Dangerous Love

Disclaimer: If I owned any of the characters in this story then I would have changed the direction of the series completely.

Well guys, yall liked my other story so I decided to try another one. This is just an idea that has formed because its something that happened to someone I knew.

Summary: Kim has come home to Angel Grove without competing in the Pan Globals. She has been court ordered to live with her father until she is eighteen, which is another year. However, she is hiding a dark secret about the letter and Muranthinus.

Kim looked around as she stepped off the plane in Angel Grove. She knew no one would be meeting her, because her father had already told her she was to drive home and be there by five. Glancing at the time, Kim knew if she didn't want to make him angry she was going to have to hurry to get there on time. Why the court had given custody back to her father when she had a wonderful life going in Florida, Kim didn't know, but she knew that she now had to go back to school with the people who hated her and she had to live with an alcoholic monster. O he told the judge that he was clean, but Kim wasn't fooled, she was walking back into the h---hole that she and her mother had lived with for so long before she finally was able to get a divorce. She hurried through the rain to the broken down Chevy waiting on her and drove as quickly as possible towards home. Because of traffic and a wreck on the interstate, she was ten minutes late getting home. She knew she was in trouble when she saw the liquor bottle sitting on the floor of the living room

"Where the hell have you been?" Steve bellowed

"I got stuck in traffic and there was a wr---" was all that Kim got out before Steve backhanded her into the wall. She stumbled into a vase and could feel the blood running down her back.

"Now get upstairs" Steve yelled "and I don't want to see you until it is time for school in the morning. And I do not want to hear you not feeling good and you will not tell anyone about this because there are worse things than death"

She went into her room and took care of her various scratches with a first aid kit she knew she'd need for moving back in with him. She then unpacked her meager little bag, a big difference from the valley girl who left to pursue her dreams. She would have to face her friends tomorrow and probably have to deal with some abuse from them as well.

The next morning dawned bright and sunny, a clear contrast to Kim's mood, but she had to get up anyways. She was up and ready in time, but she was still stiff, and was wearing more clothes than normally because she had to cover up her various bruises and contusions.

She walked to school, knowing that would give her more time after school to get home and have to deal with her father again. She arrived in time to grab some books from the office and head into class. She sat at the back of the class and focused on ignoring the people piling in. She was behind in her classes because of everything that happened in Florida so she was a semester behind in many of her classes. She was happy to see that she knew no one in her first class. She had to go trough the normal introduction process and then started taking the history notes down. After class, she stopped by the desk to grab some of the assignments she had missed during the first two weeks of class and had to catch up with some of the assignments.

She headed to her second class, watching the floor in front of her, to hide some of the cuts that were on her face. She had put on makeup but it couldn't cover everything. She was watching the floor, and missed the sight of someone walking up to her until she ran into a solid chest.

Tommy was walking down the hallway lost in thought. He heard from Kat that Kim was coming back, although no one seemed to know why. He was still reeling after the surprise break up letter he had received from her about three months ago. He was walking down the hallway not paying attention, when he bowled a small form over. He was just able to catch the petite girl before she fell, but he knew instantly that it was Kim. "Hey" he said are you all right?"

"Yeah I'm fine" she answered. "Well see you later" and scurried past him.

He was surprised at her hurried retreat, but he had felt the stiffening in her shoulders as he caught her, as though he hurt her. He shrugged off the feeling and headed off to his class.

Kim made it to the stall in the restroom before she started crying. When Tommy had stopped her from falling, he had reopened a couple of scabs on her back, as well as grabbing right where one of her bruises from hitting the corner of the table. She was able to hide most of the damage, ran out of the bathroom, and into her next class right as the bell rang. She sat down at the only empty lab station before she realized that her partner would be Rocky. She sat there try8ing to figure out how to change partners when the teacher announced that there would be no change in lab partners after this day and that the person next to you would be your lab partner from this class on. Kim sighed to herself and decided to just deal as well as possible with the circumstances. She started paying attention to the teacher as he announced a fifteen-minute break to get to know your partner.

