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Royal Treaty

Chapter 11: Dear Prince Edward and Prince Jacob


Previously- "Prince Edward you know the conditions of the treaty, and it may appear that one of these conditions has been broken." He said in an informative voice.

"This morning I was approached by Sir and Lady Swan." He began, "They were concerned about their daughters' whereabouts, Miss Isabella Swan. They told me that their daughter had not attended dinner, and found that she was not in her room when they check later that evening. Sir, if you know where Miss Swan has gone I suggest you tell me where she is. If not then I believe I must give the orders and have my people return to La Push immediately, and who knows what my father will think of this."

It took me a moment to register what he had just said.

"Prince Jacob, I believe that you believe that I know where Miss Swan has gone, am I correct?" I said, even though I already knew the answer.

Jacob just nodded. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint that I do not know where she has gone," which was partly true, "so I find that there is no reason for you to order your people to leave."

He glared at me a moment, "How could you not know where she is! You were the last one with her. She told me that you and she were going out and I saw you both leave the castle in your carriage. Then you arrive for dinner without her. Now her family can not find her and the person she spends most of her time with doesn't know where she is." He hissed.

Throughout his entire speech I knew he was not going to give up. Not until his knew where Bella was. This was going to be hard.

"Prince Jacob may we speak of this later, once we have had some food." I suggested only for the reason of buying some time.

"No I want you to tell me where she is." He demanded.

"I told you before I don't know." I snapped, side stepping him and marched to the dinning hall.

I could feel the heat off Jacobs' body, so I knew he was right behind me. Ignoring him I walked in the opposite direction of the head table where we sat.

"Excuse me, may I sit with you?" I asked Sir and Lady Swan.

"Oh highness, yes offcourse." Sir Swan said, indicating a seat across from him.

As I sat, I observed that Sir Swan did not have the usually depth in his eyes, like Bella; they were hollow and dark. I noted that though she put much effort in trying to hide it, Lady Swan had red puffy shadows around her eyes, and tear stains running down her cheeks.

A servant soon arrived with a plate of something, but I was too preoccupied in thinking up something reassuring to say to them.

None of us said anything. We all just sat; Sir and Lady Swan picked their food, while I thought. Everyone else carried on as they were.

"Prince Edward, how was your day?" Lady Swan asked politely.

I had to think about it, "It was… uninformative."

Stupid, why did I say that!?

"Oh well…" was all the reply I got for that lame response.

"Sir Swan and Lady Swan, I am sorry for your distress. I asked to join your meal so I could explain. I do not know where your daughter is, I'm sorry." I repeated when I saw the horror on Lady Swans face. "Blame me for her disappearance. Miss Swan was under my care and I left her, for only a few moments then she was gone. I have told no-one apart from my family, but I wished to tell you so you may be reassured that I am doing everything I can to find your daughter."

Soon as I finished, Lady Swan began sniffling. "Are you telling me that Isabella ran off!?" Sir Swan cried.

"Oh no, that's not what I meant…" I hastily replied, "Only that your daughter has disappeared, I do no know anything."

"Then she was kidnapped?" Lady Swan asked in shock.

"I don't know, but I am going to find out." I assured.

Bellas parents looked at me. I couldn't quite read their expressions, but I was a bit worried of their reactions.

"Well, thank you for telling us Prince Edward." Lady Swan said.

Nothing else was said.


"Edward did you say anything to the Swans?" Carlisle asked.

"I had to tell them father. I could tell they were suffering." I explained.

Understanding washed over his expression, "I hope you were careful in what you said, I don't want them to panic and if they tell Prince Jacob what you said, it won't cause him to withdraw his people from Forks."

I then told him what I said to the Swans, and the little encounter with Jacob.

"So when are you going to speak to Prince Jacob?"

"I will speak to him as soon as I can find him."

"Well then what are you waiting for? Off you go, also be careful with what you say." Carlisle said.

When I exited Carlisles office I found Alice and Emmett waiting for me. Both had very serious expressions. "Edward I have something that I think might help you." Emmett said while pulling me along to an empty room.

"What is it?" I asked once inside.

Taking I deep breath Emmett said, "A couple of days ago I was walking down a corridor and I came across three servants, whom I soon discovered were observing you and Miss Swan in the West library. I'm not a very suspicious person, so when I found them I just sent them away, but not without getting their names first."

