

Headed towards the carriage that would deliver him to the castle, he found himself being intoxicated by the scent once again...that, pure scent, yet, it was also filled with fear...

Sesshomaru began to look around, searching for the carrier of this scent, and once again, it came from the forest.

Without even thinking, he started to walk away. An annoying voice called from behind him, "My Lord, are we not to take you back to the castle? What of this wandering?" The voice choked off.

Sesshomaru didn't even turn around to answer him, "Do as you please, I am no child. And you insult this Sesshomaru by asking such irate questions."

All he heard for a reply was a gulp. As he kept walking as the scent grew stronger, and the sounds of the villagers and animals were left behind as he started to track what was intriguing him so.

Also, as he grew closer, the cent of saka assaulted his nose. And another scent...of a human...

Walking through the forest, he found himself bound with memories...Memories of his childhood, he remembered now that he had spent so much time in this forest as a child.

A few twigs snapped under his weight as he walked. He could see everything, even though it was pitch darkness out there.

Suddenly, a yelp, and a muffled cry entered his ears. And, for some reason, this amused him. He walked towards the scent, scents, and, coincidentally the cry had come from the same direction.

He'd finally arrived upon what he'd been seeking, and saw now. From the tree's he watched, it was a man, beating a young girl.

This, ordinarily, would not have interested Sesshomaru, but something about the girl, maybe her pure scent, or her beauty...

Why had he never met her? Sesshomaru could have any girl he wanted, any women he wanted. He had thought he'd known them all. Who was this girl? She lived in his fathers territory, so...

Sesshomaru was snapped back to reality when another sharp scream pierced the darkness. The man was ruthlessly beating the girl now, not holding back on any of his strenght. Yet, the girl did not scream or cry as much as Sesshomaru would have guessed.

Suddenly he was angry, angry at this man. Without thinking, he stepped out from behind the tree. And then there was silence, the man looked up, eyes widened as he immediately fell to his knees.

"L-L-Lord S-Sesshomaru," The man began stammering "Wha-What do I owe this-this honored visit."

The man finished, still stammering.

Sesshomaru found himself smirking,

"Now now, " he began in a catty voice, "Thats no way to treat a young lady, is it now?"

Sesshomaru looked over to were the girl was silently weeping on the ground.

The man was not very thin at all. Looked rugged, and smelled of saka.

The man began again, his voice slurred, "My lord, please, do not think of her as a young lady, she is a nothing, a disgusting disgrace for a human being, just, just let me discard of her." The man finished as if dreaming of how he would kill this mere woman.

It disgusted Sesshomaru, this man disgusted Sesshomaru.

He looked at the girl once again, and then back to the man.

Sesshomaru began, "Run. Run as fast as you can. I never want to see you in this Sesshomaru's territory again, and if by chance I do, I'll slit your throat."

Oddly enough, Sesshomarus voice stayed calm through all of what he had said.

Ending his statement by cracking his knuckles.

The mans eyes widened, as if not believing what had just been said. The man stood, and took off, falling twice, but, not looking back once.

Finally, after about two minutes Sesshomaru demanded, "Stand up."

All the girl did was look up at Sesshomaru, with somewhat of a glare. There were tears that shimmered in her eyes. Then she propped herself up on one elbow, seemingly trying to make an effort to stand.

And once she finally, after a struggle,stood, she tried to stagger off. Limping on one leg, her clothing encased in mud. She fell once again. Sesshomaru followed with his eyes, not that he had to follow to far, she could barely stand, not to mention walk. After she had finally gotten ten feet away from him, he appeared in front of her, not that he needed to use demonic speed at that point.

"Where do you believe you are going." Sesshomaru asked, not really even asking.

She looked up at him again, and tried to walk passed him. Successfully failing. Sesshomaru grabbed the girl by her wrist.

"Who are you?" Sesshomaru demanded . Annoyance being etched into his voice.

To think he had saved her, and she show no respect for him at all.

Her pure scent entered his nose once again, and he inhaled it once again.

The more he looked at her, the more beautiful he saw she was.

A tad bit to thin,though, Black hair that went down to her mid back, so very petite, deep brown eyes, and the fairest skin Sesshomaru had ever seen...

The girl fell to her knees right in front of him, Sesshomaru still having a grasp on her wrist.

And her eyes closed,finally collapsing from exhaustion. As Sesshomaru finally noticed all of the bruises, he would find out who she was.

Sesshomaru bent down, put his arm under her knees, and his other hand under her neck.

Lifting her up, he actually felt how light she was.

And he began walking, walking back to the castle, where he would fund out who she was.

And once again, he began inhaling her intoxicating scent...

Hello Hello!

First Chapter, Second Fanfic!

Be Harsh, I need creative criticism!

I'm only 13, but, like, chea! R&R!

Pleaze's && Thankyou'Z!