"Hey Kim" Rocky "so how are you doing?"

"Good" Kim replied, a little surprised at his affable tone.

"look Kim," rocky said "I don't care about what did or didn't happen between you and Tommy but I need a good grade so lets just work together okay?'

"That's fine," Kim said "so how are you doing?" She asked timidly.

"Pretty good, just being careful and trying to make sure my work gets done with you know who interrupting all the time," Rocky answered with a rueful smile

Just as rocky made the statement, his communicator went off. He made a quick excuse to go to the restroom and left the room.

"Miss Hart" the professor said, "since your partner has left I expect you to fill him in on the work tonight before you return tomorrow".

Kim inwardly winced at the teachers words. That would mean going to Rocky's house or trying to have him over. She knew that no matter what that it would not turn out well.

When Rocky caught up with her after classes, Kim reluctantly agreed to meet him at the youth center. She knew it would have horrible consequences, but she could not take the chance that someone might find out about her father. Her father did not always have the most amount of money, but he had a lot of connections, which is part of the reason that Kim had enjoyed going to Florida so much. Even if he was ever caught, there were enough people out there willing to make sure that she would not live very long. She called her house and left a message on the answering machine about having to study with Rocky at the juice bar.

She arrived just before they were about to meet, to make sure that she avoided as many people as possible. She was relieved to see rocky sitting at a table by himself. She was safe, at least until she had to go home.

"Hey Rocky"

"Hey Kim" he answered, "I appreciate you catching me up. Mondo's attacking like crazy!"

"Its fine" she answered. "We started on page 22."

For the next hour and a half, Kim painstakingly described the lesson from the class to Rocky, as well as working on the homework that was due the next day.

"Well" she said. "I have to go to meet my curfew so I will see you in class tomorrow"

"Alright" rocky said. "Hey let me walk home with you to make sure you make it alright"

"No" Kim protested quickly, "I don't want to put you out. Do not worry about it. I have to go"

Rocky watched as she left, a little bewildered. He could have sworn she was scared to go home. He waved the thought off and went to say goodbye to Ernie before he left for his own house.

Kim got home about five minutes before her dad. She tried to act like nothing happened, but when she saw his face, she knew that he knew where she had been, and worse that she had been there with a guy.

"It was just rocky" she tried feebly "I had to help him with science work I swear"

She tried to avoid the hand that descended, but to no avail. The backhanded slap threw her into a wall, and she knew she'd have to miss school tomorrow to cover up the bruising. For insurance, Steve knocked her into the stairwell before heading off for a drink.

Kim stumbled up the stairs and into her room. Thankfully, she had a double lock on her door so she would be safe from her father until at least tomorrow when he woke up from his drunken stupor. She got a quick shower and used the bag of peas she had gotten from the kitchen and put them over her already swelling face. She slept fitfully and kept having recurring dreams. She kept seeing scenes like the one in the kitchen, except it was Tommy, not her father that was knocking her into the kitchen island. She bit back a scream as she woke up, waiting for the inevitable blow that never materialized. She lay back in a cold sweat and discovered the peas had leaked into her bed. The left side of her face felt as if it were on fire, and she knew that she was never going to be able to go to school. Her next problem would be making up a plausible story since she would still have swelling when she went back to school. Her back was now completely torn open, thanks to last nights abuse, and she knew that she would need to bind it well in order to go to school tomorrow.

She went downstairs only after she saw her father leave for work. She grabbed some breakfast quickly and then went towards the backyard where the Jacuzzi was. She knew that soaking in there for about an hour might make it so she could go to school tomorrow.

Pruned and feeling a little better, Kim got out of the Jacuzzi about an hour later. She went to the kitchen and heard the phone ringing. She quickly picked it up, thinking it might be the school or somebody she needed to get a story going with.

"Hello" she answered.

"Kim?" came the voice at the other end of the line.

"John" she exclaimed. "How did you find me?"

"It wasn't easy."