This was excellent. The break through I needed in finding Bella, if Emmett managed to remember their names, then it would make my takes a little bit easier.

"There were three, two men and one woman. Lorrie… James, I'm not sure, and the woman's name I can't recall, but if it helps her hair was the colour of fire." Emmett said.

Well I couldn't be sure if the names were right, but at least I have something to work from. "What about the men's appearances?"

"They both have dark hair." Turning I found Alice. Gosh I forgot she had come with Emmett.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Emmett already told me." She explained, walking to a rain covered window.

"Okay so Alice would you mind going around and ask the servants if they've seen those three… whatever they are. See if they could possible know something, meanwhile I've got to find Prince Jacob." I said before heading out of the room.


"What are you doing about this!?" I kept my composer throughout Jacobs' entire blowout, but now when he was insulting my efforts in finding Bella, I felt myself begin to lose control.

"Well with everything I have I'm doing all that I can. If I could, I'd stay wake all night and day looking for her, unfortunately I have a family who would not allow that. So don't you dare go off at me about what I'm doing." I snapped back.

"I knew the minute my father announced we would be coming here, that something would go wrong. Coincidentally it happened to the woman I care most about." Jacob muttered.

When I heard that I snapped again, "Don't you dare think that you are the only person who cares for her. I went against her wishes to fight you for her."

"If Miss Swan were with me I'm sure she would have never disappeared." Jacob jabbed.

"I doubt it wouldn't have happened in your company." I shot back.

Take a step closer to me Jacob remarked, "I always knew you were envious of me. You always wanted to be and have everything better than me."

"I'm not envious of you, all that I envy is the years you spent with Miss Swan at Forks. Some man you are Prince Jacob, it took you till now to realise you want her." I stated, taking a step closer to him as well.

"I always wanted her. And you knew, that why you got in the way."


Another voice rang through the library.

Turning we was my father at the entrance.

Looking at Jacob I saw that he was happy and not happy about the interruption. I took a step away from him, seeing as we were about an inch apart.

"Edward where have your manners gone, and Prince Jacob you are a guest here and you will behave as a guest should." Carlisle ordered, in a crisp domineering voice.

"Prince Jacob and Edward a letter has come for you."

My brows dropping in confusion, "Why did you come and give it to us? Couldn't a servant give it to us?"

"They did, but when they saw you and Prince Jacob going at each other they came and fetched me." Carlisle stated, before walking in and placing the letter on the table. Walking back to the door he said, "Behave." before he left.

Turning back to the letter, I found Jacob had already opened it and was reading. Whatever was in that letter it was making him uneasy?

"What is it?" I asked before snatching the piece of paper out of his hands.\

'Dear Prince Edward of Forks and Prince Jacob of La Push,

I have something which I believe is valuable to either one of you and I do wish to give it back, but I believe I will need some persuasion in handing it over. It is a fine thing and looking at it now I can see why it made you both fight for it.

I will give it back soon as both of you have the sum of 500 cobbles each.

I'm still contemplating the time and place at which I would like you both to drop of the money. I will send you further information when I have some up with it.

As proof that I have your treasure there is a lock of her hair which was in the letter, it should have fallen into your palms when you opened it.

Good day'

I couldn't tell which feeling I was feeling more, relief or dread.

Relief that I finally know that Bella isn't out there somewhere dead by herself, and that I know that she was kidnapped and still alive, hopefully.

Dread as to what may be happening to her, what she had gone through and what could be planned for her.

Looking up, I found Jacob had the same expression on his face. I looked down to his hand and the lock of hair the person mentioned was in his palm.

I reached out to get it, but Jacob, realising what I was doing, snatched it away.

"No, I'm keeping it." he stated.

'Edward stop worrying about her hair,' I though to myself

"Prince Jacob, are you going to follow his instructions?" I asked, but when Jacob had a confused look on his I said, "The instructions of getting the money, 500 cobbles each to save Miss Swan."

It was silent for a moment or too before Jacob said, "No."

I made that cobbles thing up. I know its lame, but I was on a roll and cobbles was the first word that popped in my head.

I really do hope that you enjoyed that. Sorry it took awhile though.