For the next hour, Kim and John talked about the fun times they'd had in Florida training for the Pan Globals. John was gay and Kim was one of the few people Kim got close to, and one nightmare-filled night, she had spilled the entire story about her dad to him. She knew that he was probably the only person that could help her anymore. She was about to get off the phone when her dad came storming into the room

"Who are you on the phone with?" he bellowed.

"I have to go," she told John as the phone was snatched out of her hand and thrown through the window.

The sound of shattering glass was all John got before the phone cut out. He knew the way her father was and decided that enough was enough. He took out his phone and dialed a number that had been burning in his pocket for so long. Jason answered immediately.

"What's up John?" he asked curiously.

"Well I just wanted to know the last time you talked to Kim"

"Probably a month ago, why"

"What do you know about her father?" john answered instead.

"That he did nothing but abuse Kim and her mother until they moved out of the house. Why do you ask?"

"You don't know?" john asked instead

"Know what?" Jason answered, beginning to get antsy

"Her father petitioned the court for custody and said he was clean, and Kim has to live with him for the next year."

"WHAT" Jason hollered into the phone. "Well does anyone else know about what is going on with her and her father?"

"No I don't think so," John answered. "Do any of your friends know so they could help her?"

"No" Jason sighed. "She didn't want anyone to know that her father was such a deadbeat. I think at one time Tommy wondered, but he never knew for sure and now that she broke up with him-"

"I don't know what you mean" John said. "The only reason she sent that letter was because her father was there and she was already nursing a few cracked ribs. He threw me out of there with a few broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder myself."

"Man I didn't know. Damnit. And no one is in town that knows, and I know that she won't tell anyone. Look, I am going to get out of here as soon as possible but there is no telling what he is doing to him without her mother there to protect her."

"I know" john answered. "I was on the phone with her and it cut out and I called the school and found out that she didn't go to school, which probably meant that she was swelled up and bruised so bad she couldn't go to school."

"Well here's the plan. I want you to continue to check on her as much as possible and try to talk to one of the group about it. Don't you know rocky?"

"That is true. He took a training class with me one time. I will call and check on her. I will try not to tell him what is going on, but what do I do if he figures it out?"

"Keep him from committing murder" Jason answered seriously.

"I will any way possible. But I don't know if I can keep him from telling the others if he figures it out."

"I think Kim will fix that one and make him promise not to tell anyone and between his after school activities and school him hopefully wouldn't have time."

"Okay well let me know if you need anything"

"Alright well I'm headed to the airport and I will be in Angel Grove as soon as possible"

"Okay I will call Rocky"

Kim curled into a ball as she fell towards the door where the phone had gone through. She was able to partially roll out of the fall, only partially re-injuring herself. After living with her father before when she had been younger had prepared her somewhat for her new circumstances. She even had a bag packed so she could try and escape, but her father had many mob connections and knew the whole power ranger gang, and if she ran, that would be the end of their lives. She never thought to talk to Zordon about the problem because by that time, her dad was pretty much out of her life. She shook her head disgusted with herself. When she looked back on those times, she could almost hate how naïve she'd been; thinking that in order to make everything better that all she had to do was act like it didn't exist. She knew now that while she was on sweet little dates with Tommy, her father had painstakingly planned how he would enact his revenge. First, he would seek out Tommy she knew, even though they were broken up and then he would go through her group of friends here and across the country. The only person who was probably safe was Billy, because he was on Aquitar. She struggled to her feet without harming herself further. She picked her way through the glass and faced her father.

"I had to let him know I was okay, or he would have come after me and we don't want that"

"You're right" her father said, "but if I ever see you on the phone again, or if you break any more rules, you will lose a friend for each disobedience."

Rocky's conversation with John only confirmed his idea that Kim was in trouble but he was shocked when John told him that he couldn't do anything to help Kim or tell anyone else in their group about it.

Rocky was just walking down the street near where Kim lived when he heard the scream.

Well guys! This is just an idea and don't worry there will be Tommy and Kim but that will come later because he has to figure out what is going on, and what did Rocky hear?

Reviews are welcome, though I don't have my fire extinguisher so no flames unless you want to risk author death.